Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Economic History and Current India Essay
There have been recent studies of the entire history of the economy of india where it is possible to ananlyse where india stood its place in past and where it is currently held. Paul Birog made a thorough analysis of Asian countries GDP economic development of 1750-1918 where surprisingly the findings in 1700AD drawn economic statistics of world . China had 32. 8% GDP where as as india had 25% . UK at that time had 1. 8% GDP along with 1% GDP in USA. By the time of 1900 there was a total reversal of paradigm shift where US and UK had GDP growth of 41% whereas China and India suffered 1. 7% GDP overall. The western research shows that india was a economic giant . London economist Angus Madisson in 1990, one of the greatest british economist of all time was appointed by the OECD nations to verify Paul Birogs research along with different levels of assistances from different countries. Eventually in 2010 he published a 2000 year economy of India where it showed from 1AD India topped thed world with 34% GDP. Still in 1000AD it had 28% GDP. In the years 1500 and 1600 china overtakes india. Again in 1700 india overtakes china and finally the entire crash of the Indian economy began later in 1750’s where the british colonial overlords landed in the country and started looting the country and exploiting its resources. The OECD website refers in the â€Å"world economic history and millennium perspective†lists out all these information which have been quoted before. It is one of the most trusted and relied upon website to refer to the statistics of the world economies. Although the word society is absent completely in western society where Margaret Thatcher said in 1971, that there is nothing called as society. And today all the western accepts today is the alternate version of so called civil society. Now civil society is totally different from the traditional society where it can be suggested that it is a form of ‘anti society’. Civil society which is the current western trend is based on social contractual theory, which all the institution are based including out democratic government where each citizen is recognized as co-citizen in country rather than mutual brotherhood based society. For eg. In USA, in Philedelphia, a Son can file a case against his own father for divorce of relationship and can achieve his claim since there is no cultural society, it is a civil society where 2 people are viewed as co-citizens rather with any blood and brotherly relationship. The complete western understanding, their institutions, sociology, individualism, constitutional theory of west does not recognize normal basic human relationship. But whereas our Indian society has always been working entirely on human relations since the ages of time where india showed a huge economic superpower with traditional society. Today since Indian government which is puppying around the western ideology fail to realize that they are taking the economy of the nation into a huge catastrophy. In 1993, when Manmohan Singh was the finance minister invited jagadish bhagavati a neo economist from USA, who formed the entire Duncan WTO treaty for the situation crisis in india with its economic situation. He suggested that the problem with Indian people is that they are saving more than need which comes around 23%GDP,out of which 19 % GDP were only saved by Indians. His advise included to bring down the savings of the people by different means of taxations and other techniques to 9-10%. Out of which this 9 -10% should only be focused on food, shelter like basic needs and increase productions by employing more people and made a whole theory model on that. His theory on Indian situation stated that unless you destroy the family saving of the Indian people and bring it down to half of it, there was no chance of development. He also made a research on the Indian families that Indian woman played a vital role in taking hold of the savings of her family expenditures. So his ideas proposed to change the mentality of the reserved family woman to consumer based woman where she can be advertised to spend more of our money and change the family structure symmetrically in Indian society. In western society there is no propensity to save money assets, thus as a result many families are destroyed. Today 51% Americans are single parent family, out of which 41% children are born to unwed mothers, 20% born for school going children. 51% of the American people are dependent on government support on life insurance, health support etc. where as Indian people have always been dependent on society. Moreover the western economy is build on contractual interest based constitutional society which has led to time bomb ticking economy is USA and other European countries. Today the present scenario has changed the entire habitual thinking process of the people in India. They have a huge affiliated love towards the western society and its features less realizing the suicidal catastrophic and destructive features of its empire. The govt. in India always claim to be globalizing with the world but in reality, india is Americanizing by focusing only on American economic model. There are other traditional society based economies like Japan and germany wherr they instead of manipulating the crowd, they motivate their savings in their family and encourage only the financial institutions to put up money in trades of stock market. There is a huge commonality between the german or Japanese structure of economic history of rich cultural based society which our country could have adopted for the people but current democractic model is partially by the people but it has terribly failed to be for the people by inviting the civil society in our country. Indian economies,constitutions, institutions,sociology, philosophy, education etc all are based on the government economic blueprint of those same people who looted the country, colonized it and then destroyed the Indian GDP. CONCLUSION There are fraternity based economic models in this world with which we share commonality and our ideas should be to have a wider understanding of the world with whom we relate culturally and socially and only then our economic model can be aligned to them to achieve prosperity and serenity in our country.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Look Before You Leap Essay
Frankenstein is not a literary island, isolated and alone. It is connected to a great many literary works by some common themes. One such theme is the idea of experimentation. Mythology in particular and history in general, has shown us that the right to experiment comes with an equal responsibility to stop and think about what we are doing before we do it. Time and time again we have heard the story of Frankenstein. Equally well known is that of Einstein and his search for the secrets of the atom. Both of these show that reckless experimentation without adequate research can prove deadly due to unforeseen results. Victor Frankenstein provides an excellent example of how not to make decisions. This man ran headstrong into every decision he had to make, without at any point stopping to think about what he was doing. He shows us his lack of regard toward the responsibility he clearly had as the creator of the monster. His greatest mistake is when he doesn’t take the time to consider the results of his actions before the initial creation. He then exacerbates his error by abandoning his creation, like the teenage mother who, upon discovering her inability to care for her child, leaves it to fend for itself. Had Victor taken the time to contemplate his actions, he surely would have not created his monster, and he, William, Elizabeth and the rest of his family would have lived in peace. It is pretty basic knowledge that Albert Einstein worked with the scientists of the Los Alamos National Laboratory to facilitate the splitting of the atom, and consequently the development of the atomic bomb and the modern nuclear weapon. What is lesser known is that Einstein realized the result of his possibly misguided actions and immediately began to attempt to ensure that his research not be used. He campaigned within the scientific community, and begged the President not to misuse everything he had spent his life coming up with. In the end, however, 90,000 people died and 180,000 people were injured when the first two atomic weapons were released on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Had Einstein thought through the possible consequences of his work, he likely would never have been involved with the Manhattan Project. As it was, he lived his life feeling guilty about the loss of life that he felt was his fault. A common archetype of these tales of woe is that with the ability to experiment comes an innate responsibility to consider the consequences of your actions prior to acting on your ideas. History has shown that those who act impulsively eventually succumb to their lack of foresight and live to regret the results.
TLE cooking session
Follow the instructions of the teacher. 2. Stay with your group and avoid going to the other groups. 3. Assign each task to every member. 4. Prepare the materials and ingredients needed. 5. Wash your hands before cooking. 6. Wear apron and for the girls, they should tie their hair. 7. Handle the sharp materials with care to avoid accidents. 8. Clean your place after cooking. 9. use the materials according to Its functions. 10. Turn off faucets and stoves when not used.TOCINO Ingredients: 3 lbs boneless pork shoulder rost cup lemon-lime soda (sprite or 7 up) 1/3 cup of soy sauce 2 cups brown sugar 1 h cups pineapple juice h ketchup 1 tablespoon garlic, minced 2 tablespoons of salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper Procedures: 1 . Cut h Inch slices of pork shoulder and place In a one gallon zip-lock plastic bag. 2. In a separate bowl, mix the rest of the ingredients and then add to the meat. Seal the bag, while trying to remove excess air. Let the pork cure Inside the refrigerator for 4-5 day s, turning the bag over every day. . After curing, you can either cook the meat or portion them off Into smaller bags and freeze. 4. To cook the Toclno, add a little water, marinade and a few slices of meat to a skillet. Over medium heat, let the liquid boll off and then fry the meat for a couple of minutes to carmellze It. Make sure not to burn the meat. PICKLED VEGGIES WITH CHILLIES white radish 3 carrots 3 chillies 2 cups vinegar sugar 1. 1 lbs salt 1 OF2 1 . Slice the carrots and radish vertically. (finger size) 2. Slice the chillies diagonally. 3.Put all the vegetable in a container. 4. Add some salt and leave it for 5 minutes. 5. Squeeze the vegetables to release its mixtures. 6. Rinse it with water. 7. Put sugar and boil it. 8. Cool it off for 5 minutes. MANGO JAM Mango ascorbic acid water 1. Prepare the materials and the ingredients. 2. Slice the Mango. 3. Mix the Mango, sugar, and water. 4. After mixing, boil it and add 2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid. 5. Mix it until it bec omes sticky and golden brown. 6. After 20-15 minutes, get it and it is ready to serve.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Asia Pacific Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Asia Pacific Business - Essay Example Similarly, China had also begun showing its hyper-growth during the late 70s. According to a report published by The World Bank (2009), it had been observed that the economic performance of Japan and China are even better than that of their complementary countries such as the United States of America and other European countries. In order to recognize the characteristics of business systems currently practiced in Japan and China, it is essential to understand the concept of business system beforehand. Apart from this, culture is also regarded as one of the most crucial factors, which influences business systems directly, as an effective impact can be observed on the economy too. Moreover, internalization has also changed the nature of business systems for more than a couple of decades (Yeung, 2000). In accordance with Padmalingam (2000), Japan and China both share a substantial percentage of similarities that is identifiable in terms of their cultures and social systems particularly owing to their geographical positioning. As a result, over the years, these countries have developed similar characteristics in terms of religion, culture and national identity (Padmalingam, 2002). Besides, it has also been observed that both the countries share almost similar value systems, which have influenced each other on several occasions, quite apparently. However, a critical analysis of the phenomenon revealed that both the countries, i.e. China and Japan, on their path of development, have come to follow two completely separate modern civilizations in order to develop economic policies, especially in the post World War II period. These variances can be framed with the help of different business cultures and varied patterns of economic systems. During the transition period of the post war ec onomic system, it has also been observed that the governmental authorities in Japan and China had a commanding role in order to support the growth of domestic firms
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Strategy theory and practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Strategy theory and practice - Essay Example US-based home building industries depend on fluctuations of interest rates. The structure of the home building industry has become progressively more attractive. Investors within the industry consist of two main competitive classes: multi-regional builders and smaller builders, (often inclusive of National Association of Home Builders members). Another fact that the home building industry is growing despite a stagnant economy is the increasing stock rates of building companies that are on the rise. Though the industry as a whole has been hit financially, there are incorporated building companies succeeding in the marketplace. Regardless of limited success, there are some predicaments within this industry that’ve been triggered by the recession. The new developments can be outlined as follows: A. The Great Recession has caused a negative impact on the house building industry 1. The building of new single-family homes has decreased for more than 80% in comparison with 2005 (Econ omic and Housing Data) 2. Modern buyers are purchasing smaller houses, which are cheaper 3.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Marketing Term Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Marketing Term - Research Paper Example Through engaging the consumer in a dialogue that promotes community and goodwill, there was no advertising campaigns until 2004, the company depending on word of mouth to promote its interests and gain a following. That following measures more than 4 million members, worldwide (Bloomberg). The marketing that has been engaged since 2004 has seen some turmoil with the perceived competitor, Weight Watchers, being directly confronted in a campaign, but the adversary fought back with a court injunction which ended that campaign. However, it might be concluded that Curves gained better publicity as being put in a position as a threat to Weight Watchers, so much so that they were directly confronted through legal action to shut down their advertising. This is a wise strategy, however, the company may soon face the same problems that Weight Watchers faces, which is as their targeted demographic ages out and the rising younger set sees them as a dinosaur of their mother’s age, combatin g a dated image will create an issue. Weight Watchers has confronted their problems through advertising that mimics the Jenny Craig advertising, using celebrities to promote their success through publicly visible weight loss on their programs. However, where Jenny Craig has used a middle aged set of celebrities, Weight Watchers used Jennifer Hudson to kick off their campaign, a decidedly younger star. This leaves curves facing the same problems as Weight Watchers in that through promoting a socialized setting, the age group becomes relevant to the attraction to the program. The following assessment will discuss the current and past methods of marketing that have been introduced for Curves. The background of the company will be given an overview in order to provide context in understanding the nature of the current standing of the company. An analysis of the marketing strategies and their results will be assessed for the successes and failures that have been experienced. A SWOT analy sis will then be conducted in order to provide an overview of the nature of the company in regard to how it will impact a marketing plan. The SWOT analysis will be addressed for the ways in which it can be utilized to address the future of the company. Finally, a summary of the marketing direction of Curves will be made with recommendations for addressing weaknesses and threats through exploiting the strengths and opportunities that are present. Background Curves International Fitness for Women has franchises in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Asia. The company has well over 6000 stores, with the rate of their expansion earning them a title in the Guinness Book of World Records (Heavin and Colman 2). The first store was opened in Harlingen, Texas, with the first franchise opening Paris, Texas in 1995 with all stores now being a franchised venue (Curves International Fitness for Women). The company was opened in 1992, and by 2003 had expanded to the 6000 stor e mark, placing them in the record book. Hoovers lists more than 10,000 company stores are in existence to date. Gary and Diane Heavin opened the stores with a specific demographic in mind. Gary Heavin had ten years of experience in the fitness industry before designing this model with a specific target demographic (Funding Universe). The intention was to address the needs of women through nutrition and efficient exercise that kept the sessions short, thus providing an easy
Friday, July 26, 2019
Management and Organisational Development Module Essay - 1
Management and Organisational Development Module - Essay Example The managerial structure of Reddix has suggested the promulgation and inception of a knowledge management initiative which would ensure that they are better able to cope with the rapid advances in healthcare and have to a health care in understanding and interpreting clinical information and data in to interpret context-based healthcare information. The consultants have already declared that the current IT infrastructure at Reddix cannot cope with this restructuring.It is admitted that the KM system as proposed by the consultants will be immensely beneficial to the patients and management in terms of integrating the electronic patient records (EPR) that are held by the NHS with the process of physicians and GPs ordering medical tests or medications. The main hurdle is thus not technical. Knowledge management is a culture and does not entail a simple change of hardware and software and processes. Thus the suggestion for the inception of a ‘knowledge sharing culture’ wh ich entails management of information as well as the management of people in whose hands this information is. This report focuses on one of major gaps in any Knowledge management Initiative and that is the lack of this Knowledge sharing culture with in the key stakeholders of the Hospitals Organisational structure. The way ahead for an institution which is falling behind in the technological arena is indeed Knowledge Management and as I would like to add to this strategy it should also incorporate the notions of Strategic Information Management and the Business Score Card Approach ,which will allow the strategic management of information to avoid future problems of interoperability.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The invitro effect of sildenafil citrate on the outcome of pregnancy Literature review
The invitro effect of sildenafil citrate on the outcome of pregnancy in mice and offsprings - Literature review Example Other medications that can be put to use to make infertile women conceive a baby includes the controlled ovarian stimulation, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and ovulation induction. Although the use of ART can result to a successful pregnancy, not all women who undergo ART can become pregnant. Infertility may occur in all types of species; whether human or animals. This chapter tries to investigate the expression of PDE5 in the pre-implantation embryos and the effect of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on pre-implantation murine embryo development in vitro. Sildenafil is a special drug with a nitric oxide effects on vascular smooth muscles. Randomly selected mice were divided into two groups. One group was hyper stimulated group whereas the other was hyper stimulated plus sildenafil citrate group. The mice were injected with human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG), and later they received human chorionic gonadotropic (HCG) hormones. Afterwards, two female mice were put in one cage with one male mouse for mating process (Rashidi, Rad, Roshangar, & Mira, 2012). For a period of three days, the hyper stimulated plus sildenafil citrate group was injected with three mg of sildenafil citrate after every 24 hours. This was done after the mice had received the HMG injection. Ninety six hours of HMG injection later a cervical dislocation was done, and their urine specimens were prepared for laboratory tests; electron microscope studies. After the study, it was realized that there was long and short microvilli in the control group while no observable pinopodes development. On the other hand, the other hyper stimulated plus sildenafil citrate group experienced pinopodes development after injecting the mice with HMG after four days. This study brings to the attention on how import hyper stimulation of mice with sildenafil citrate can be. For instance, it helps in formation of pinopodes and implantation. Failure of implantation is one of the major problems in infertility treatment. In addition, implantation is believed to be one of the most interesting biological events. Implantation failure can be as a result of impaired uterine receptivity caused by high concentration of serum estradiol, which is induced by an ovulation induction treatment. Appearance of pinopodes is a specific morphological marker that has been associated with window of implantation (Rashidi, Rad, Roshangar, & Mira, 2012). The pinopodes are found in mice and rats but lack in other animals and humans. These are surface projections of the endometrial cell, which are involved in uterine pinocytosis. These pinopodes are essential in the implantation window, and for this reason, it is of note for them to be developed in mice at-time to facilitate implantation. The use of sildenafil citrate can maintain effectively the vasodilatory effects of the Nitrogen Oxide by blocking the breakdown of cGMP. Reducing the problems associated with the development of a foetus is possible through proper facilita tion of blood to the endometrial lining. In addition, enhancing the flow of blood to the endometrium lining will help reduce the risk of maternal hemodynamic complications. Also known as Viagra TM or RevatioTM,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Is Libertarian Paternalism a good idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Is Libertarian Paternalism a good idea - Essay Example Nudge is the method of influencing behavior by ways of choice architecting. The feedback system in a school and incentive programs in organizations are all different example of this Nudge. Being a parent in this age is not an easy task. Over the decades the position of teenagers has changed considerably. There was once a time when all the focus was on the elder generations. The television programs, products etc everything targeted the elders. However this generation has seen a totally different side of affairs. If we look around we can see how much importance the younger generations are given. There are special products, television shows, movies and many other aspects of life which are entirely focused and dedicated to them. This treatment of teenagers has changed the ‘obedient child’ into an independent person. This person knows his rights and importance and therefore is not willing to give up any part of his independence. This phenomenon makes the life of parents even tougher. They have to control a generation of independent teenagers who are inexperienced about life no matter how much they brag about being all grownup. There are many different forms of knowledge. The internet has an adequate quantity of literature about everything and anything. There are some aspects of knowledge however which cannot be learned overnight. This branch of knowledge is usually referred to as experience. There are many decisions in life which require us to make choices that could not only affect us but also have considerable affects on others around us. We are forced to make those choices despite the fact that we sometimes are not ready to make them. This is the problem many parents face. They cannot interfere directly with decisions of their children but cannot also watch them ruin their own life. The parents are usually more experienced in making choices because they have seen
Both obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder Essay
Both obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder are linked under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. What a - Essay Example OCD is characterized by repetitive obsessions with a particular kind of phenomenon. One of the aspects of this disorder is through the use of rituals. For example, someone who is OCD about bacteria might was their hands an obsessive amount of times in order to make sure they have gotten rid of the bacteria. It is the fourth most commonly diagnosed psychological disorder. There is strong evidence to support that this condition not only has environmental and behavioral triggers, but also that there is a biological component involved in the neurochemistry of behavior. The most common forms of treatment for this disorder is through the use of behavioral therapy in which a therapist tries to make the ritualistic behavior, obsessions and compulsions extinct through classical and operant conditioning. Also, in some cases psychopharmacology is used in order to help supplement the counseling therapy. PTSD is a condition which often is the result of some sort of traumatic incident in a personà ¢â‚¬â„¢s life. This can range anywhere from military combat to sexual abuse.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Commercial Surrogacy Essay
The Pros and Cons of Commercial Surrogacy - Essay Example g is a subject in its own right and hence this essay will only pertain itself to surrogate motherhood in its traditional and modern versions which categorically excludes the concept of cloning. It is believed that nearly one in eight heterosexual couple in the United States cannot have babies due to infertility of one or the other. Reproducing and having a family of one’s own is a basic human objective. In this context, artificial reproduction techniques will prove to be a blessing for these couple, who are perfectly capable of raising a healthy child, if only they can have one. But, there is a catch though, as the following paragraph will show (Annas, 1998). While it is perfectly agreeable to facilitate infertile married couple to have a child of their own, the process gets complicated if the surrogate mother is hired. The passion associated with the act of copulation is an essential ingredient that binds the couple emotionally. When this act is mechanized, as is usually the case with surrogacy, then it is equitable to prostitution. Feminists would argue that this is one more way in which men try to control women and their concern is not unfounded (Callahan, 1999). Another objection that is raised against artificial reproductive techniques is that it will lead to making babies and surrogates mere commodities. There are already certain websites in the Internet that offer these services and it won’t be long before it spawns an industry of its own. It is appalling to think of a commercial enterprise in which price tags are attached to human eggs, ovaries and surrogate mothers. This will undermine the long-standing tradition of family values and relationships. A renowned anthropologist raises questions about unusual relationship dynamics that could unfold in the future, thus: â€Å"A woman can give birth to her own grandchild, for example, by carrying a pregnancy from her daughters egg. Embryos can be frozen and a child brought into the world long after
Monday, July 22, 2019
Susan B. Anthony Essay Example for Free
Susan B. Anthony Essay It is impossible to believe there was a time that women did not have an input on anything in this world. Women did not have a say in anything in the 1800’s, they were just people that did whatever â€Å"man†told them to do without any questions asked. There are a lot of powerful people in history that stood up for what they felt was important, like women’s rights. Women by the name of Susan B. Anthony wanted to have change in this world for women that wanted to be a part of society. Born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts on a farm house, Anthony was one of eight children in a house with a father who was strict and was very much in the civil rights movement. At a young age she would go through something that most women today will never understand. She was taken of district school by her father when he found out that she could not get educated in mathematics because of the fact she was a â€Å" girl â€Å" ( was later sent to a boarding school in Philadelphia ). Since she did not go to public school her father decided to home school her and her sisters. Her father taught her and her sisters to be independent and self-discipline. Anthony was expected to help her mother with domestic chores. Anthony’s dad owned his own cotton-mill where he had his wife and family help maintain the mill endless cooking, cleaning, and washing, Anthony’s job was to bake 21 loaves of bread a day. As a teenager she was already being an activist, collecting anti -slavery ballots and having abolitionist meetings at her home. â€Å"She learned early on that making the right choice was more important than making a popular choice â€Å". (One woman’s voice) Anthony’s father is the one person who influenced her to become the person who she was, with discipline and structure she became an independent women. She was a girl that had a goal and a plan to accomplish that goal with the help of her father motto of â€Å"all work no play â€Å". Trying to get your point across and having people agree with what you’re saying can be the most difficult things to do when there is no one in your corner. Anthony worked at a school where she was making one-fifth of what a man would make in a weekly pay so she protested for the inequality and she was let go of her job. This was an issue to her and made her want to take a stand. Anthony could not take anymore of being put down by society because of her gender, she never gave up what she thought was right she kept pushing and stayed motivated. Anthony encouraged a lot of women to become teachers to get away from doing household chores. She began to focus on the temperance movement speech, she felt that the banning alcohol was the only way for the ending of the abuse women and children suffered at the hands of husbands and fathers who drank a lot of alcohol. She was doing everything in her power to make women’s voices be heard, she realized the only way she can let her vo ice be heard is to win the right to participate in the political process. She setup a series of state and national conventions for women suffrage and door-to-door campaign to collect signatures for a petition that will give women the right to vote and own their own property. For her to be women that are trying to change the way women are treated the press attacked her, but she and other women like her refuse to depend on a man. She found her opportunity around voting time when she was reading a newspaper that in the amendments it never said women could never vote, when she saw that she went in the barber shop and read the amendment to the men and they let her go in and vote with her sisters. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she did not care about the consequences behind it. Anthony and all the women that voted that day were arrested for civil disobedience. With anything you do that is wrong there comes consequences and sometimes things happen to challenge you, to see how much you really want it. Anthony belief in women’s rights had consequences that came with it. She did not care about what happen to her because she felt what she was doing for women was rights. Anthony has had some long term and short term consequences, a long term consequence has been that she had to go most of her life not being able to live it the way she wanted to live it because women were not allowed to dress the way they wanted to, work, vote, or own their own property. To live somewhere that you have no control of anything but your chores is a horrible way to live. Anthony’s short term consequence was when she was a kid and had to work like an adult, barley having a childhood â€Å" all work no play â€Å", even though it is a consequence not having a childhood she was very focused and matured at a young age. Another short term consequence wa s that Anthony went to jail for voting. She knew voting was wrong but she knew that if she did it would cause controversy and a lot of other women will follow in her footsteps and peruse being an independent women that does everything on their own with no help needed. Without women like Anthony we would have no change in this world, people like her who stand up for important issues like the one of women’s rights will forever be looked at in history for making a difference for women everywhere. She has shown that with hard work and dedication anything is possible and that women can provide and live on their own just as well as men, Anthony will always be looked at in a positive light and thanked by all the hard working women across the world. â€Å" Susan B. Anthony.†Contemporary Heroes and Heroines. Vol. 3 Detroit: Gale, 1998. Biography in Context. Web. 21 Mar, 2014. â€Å"Women’s Suffrage.†Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History. War. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Student resouece in context. Web. 26 Mar, 2014 â€Å" Susan B. Anthony.†Historic World Leaders. Gale, 1994. Biography in context. Web. 20 Mar, 2014 Murtati, John. â€Å" None Violent Action: History of women’s movement.†Everyman: A mens Journal. 30 Sep, 2002: pg 16. eLibrary. Web. 26 Mar, 2014 Matthews, Glenna..Anthony, Susan Brownell. Oxford University press, 2000. eLibrary. Web. 21 Mar, 2014.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Design of Phenomenological Research
Design of Phenomenological Research This is a philosophical movement concerned with the study of conscious experience, from the point of view of the first person (Moran, 2000). There is emphasis on the intentionality of experience – that is, the idea that conscious experience is directed towards some phenomena, rather than being merely aimless. Such purposefulness is usually contained in the meaning that the first person ascribes to his or her experience. Human experience is said to be conscious, meaning that we are somehow usually aware of an experience as it is happening, as opposed to for example Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic view in which experience isn’t always conscious. Conscious experience is defined in broad terms, incorporating a wide range of factors including sensation, perception, objects, events, time, self, others, space, sequence, emotion, logic, and so on, with particular emphasis on the meanings of these experiences (two individuals may have exactly the same experience, yet attac h completely different meanings). Historically, phenomenology has been a fragmented philosophy, with numerous variations emerging and becoming established especially since the early part of the 20th century, deriving from works of philosophers like Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Satre, Edmund Husserl, G.W.F Hegel, Max Scheler, and others. The basic tradition of Anglo-Saxon European philosophy as we know it has been dominated by phenomenology throughout the last century, and currently provides the philosophical basis for a major part of clinical studies, usually subsumed under the heading of qualitative research. EXPERIMENTAL (SCIENTIFIC) APPROACH Scientific experimentation forms part of the wider traditional positivist doctrine, developed by Auguste Comte during the early part of the nineteenth century (Coolican, 1994). Positivism dictates that only phenomena that can be quantified and measured, are worthy of scientific experimentation. Emerging from this philosophy is the hypothetico-deductive doctrine, which entails making observations, developing theories, formulating and testing predictions from those theories, and modifying or supporting the theory accordingly. This procedure is what many researchers refer to as the ‘scientific method’. Experimentation is often regarded as the ‘gold standard’ in scientific (clinical) research. It entails the deliberate manipulation of variables under controlled conditions, in order to establish causality, and important factor in clinical settings. Control is achieved primarily by random allocation of participants to conditions, effectively distributing any diffe rences between people evenly across the conditions, and hence ‘balancing things out’. Many experiments are also conducted in a controlled environment, such as laboratory. Experimentation is underpinned by a number of assumptions, including the idea that people can be isolated from their social environment and treated as a group rather than as individuals. Furthermore, it is possible for the researcher to remain objective, remaining distant from the subject and hence having no influence on their behaviour. RESEARCH METHODS Aims and Objectives Phenomenological research is exploratory, seeking to understand people’s conscious experiences through that persons’ own viewpoint, what ever it may be. By contrast experimentation focuses on testing specific hypotheses, which have usually been selected by the researcher, hence reflecting the researchers own perspectives, rather than those of the participant. For example, take the case of a patient who has recently being diagnosed as anorexic. She is receiving treatment but there is a need for research to establish whether the treatment is having the desired effect. Phenomenology will focus on the patient’s own conscious experience of anorexia and recovery, and the meaning she attaches to these experiences. For example, the individual may view anorexia as a devastating experience with feel that she is not recovering despite her treatment. The whole experience may have created a sense of revulsion about her condition and pessimism about the recovery. The phenomenologist will try to explore – to use Husserls Greek terms her â€Å"noesis†or intentional act of consciousness (e.g. her beliefs and feelings) and †Å"noematic†, meaning the object or phenomena (anorexia, recovery). By contrast, the experimenter will aim to test hypotheses that the treatment is or isn’t effective in eliciting recovery, which will be appraised in quantifiable terms, such as changes in body-mass index, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. Given the different aims/objectives (i.e. exploration, hypothesis testing), the experimenter and phenomenologist could arrive at completely different conclusions. For example, the patient may feel and believe they are not getting better albeit experimental (medical) parameters suggest otherwise. Research Questions Hypotheses Phenomenological questions typically exploratory, asking how an individual has consciously experienced a phenomenon, such as illness or disease. There are no hypotheses. The question can take any one of several forms, depending on the area of phenomenology. For example, existential phenomenology will inquire about the persons’ experience of free choice (e.g. in selecting their treatment), generative phenomenology will explore the meaning of the phenomena to the individual with reference to historical factors (e.g. the way a disease has historically been interpreted in their society), while a transcendental phenomenology will ask about the person’s conscious experiences completely excluding questions about the external environment (e.g. how the disease is experienced, regardless the hospital environment, treatments, and other external factors). Experimental questions are often more precise, asking whether there is a relationship between two or more variables. The questio n is usually accompanied by testable hypotheses, which specify whether or not a relationship exists and the direction (i.e. positive or negative) of the relationship. So, for example the experimenter will ask whether a particular intervention will cure the illness, accompanied by a hypothesis (e.g. the intervention significantly improves health outcomes). Unlikely phenomenology, the experimental approach rarely involves exploratory or open-ended questions as it is a requirement that all variables (independent and dependent) are specified a priori. However, statements of hypotheses can be â€Å"two-tailed†whereby the precise relationship expected between two variables is left â€Å"open†(i.e. not specified). Design Phenomenological research is typically unstructured, with no specific ‘design’ or ‘format’. The researcher is at liberty to proceed as they see fit, merely ensuring that they conform to the basic tenets of philosophy, notably emphasising the first-person and targeting their conscious experience. The setting is usually realistic or naturalistic, so for example, no attempt is made to ‘remove’ the patient from their natural environment[1]. Experimental research is traditionally highly structured. There are specific designs available to the researcher, each with set parameters or protocols. Randomisation of subjects to conditions is critical, to minimise the counfounding effects of nuisance variables. Therefore it is essential to recruit a sample of individuals who serve as participants. They can either be exposed to all conditions of the experiment, leading to a within-groups design, or assigned to just one of the conditions, creating a between-gro ups design. Independent and dependent variables must be specified clearly, so that there is no uncertainty about the conditions being manipulated, the direction of causality, and outcome measures. The setting is typically artificial – for example a laboratory – with a low degree of realism. It is important to point out that some phenonemonological research assumes that conscious experience is a function of neurological activity in the brain, known as neurophenomenology. This overlap with physiological sciences means that an experimental design may be used to establish the authenticity of certain aspects of conscious experience (e.g. determining whether an experience of motor activity is accompanied by electrical activity in the appropriate regions of the brain). Data Collection Data is typically collected using one-to-one interviews between the researcher and the participant, rather similar to private sessions between a patient and their psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The interviews are typically open-ended, thereby letting things show themselves, to use Heidegger’s terms. Data collection in experimentation may involve one or more techniques including observational methods (participant and non-participant observation, role playing and simulation, the diary method, and naturalistic observation), interviews and surveys (psychometric tests, structured/semi-structured interviews, clinical method). Whatever technique is used, the goal is to generate quantitative data which would allow mathematical assessments of reliability and validity, and also statistical analysis. Reliability relates to the consistency of a participants responses, while validity indicates whether the appropriate phenomenon of interest is being measured in the first place. Questions in interviews and surveys are typically close-ended, so that the participant can only respond using a pre-determined range of options provided by the experimenter. Data Analysis The phenomenological method assumes first-person familiarity with the particular experience of interest to the researcher. Data analysis essentially entails description of a conscious experience exactly as it is lived by the participant and presented to the researcher, who does not interfere. The researcher may then attempt to interpret the experience from their particular phenomenological perspective. For example, hermeneutical phenomenologists, such as Heidegger, will try to make sense of the experience by placing it in a social and linguistic context (e.g. who else is involved, and how do the parties communicate). By contrast a naturalistic constitutive phenomenologist will relate the experience to nature, seeking out links with natural environment (e.g. climate, culture, ecology). Regardless of their area of phenomenology, it is essential for the researcher to analyse the type of experience presented, identifying any unique features for further investigation. More recently, data analysis may entail a logico-semantic approach that aims to identify the truth of an experience (e.g. â€Å"this disease can be cured†) and the conditions necessary to satisfy an intention (e.g. â€Å"I will feel better if I take my medicine†). Phenomenologists also use modern techniques for analysing qualitative data, such as thematic analysis, typologies, quotations, and so on. Data analysis in experimentation requires the use of statistical tests in order to establish the â€Å"significance†of any observed changes in the dependent variable, following manipulation of the independent variable. Usually, a ‘level of significance’ is set, depicting a specific probability (e.g. .05) that observed differences between groups or conditions occurred by chance. Typically, the probability of chance must be equal to or less than the chosen significance level in order for the test results to be regarded as significant. There is no attempt by the experimenter to â€Å"impose†any interpretation or subjective analysis on the data without the use of statistical tools, which introduce some mathematical objectivity. However, the likelihood of obtaining significant results is often affected by analytic and methodological considerations, such as the sample size and the sensitivity of the chosen statistical test. Furthermore, results that are statistically significant may nevertheless have little or no clinical significance, for example in terms of Quality Life Years, and morbidity and mortality rates. Table 1 Differences between phenomenological and experimental approaches (selected issues) Phenomenological Experimental Method Unstructured Structured Research Question Exploratory Hypothesis testing Perspective First-person Third-person Subject Matter Conscious experience Quantifiable phenomena Data Analysis Intuitive Statistical Setting Naturalistic Artificial Clinical Application Detailed insight Efficacy CLINICAL PRACTICE Phenomenological and experimental approaches both have an important role to play in clinical practice. Nevertheless, each method may offer very different perspectives on the same medical quandary, or may be more suited to certain problems rather than others. Consider the effectiveness of nurse-led thrombolysis on patients present at an Accidence Emergency unit with cardiac symptoms. A phenomenological approach would be suitable for obtaining detailed insights into nurses feelings about their effectiveness in administering the procedure, their confidence, doubts, anxieties, suspicions, resentments, and other feelings and beliefs that may explain their clinical competence or otherwise. This may provide managers and consultants with valued ideas about how to support nurses, hence improving service delivery. By contrast the experimental approach will be more amenable to establishing the clinical effectiveness of nurse-initiated thrombolysis, for example in terms of the percentage of fatalities and door-to-needle times. A E units could be randomly assigned to a condition in which nurses implement thrombolytic procedures, or a control condition in which the intervention is performed by busy consultants. Patient satisfaction rates and hospital delays could then be compared across both conditions using statistical procedures. Although phenomenology and experimentation approach the problem differently, findings from both paradigms will have some clinical benefit if service delivery is ultimately improved. BIBLIOGRAPHY Coolican, H. (1994) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. London: Hodder Stoughton. Moran, D. (2000) Introduction to Phenomenology. London and New York: Routledge. Smith, B. Smith, D.W. (eds.) (1995) The Cambridge Companion to Husserl Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Wikipedia (2006) Phenomenology [online]. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Available from: [Accessed 22 July 2006]. Footnotes [1] Although in the interest of privacy researcher and patient may seek a quiet location that may be somewhat atypical of the subjects’ usual setting.
Effectiveness of Point of Care System (POC)
Effectiveness of Point of Care System (POC) TITLE Effectiveness of Point of Care System (POC) in Decreasing Hospital Shouldered Costs for Health Care of Indigent Patients. AUTHORS Seurinane Sean Espanola MD (Principal Investigator), Ma. Elinore Alba-Concha MD (Co-author) INTRODUCTION Topic Background: The National Health Insurance Act of 2013 Section 6 states that all citizens of the Philippines shall be covered by the National Health Insurance Program prioritizing acceleration of provision of health services to all Filipinos especially those who cannot afford such services. All indigents not enrolled in the program shall have priority provided that they shall be subsequently enrolled in the program.1 It has been estimated that 77 million of more than 92 million Filipinos are covered by PHIC as of March 2009. And 72 percent of the 4.7 million indigent families are enrolled in the sponsored program.2 R.A. No. 7875 targets 100 percent coverage of the indigent population3 but despite national government appropriations, sin tax collections, local government sponsorships and other sources, a vast number of poor are not yet covered by PHIC hence a mechanism of enrolling these patients at the Point of Care was established to ensure that all poor that is in dire need of quality health services is covered by Philhealth. The Point of Care (POC) system will provide indigent patients or those belonging to Class C-3 to D availment of Philhealth benefits.4 Ensuring access of the less privileged members of society to health care is the main aim of the POC system and the additional aim is to offset hospital shouldered costs of free services to the uninsured hence assuring sustainability. This study then focuses on the latter and looks into the initial effects of the POC system on hospital shouldered costs. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE: Health care for all is a seemingly profound undertaking providing medical assurance for people from all walks of life however the question of sustainability and accessibility is still an ongoing issue. Despite the improving economy and work force, health care continues to remain less of a priority as finances are being concentrated to the basic needs of life. In a study by Tsilaajav in March 2009 focusing on costing study for selected Philippine hospitals, the average unit cost of outpatient visit is P378 while emergency visit is P552. The average inpatient discharge on tertiary public hospitals would range from 1,500 to 10,000 pesos.5 This considerable amount is threatening to low income families compromising their general health. There are several types of Insurance systems in the Philippines. Private health insurances works by giving coverage separately for hospitalization as well as emergency cases however premiums may be costly. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) which is the common managed care plan in the country covers basic medical expenses from preventive and outpatient setting aside from hospitalization. And the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), reinventing consumer payment schemes since the establishment of Medicare, provides affordable health insurance for Filipinos at any age. Although these insurance systems may come free during employment, still there is a higher chance of discontinuity especially for those with average to low monthly incomes. And as insurance premiums may rise exponentially yearly, many of the insured in return will become uninsured. The uninsured or people with no insurance coverage are no different from those insured. They are struck with common diseases however receiving less preventive care and screenings foregoing medical care due to costs leading to higher mortality rates.6 Hence the government plays a pivotal role in providing access to medical care for everyone. The Aquino administration aims to provide accessible and available health services for all Filipinos through its Universal Health Care also referred to as Kalusugan Pangkalahatan. A health care that is accessible, efficient, equitably distributed, adequately funded, fairly finance and appropriately used by all. However despite efforts of the government to provide easy access to care especially to the poor, still there are vast majority who are uninsured hence faced with unaffordable medical bills during admissions, more out of pocket expenditures and with these thoughts in mind would later forego care because of costs and may defeat the purpose of the government of providing financial risk protection for all especially the poor. The PHIC last November 17, 2013 with Joint order No. 2013-0033 implemented the Point of Care Enrollment Program for Hospital-Sponsored Members to further strengthen the Aquino administration program of universal health care more so focusing on the indigents as stipulated on Republic Act 7875 which clearly mentions all indigents not enrolled in the program shall have the priority in the use and the availment of the services and facilities of government hospitals. 1 The Point of Care System caters to non-member who were assessed by the Medical Social Worker as class C-3 and class D and members who are not covered due to lack of qualifying contribution and classified as class C-3 and D. Patients enrolled under the POC will be covered with in and out patient benefits including the no balance billing policy. The premium amount will be shouldered by the hospital and the coverage of Hospital Sponsored Membership shall be from the first day of confinement month and shall end on the last day of the same calendar year. Sponsorship will be continued by the National Government if the applicant remains in the same class per year upon re-evaluation. Thru Point of Care System patients will be given enough benefits and be more confident in utilizing health care services without being burden of the costs and in return lessens the quality fee services and out of pocket expenditures and more importantly improve hospital reimbursements. However up to date this new system does not have local level analysis and there are no comprehensive studies up to date hence this study. RESEARCH QUESTION: The National Health Insurance Act through the National Health Insurance Program ensures health coverage for all. The point of care system covers class C-3 and D admissible or admitted patients. However to date there is still yet to be a study providing a local level analysis of the impact of Point of Care system. Additionally, it is still unknown how the system will impact the financial status of hospitals and its sustainability issues. Thus this research aims to answer the question: Will the POC implementation reduce hospital shouldered health care costs for indigent patients? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The Point of Care system has had an immediate effect on healthcare institutions and subsequently the health coverage. It aims to provide financial risk protection to all Filipinos especially the poor as implemented through the Aquino Agenda. As quality of patient healthcare is directly tied to the sustainability of hospitals, the point of care system will affect the finances and decision-making of hospitals and will directly determine whether or not financial risk protection for the poor is in fact being achieved. Hospitals will be able to identify the areas of concern and areas of growth the point of care will be providing regarding efficiency and sustainability and in return will encourage low-income patients to avail the system. OBJECTIVES: The general objective of this study is to compare hospital shouldered costs for patients admitted for common conditions seen in Family Medicine pre and post Point of Care. Specifically, based on secondary data provided by the Southern Philippines Medical Center, the study shall: 1. describe patients admitted in Southern Philippines Medical Center from June 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 in terms of a) demographic characteristics (age, sex, address) b) diagnosis c) MSW classification d) other external sources of health funds (CMAP, Lingap) e)length of hospital stay 2. compare the hospital revenue pre and post POC 3. compare hospital shouldered costs pre and post POC which includes cost of POC enrollment and additional subsidy on top of PHIC and other external sources’ reimbursement. 4. compare the hospital revenue pre and post POC. METHODOLOGY Research Design Retrospective Cohort Setting Southern Philippines Medical Center, Retrospective date covering June 2013 to March 2014 Inclusion The Department of Family Medicine caters to patients aged 14-60 years old only. Hence patients who fall on the age bracket admitted with following diagnosis AGE with moderate, DHF I, CAP moderate risk or PCAP-C enrolled in the point of care system and age group and diagnosis matched patients without insurance admitted for the said conditions that were not enrolled in POC will be included. Exclusion Charts and bills that could not be retrieved DEFINITION OF VARIABLES Age – refers to the chronological age of the admitted patient. Sex – refers to the biological sex of the admitted patient. Address – refers to admitted patients dwelling area. Philhealth Insurance Status – refers to patients PHIC membership status. Diagnosis – refers to patients identified cause of admission. Total Hospital Bill – refers to the total amount incurred during length of hospital stay. Total Out-of-Pocket Payment – refers to the amount paid by the patient not subsidized by insurance provider. Philhealth Reimbursement – refers to the amount refunded by the Philhealth Insurance System. Total Hospital Subsidized Costs – refers to the amount shouldered or written off by the hospital after PHIC reimbursement, reimbursements from external sources (CMAP/PDAF) and total out of pocket payments have been deducted from the total hospital bill. It would be computed as Total Bill – (PHIC Reimbursment + External Sources Reimbursement + Out of Pocket Payments.) Data Gathering Data gathering will commence as soon as approval from the DOH XI CERC is obtained. The principal investigator will gather the data using the charts and billing statements as the source and transcribe this in the data collection form seen in Appendix A. Charts will be gathered and will be segregated according to diagnosis and be separated as to with or without POC. Variables will be collected as follows: Variables Independent variables 1. Demographic data (age, sex, address) 2. Diagnosis 3. MSW classification 4. Other external sources of funding 5. length of hospital stay Main outcome measures and other dependent variables The main outcome measure for this study is the Total Hospital Subsidy given for pre and post POC patients. Other outcome measures of interest include the total hospital bill for pre and post POC patients, the PHIC reimbursements, and the total out of pocket payments and the reimbursement from external sources. The total out of pocket payment and total hospital subsidy, if not reflected from the total bill, will be cross checked from the database of cashier section or lingap using the patients complete name or hospital number. The co-author can randomly check the transcribed data with the original data sources to ensure data integrity. Data Analysis Data will be encoded in excel format and will be analyzed using Epi Info version 7.0. Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize data. Comparison of continuous variable will be made using the t test and categorical variables will be compared using the chi-square test. Mean Total Bill – Gross Total Bill / Number of Admitted Patients under FM Mean Amount Reimbursed by PHIC – Gross Total Reimbursement/ Number of Admitted Patients under FM Mean Patient Out of Pocket Payments – Gross Out of Pocket Payments / Number of Admitted Patients under FM Mean Hospital Subsidy – Gross Total Subsidy / Number of Admitted Patients under FM Gross Total Bill – Total Bill of all Admitted patients under FM Gross Philhealth Reimbursement – Total PHIC Reimbursement of all Admitted patients under FM. Sample Size Calculation Using the following assumptions: alpha = 5 (two-sided) power = 80 m1 = 3000 m2 = 2500 sd1 = 800 sd2 = 800 n2/n1 = 1 A total of 82 participants (41 without and 41 with POC) per disease entity will be required for this study having a sum total of 246 patients. Estimates were made using the standard 5% alpha error and 80% power since there were no previous studies for reference. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS Ethics Review The protocol of this research will be submitted for approval to the DOH XI Cluster Ethics Review Committee. Privacy Patient data will be anonymized prior to analysis. No personal contact with individual patients shall be made. Confidentiality Patient data for analysis will be anonymized. How will you keep the data and for how long? After initial analysis, the anonymized data will be stored electronically and will be retained for 5 years from the time of initial analysis under the custody of Dr. Seurinane Sean Espanola and Ma. Elinore Concha. Within this retention period, the investigators listed in this protocol may refer any number of times to the data for clarification, further analysis and/or re-analysis. How will you discard/dispose of the data? After the 5-year retention period, the electronic data will be permanently deleted. Who can access data? Only the investigators listed in this protocol will be given access to the raw data for reference and initial or subsequent analysis. Extent of use of study data Data shall be used solely for the objective of analysis of the Point of Care System, as stated in previous sections of this protocol proposal. No facts or information shall be released without the prior consent of the medical director of the hospital. Necessary steps shall be taken to assure that this information will not be made accessible to persons outside of the research team. Authorship and contributorship a. Who are the authors or contributors to the present paper? The authors and contributors to this study shall be given proper recognition in the formulation of the follow-up paper. Authors and Co-authors include Dr. Seurinane Sean Espanola and Dr. Ma. Elinore Concha respectively b. Acknowledgment of original data collectors Proper acknowledgment shall be given to the Southern Philippines Medical Center for original data collection. c. Written consent of original data collectors that the data can be used for further research Written consent for use of secondary data shall be requested from Dr. Leopoldo J. Vega, the Chief-Of-Hospital. Conflicts of interest The author and co-author hereby declare that they have no conflicts of interest. Publication Publication shall be pursued at the onset of writing of the paper for this study. Submissions shall be sent to relevant publishers who can help promote the awareness of this topic. Funding Dr. Seurinane Sean Espanola is presently seeking funds to cover the expenses for this research. Dummy Tables DUMMY RESULTS Table 1. Comparison of Baseline Characteristics *using t-test **using chi-square test Table 2. Comparative parameters between POC and pre-POC PhilHealth – sample (Note: separate tables will be made for the other medical case rate diagnoses) BUDGET Administrative expenses and supplies For office supplies and support expenses as requested by the Health Sciences Program. Funds would go towards providing computer and office space and travel if needed. TIMETABLE References 1. Philhealth. November 7, 2013 Manual of Operations and Procedures for the Implementation of the Point of Care Enrollment Program for Hospital-Sponsored Members. (Philhealth Joint Order 2013-0033) PHIC, Pasig. 2. Philhealth at a Glance. The National Health Insurance Program. Senate Economic Planning Office. November 2009. 3. Philhealth. October 14 2013. Implementation of the Point of Care Enrollment Program (Philhealth Circular 0032-2013). PHIC. Pasig 4. Philhealth. March 26, 2013. Enrollment of the Critical Poor under the Sponsored Program of the National Health Insurance Program at Point of Service. (DOH Department Order/Philhealth Office Order2013-0031). PHIC, Pasig. 6. The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. September 2013. Key Facts about the Uninsured Population. APPENDIX A POC Study Data Collection form Patient’s Initials: ______________________________________________ Hospital Record number: _________________________________________ Age: ______Sex: __Male __Female Diagnosis: ______________________________________________________ MSW Classification: __C3__D Date Admitted: ________________Date Discharged: ______________ Detailed Hospital Bill (attach if possible) 1
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet :: Essays Papers
Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet Will dynamic pricing become the next trend in e-commerce? Maybe, to unsuspecting consumers, it already is. The Internet provides consumers with many shopping advantages including the ease and availability of shopping from home, and the benefit of easily comparing merchandise and prices at various online retail locations. Dynamic pricing is a process where retailers (in this case, online) adjust their pricing according to information directly related to the purchasing consumer, or the conditions around them. An example of dynamic pricing in the physical world might be the local coffee shop charging more for hot coffee in the wintertime. This seems rather harmless, does it not? In e-commerce this kind of price fixing is worrisome because of the type of information a web site developer can retrieve from, or add to a visitor's computer using a variety of programming tools. There are few laws or regulations governing the use of the Internet, or protecting consumers' privacy. This c reates a wide open door for online marketing schemes that take advantage of, or deceive the consumer. David Sheffield, or the Washington Post, writes that, one of the leading online retailers, has been implementing a questionable pricing test. Using advanced technology, Amazon was able to place an electronic tag into the computer systems of all their web site visitors. When a consumer visited their web site, it would look for that tag on the visitors system to see if the visitor is a new or existing customer. By knowing this, the site would know what prices to display. Though one would think the repeat customer would benefit from this by getting price breaks, it was actually just the opposite. was charging higher prices for returning customers! Bill Curry, spokesman for, is quoted as saying the price test "was done to determine consumers' responses to different discount levels." However, in an email exchange with a DVDTalk member, an Amazon customer service representative stated "I would first like to send along my most sincere apology for any confusion or frustration caused by our dynamic price test". Whether it was dynamic pricing, or not, the deeper issue of consumers' online privacy still remains. was able to perform this "price test" because of a lack of laws regulating e-commerce, and consumer privacy. There are only a few laws now pertaining directly to Internet related issues, and most of these are state laws, not national. Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet :: Essays Papers Price Test Triggers Outrage on Internet Will dynamic pricing become the next trend in e-commerce? Maybe, to unsuspecting consumers, it already is. The Internet provides consumers with many shopping advantages including the ease and availability of shopping from home, and the benefit of easily comparing merchandise and prices at various online retail locations. Dynamic pricing is a process where retailers (in this case, online) adjust their pricing according to information directly related to the purchasing consumer, or the conditions around them. An example of dynamic pricing in the physical world might be the local coffee shop charging more for hot coffee in the wintertime. This seems rather harmless, does it not? In e-commerce this kind of price fixing is worrisome because of the type of information a web site developer can retrieve from, or add to a visitor's computer using a variety of programming tools. There are few laws or regulations governing the use of the Internet, or protecting consumers' privacy. This c reates a wide open door for online marketing schemes that take advantage of, or deceive the consumer. David Sheffield, or the Washington Post, writes that, one of the leading online retailers, has been implementing a questionable pricing test. Using advanced technology, Amazon was able to place an electronic tag into the computer systems of all their web site visitors. When a consumer visited their web site, it would look for that tag on the visitors system to see if the visitor is a new or existing customer. By knowing this, the site would know what prices to display. Though one would think the repeat customer would benefit from this by getting price breaks, it was actually just the opposite. was charging higher prices for returning customers! Bill Curry, spokesman for, is quoted as saying the price test "was done to determine consumers' responses to different discount levels." However, in an email exchange with a DVDTalk member, an Amazon customer service representative stated "I would first like to send along my most sincere apology for any confusion or frustration caused by our dynamic price test". Whether it was dynamic pricing, or not, the deeper issue of consumers' online privacy still remains. was able to perform this "price test" because of a lack of laws regulating e-commerce, and consumer privacy. There are only a few laws now pertaining directly to Internet related issues, and most of these are state laws, not national.
Friday, July 19, 2019
17th centry teater :: essays research papers
The 17th Century gave life to an array of cultural and educational advances. This was known as the renaissance. Renaissance, a word meaning rebirth of knowledge and culture, is the ideal word to explain the occurrences of the time period of 1400-1700. In this range of time, subjects such as science, math, and literature made an amazing and strong comeback. These topics became immensely important to society and the culture of this time. In the 1600’s, theater and drama became very popular in England, forcing the creation of new theater techniques ranging from the different play styles, to the very acting dramatics in which the actors employed in the plays.      This Renaissance in Europe began the relief that was needed by the people in the eastern world having experienced the Middle Ages (500-1500AD). The people of Europe needed to make changes to their culture because it was a dark and drab time to be alive. Things including the terrible Bubonic, or Black, Plague; which infected many people in Europe resulting in death; and a depressing atmosphere in England at the time necessitated a new type of culture. The last time that a society of people partook in social events such as a play was when the Greek and Roman Empires were still in existence. Many of the topics being studied by people during the Renaissance were studied through records that these no longer existent cultures had left behind. Now the people in Renaissance Europe could learn information from the knowledgeable people of many previous years. These mathematicians, artists, and scientists contributed much to the Europe of that time. The plays of that time ar e similar to that of the â€Å"Elizabethan Theater†because play writers in Europe adopted tactics used by their predecessors in the past empires of the world (Yancey 8). Also the basic design for the amphitheaters used to perform the plays was taken from the Romans. One of the better known amphitheaters was The Globe, which Shakespeare used personally (Yancey 28). Before the days of the Elizabethan Theater, guilds (companies that put plays on) generally preformed plays in Latin.      Elizabeth Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII had become queen on January 15, 1558. She herself was a Renaissance woman. Her presence as the Queen England had sparked the rise of English culture and even the society itself. In the time she was the queen, theater had also grown to a size that was never seen before.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Data, Knowledge, Information and Wisdom Continuum
The Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum The Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum Data, information, and knowledge are words used to assign meaning to our complex nursing work. In the field of information technology, these words are used to give meaning and direct the flow of organizational knowledge (Thompson & Warren, 2009). The concept of the data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) continuum is the transformation of data into wisdom through cognitive processes, which are supportive of the nursing practice.Schleyer and Beaudry (2009) discussed how nurses in this growing specialty are accountable to provide the best evidence-based care advice possible, transform the data collected to information, and apply that knowledge with wisdom to address the patient’s unique needs. The purpose of this paper is to display the progression through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum that occurs through research information to answer a clinica l question pertinent to nursing in an acute care setting. Electronic Medication Administration in Acute Care SettingImplementation of the electronic health record, computerized physicians order entry and decision support systems within the health care industry have attributed to a decrease in documentation and transcription errors, while making measurable improvements in our nation’s health care. The clinical research question for this paper is; has implementing the use of the electronic medication administration (eMAR) improved the safety of medication administration in the hospital setting? This technology at present has not been implemented in our hospital organization, but will be in the near future.Poon et al. (2010) explained that serious medication errors are common in hospitals and often occur during the transcription or administration of medication. In order to help prevent such errors, the development of technology has been instituted to verify medications by incorp orating barcode verification technology within an electronic medication-administration system, which is referred to as bar code medication administration (BCMA). Database Resources Ackoff (1989) proposed that data are defined as symbols that represent properties of objects, events and their environment.They are the products of observation, and are of no use until they are in a useable (i. e. relevant) form (as cited in Rowley, 2007). For this paper, the Walden Library Health Science and Nursing Databases were utilized to conduct a search for data related to the clinical question â€Å"has implementing the use of the electronic medication administration (eMAR) improved the safety of medication administration in the hospital setting? †The databases for CINHAL/Medline and PUBMED were queried by using the search words eMAR, bar code technology, medication administration, and safety.The search generated four complete articles in the CINHAL/Medline databases that were pertinent to the topic. Another four sources were generated in the PUBMED database, of which one was a free text article, the other three sources were abstracts; however, two of those sources were successfully retrieved from Google Scholar (find in Walden Library). Although, no full text was available for one of the abstracts found for this source in the search, the information within the abstract was deemed relevant. Transforming Data into InformationInformation is inferred from data (Rowley, 2007). Upon evaluating the plethora of data from said resources, it was determined that a substantial amount of relevant information could be extracted from this accumulation of data to support the clinical question in progress. In other words, said data would be considered information, as it had context to the reason the literature search was being performed. Medication errors cause an estimated 7000 deaths each year and cost the nation $2 billion annually (Paoletti, Suess, Lesko, Feroli, Kennel, Mahler, & Sauders, 2007).A significant reduction of medication errors was evidenced by the use of bar code technology and the eMAR. A study funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Healthcare Benchmark & Quality Improvements, 2010) reported that by incorporating bar-code verification technology within an eMAR system, a significant reduction in medication errors was demonstrated. Connecting Information to Knowledge According to (Thompson & Warren, 2009) knowledge occurs when we apply the data and information to obtain relevant and purposeful meaning.The transformation of information to knowledge occurs when information is combined so that connections can be identified and formalized if you will. Some methods used to achieve this transformation would be through comparison. How does this information compare to other known data? Example: Were there fewer transcription and medication errors with the use of eMAR and bar code technology as opposed to paper documentation and admin istration? Another method would be through making associations or connections. Example: How does the use of eMAR with bar-code technology relate to reduced transcription and medication errors?There was a significant amount of information gleaned from database resources that supported the conclusion, that implementation of such technology could greatly reduce transcription and medication administration errors, as well as adverse drug events, although it did not propose to eliminate such errors. Wisdom Pertaining to Knowledge Can the use of information technology be utilized to gain wisdom? Achieving wisdom via the application of knowledge to manage and solve human problems is essential for health.Major (2002) discussed how wisdom involves recognizing what is most important, by making distinctions among alternatives. It comprises the application of experience, intelligence, creativity, and knowledge, as mediated by values, toward the achievement of a common good (as cited in Matney et al. 2011). It would be a reasonable assertion that clinicians and researchers may conclude that information and knowledge derived from this data will be accurate and can reliably support research, clinical nursing practice, and nursing decisions. SummaryIn that nurses are knowledge workers, it is only natural that they would require a fundamental knowledge to support their practice and profession. As knowledge workers, nurses collect data and information and make decisions that affect individuals, families, and communities at large. An understanding of how the concepts of the data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) framework overlap and interact will beneficial for nurses performing research studies. Given that wisdom is supported by knowledge, different manifestations of wisdom may exist.Wisdom may be manifested in nursing through â€Å"professional expertise†(Baltez & Staudinger, 2000) or â€Å"clinical judgment†(Benner, 2000), (as cited in Mateny et al. 2011). Re ferences Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvements (2010). Bar-code/eMAR combo reduces errors. Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality improvements, 17(9), 100-102. Matney, S. , Brewster, P. J. , Sward, K. A. , Cloyes, K G. , & Staggers, N. (2011). Philosophical approaches to the nursing informatics data-information-knowledge-wisdom framework.Advances in Nursing Science, 34(1), 6-18. DOI: 10. 1097/ANS. 0b013e3182071813 Paoletti, R. D. , Suess, T. M. , Lesko, M. G. , Feroli, A. A. , Kennel, J. A. , Mahler, J. M. & Sauders, T. (2007). Using bar-code technology and medication observation methodology for safer medication administration. American Journal of Health System Pharmacy, 64,(5), 536-543. Poon, E. G. , Keohane, C. A. , Yoon, C. S. , Ditmore, M. , Bane, A. , Levtzion-Korach, O. , †¦ Gahdhi, T. K. (2010). Effect of bar-code technology on the safety of medication administration.The New England Journal of Medicine, 362, 1698-1707. DOI: 10. 1056/NEJMsa0907115 Rowley, J. (2007). The w isdom hierarchy: Representations of the DIKW hierarchy. Journal of Information Science, 33(2), 163-180. DOI: 10. 1177/0165551506070706 Schleyer, R. , & Beaudry, S. (2009). Data to wisdom: Informatics in telephone triage nursing practice. AAACN Viewpoint, 31(5), 1, 10-3. Thompson, T. L. , & Warren, J. J. (2009). Are they all data? Understanding the work of organizational knowledge. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23(4), 185-186. DOI: 10. 1097/NUR. 0b013e3181aae374
Is Play Learning Essay
Learning by dint of run a carriage is a vital sever of your Childs festering. It includes working with antithetical illuminations or activities for assorted beas of ontogeny in order to pleasurection them develop. According to Squire. G (2007), hunt is pleasant and enchantable, has no extrinsic goals, draw is exiting and voluntary, involves some active man sequencement. Not only is it caper and interactive for both s hirerren and p bents, simply it enhances the organic evolution of all smells needed including neighborly, Physical, Intellectual, conference and emotional suppuration. Why?Although it seems like your barbarian is simply performing with a toy or object, the claw is in truth develop and acquisition so much. That simple teddy bear bear that you first bought them as a baby, do-nothing actually develop their noetic and emotional information by constituent to create an imaginative mind and if the s mystifyr is talking to the teddy bear, t hen its underdeveloped speech and language. 0-3 stratums old. Your boor, from gray 03 atomic number 18 go throughing so much already, thus far though you dexterity non know it. Your electric s deportr needs to develop socially, sensiblely, intellectually, their communication and their emotions.This is actually tangle withe through nobble. For a babe aged 0-3 you should be encouraging development through play. Toys much(prenominal) as interruption mobiles actually increase your Childs physiologic development by giving them a posterior to reach for, stretching place their arms. This increases their hand-eye co-ordination and sodding(a) drive skills. rendition your sister discs every(prenominal) day, whether its and to calm them pop up before bed or for bond time tar m otherwise run their learning. This come alongs their intellectually development as children pick up antithetic words by auditory modality and being pertain.If you involve the child, in that location is much than possibility they ordain learn more as well as roll in the hay it more. If youre version a colourful, touchy-feely book to an under 1 year old, this hind end stimulate their development to different textures, colours and making them more aw atomic number 18. Reading topical books thunder mug withal influence their fellowship of the world, much(prenominal) as books close to shopping or religions. Early historic period settings ar trusty at providing opportunities for children to develop. Nurseries play groups and mum and toddler groups develop your child, not only socially by interacting with opposite children and adults, but in all early(a) aspects as well.By acknowledgeing them to play on, for example, a slide, cars, push trolleys/cars/bikes, they can buoy practice despicable around, travel, crawling etc, as they should provide affect activities, developing their physical skills and their o.k. and rank motor skills. Early historic period settings for this age impart develop your child intellectually by giving them an understanding as well as developing knowledge by watching different scenarios, much(prenominal) as having a role play home argona which allows them to re-create things they might have seen at home such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as ironing, play kitchens, etc.Their communication allow for increase as they are perpetually interacting with opposites and being spoken to as well as listening to otherwises interact. sense development will be promoted in the way that children can develop adorerships and bonds with other people and start to develop feelings such as empathy as they can abide group activities, play dates and ripe by being around other children. 3-5 old age old. At the age of 3-5 years old, as a parent, you should be offering them a wide ordinate of activities through play.Your child has come on a chew already but the development continues with move o nment from you. Your child will be walking and needing to develop their physical development and common motor skills (larger muscles such as throwing and genetic etc. ) Outside activities are good at encouraging physical development. This can dear involve rolling a ball to your child and encouraging them to bring it, kick it, pick it up or chase it. Its involving for you and the child has fun whilst playing. Their hand eye co-ordination improves and their gross motor skills.As they cop older, you could decrease the sizing of the ball, making it smaller to a lawn tennis ball for example so it becomes harder for the child to catch so they develop their picturesque motor skills with a pincer clench and tests their hand eye co-ordination. Games such as piggy in the middle, football or scarce a simple gamey of throwing and catching. If this isnt possible, or sluice if you can, fetching your child to a commonality or play area is fun for them and if you make it involved, it can be fun too. implement such as monkey nix and climbing ropes strengthen the Childs muscles and balance.They develop their physical development by allowing them to exercise and check new activities that they might not affirm too at home. Its in like manner a good way to socialise with other children and adults in a humans place. This can tutor them life skills such as sharing and turn-taking. Your child will start to talk in beat and hunted sentences around this age. They would have picked up their vocabulary from listening and copying so far. Play can practically encourage talking by getting them to give-up the ghost their ideas on the game such as role play, but literacy games can extend vocabulary and help with phrasing.Games such as I went to the shop and I bought This is a good memory game and helps them phone almost every day things that they could get from a shop. Alphabet games, jigsaws and activities can encourage a child to call their knowledge and exte nd it. 5-8 years old At this age, your child should be attending informhouse full time. Just because their learning and developing at school, doesnt mean you have to stop You should continue to play with your children and encourage them to develop physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. It might be easy to just to sit them in front of the TV or com attributeing device.Statistically, Kidshealth. com (1) shows that As kids get older, too much quiz time can interfere with activities such as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time with family. Also kidpointz. com (2) suggests number or ADHD was 2 multiplication as likely to have been diagnosed in children addicted to video games. So if youre going to give your child computer time, you should use learning game websites such as the BBC or await the school teacher for resources. This will help piss intellectual development and also ITC skills of how to use a computer. Before allowing the children, read and teach the children E-Safety and how to stay safe on the internet. You should also monitor what your children are doing on the computer. You should be encouraging your child to develop socially. Although they are communicating with children at their school, you should encourage them to have a social life remote of school too. Arranging play dates or allowing them to join after school clubs or other activities such as a dancing school, gymnastics, karate or swimming. make these physical activities will increase development even encourage, and they might even find a hidden talentAt 5-8 years old, children will want to be reading books, even if they cant and to be read too. When reading a book to a child, the trounce ones to choose are ones with extended vocabulary. Choose books with a range of new words, good and interesting illustrations and obviously, a good story line. Children will enjoy talking about(predicate) the book also, so ask the m lots of questions and get them to conceptualise about the book. Questions such as wherefore is that character doing what theyre doing? Or what do you think is going to happen adjacent? this allows children to develop their thoughts and imagination.This also allows you to assess the childs understanding of the book, for example if they dont understand it, you can do more on the story and allow them to learn about it and why. This is good stick time for you and the child too, so its enjoyable for both of you. Another fun operation for 5-8 year old children, that parents, siblings, friends and other family could be involved in, is making dens. Making dens extend a childs imagination and creativity, by allowing them to think about different objects to use and ways of creating it. expand them a range of materials to use so they can experiment.This can teach them pains and trial and error. In fact, although you might not realise it, dens can increase a childs knowledge on a ran ge of subjects. The maths aspect of instruct them measurements and how much they material they need, how astronomic its going to be. Their creative development is obviously supported and to extend even further, it could help with knowledge of the world. For example, ask your child to make a tee-pee. And extend their cultural knowledge by explaining and teaching about the cultures that live in huts like what theyve just made.Or extend it even further by doing it outside in a woodlands area. This makes them think about the natural resources ready(prenominal) and how best to do it, using harder, heavier logs for support. pass water this a fun day out and acquit a picnic to handle under your den/shelter. Role of the liberal As a parent or guardian for children, you should be involved in playing with your children to encourage development. If adults are involved and engaged in play, it influences the child to be involved too and shows them the value of play.You can have the power to make a difference to your child by teaching them how to play correctly and properly by offering praise and discipline. Supporting your child with praise such as youre playing with that so well This can help a child move on their self-esteem and feel good about them self whilst playing and having fun. You can just be someone to play with to a child. Acting as a friend and just company whilst they play, accourding to Lindon J. 2001 (3) Children ofttimes assimilate adults to join in or may direct them to take a item action or support play. This is overconfident reinforcement because you can observe their play whilst theyre having fun and learning.You being there actually encourages social development and their communication. They can pick up words they ask you and are forced into situations where they might have to speak to you such as absentminded you to do something. Adults can often mannikin how to play correctly and sensibly. Children will copy adults and try to do thin gs themselves, such as drawing the same thing as you, making the same thing with playdough or role play games like cooking, which they will have seen you do.You can give them operating operating book of instructions to help them with an activity, such as a arts and craft activity that perhaps youve found in a book. The childen cant yet read the instructions so you read it for them, telling them the best thing to do and rephrasing so they can understand. Even doing it with them to make a model for them, allowing them to copy what and how you do the activity. This encourages fine motor skills because its an arts and crafts activity, often including scissors and cutting or vividness with a pincer grip.It encourages creative development and imagination. Interlectually, youre helping them develop their instructions and about the order and general knowledge. However, you could just be there to ensure your Childs safety. observance over them on a park or play area. The play equipment w ill encourage their physical aspects of their learning and development as well as intellectually, often having to problem solve such as finding out the best way to get across to a different area, or how best to play with this object.If you take your child to a public area, social skills are improved as they are around children and come into contact with other. Morally, children learn the values of turn-taking and sharing whilst playing in a public area. You also teach them safety regarding how to play correctly as well as giving them independence. This is a good idea for a play date idea or a group activity as you get some socialising done with other parents whilst your children are safely learning and constantly developing through fun. Your child will often come into conflict. This is where you, as a parent, can act as a mediator.You can teach those morals such as sharing, turn-taking and ensure that these are put in place through play whilst ensuring your child is developing socia lly as well as other aspects that the activity may focus on. You can be involved with your childrens play just as much as they are in different ways each hands on approach or just a sit cover version and relax activity. Your children will learn through play with your help as you are the people they look up to and are influenced by the most. And finally, enjoy your children and their company. They wont be young forever.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Garbage Pollution
I would desire to acknowledge altogether the persons who have helped me to fulfil this assignment. These persons ar my mformer(a) and my social studies t distri preciselyivelyer. first appearance This school found assessment is based on slobber contamination. The atomic number 18a chosen for survey on food scourge taint is the biotic community of august town. You will bring just about the causes that contri juste to dribble be gagment and the do of it. The persons views of drivel contaminant will also be taken into consideration.All refuse other than industrial waste and effluents. It consists largely of easily complex and putrefying organic (animal and vegetable) waste from preparation, handling, storage, and sale of sh be of food.Statement of Problem Why is scraps contamination nonp aril of the major issues of my community? What atomic number 18 the centres of it and how it buns be solve? Reason for investigation The reason for this probe is callabl e to inconsistency of appearances of the refuse forgatherors designate to the august town community. And when the food waste is non compile it causes drool taint which attracts rodents and insects which contribute be sedate to the human wellness due to the diseases that they carry. Another reason is to investigate and know different entertains by which the community cleanliness and beauty can improve.Method of Investigation The researcher has chosen the questionnaire as a use for the investigation in attaining selective information. It is a simple way of requesting data and does no requires too much measure. Procedures for selective information Collection The research was conducted on kinfolk 1, 2012, on refuse pollution in the community of august town. The researcher walked somewhat the community and distributed 30 questionnaires, randomly to persons that were seen, including friends and family. The questionnaires were tending(p) to persons between the ages of 12 to 18 age old.Out of the total respondents 15 were females and 15 were males. acquiring the information that was necessary for the questionnaire on the mail service make it much easier and it also relieve allot of succession. But I ascertaind that each respondent spend enough clock clock time completing it so it wasnt cosmosness d adept in much haste.Questionnaire for residential area MembersSex Male ( )Female ( )Age 12-15yrs ( )16-18yrs ( )Where in wondrous township do you live? Central August Town ( ) Brycill ( ) Hermitage ( ) Goldsmith Villa ( ) Bedward Garden ( ) Vietnam ( ) hobo camp 12 ( ) Barrette Drive ( ) Bedward Crescent ( ) July rd. )How colossalsighted have you live in the community? 1-4yrs ( ) 5-7yrs ( ) 8-10yrs ( ) others ( )Are you an environsal companionable person? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you have a difficulty with refuse pollution? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you recognise how solemn is drool pollution to our environment? Yes ( ) No ( )How does food waste p ollution affect you interdictly? Causes wing to be around ( ) Attracts Rodents ( ) Emits foul scent ( )Do you hypothecate that politics has to fuck with how good you get service for scraps collection? Yes ( ) No ( ) Not legitimate ( )How often do the food waste collectors collect your slobber? E actually day ( ) each week ( ) Monthly ( )What do you think can lease the drool collectors come on time? to a greater extent than money for their jobs ( ) More discipline ( ) Fired if continuously late ( ) If they are treated with much delight in from community members ( )Do you group? Yes ( ) No ( ) sometimes ( )Would you support recycling? Yes ( ) No ( ) perhaps ( )Have you of all time called the garbage company about the corrosion of garbage? Yes ( ) No ( ) estimate about it ( )Has the rodents and insects attracted to the garbage pollution forever affected you with any sickness or diseases? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you treat the rubbish collectors with prise? Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )What is the longstanding time the garbage collector has ever taken to collect your garbage? 1 hebdomad ( ) 1 Month ( )2 Month ( ) 3 Month ( ) other ( )Have you ever witnessed soulfulness in the community droveing and you tell them to tweak it up? Yes ( ) No ( ) Afraid ( ) No because I do the same ( )Who should be blamed for garbage pollution the some?Me ( ) Persons who covey on the alley ( ) the regime agreements the garbage collectors ( )Who should be blamed if the garbage pollution attracts insects and rodents which give leptospirosis, malaria, yellow febrility and other diseases to children? Me ( ) persons who litter on the street ( ) the brass system ( ) the garbage collectors ( )Presentation of dataThese are the views of the august town residents masking how often the garbage collectors collect their garbage.3. 3% of them swear that garbage is collected daily, 10% say that it is collected weekly, and 86. % of them say it is collected monthly.Suggested options from residents to make garbage collectors be to a greater extent punctual These are the opinions of residents on what they think would make the garbage collectors be to a greater extent punctual.40% of the residents think that if they received more money for their jobs they would be more punctual. 30% of them believe that if they are treated with more respect from community members they would be more punctual.16. 7% say that if they have more discipline they would come on time, and 13. 3% say that they should be fired if ontinuously unpunctual. This is a draw showing the ratio of persons in percentages who litter, which also contributes to garbage pollution. Though 50% of the respondents litter sometimes, and 17% per cent of them do litter, I congratulate the 33% of the persons who do not litter. These persons are environmental friendly and contribute to the cleanliness of the environment. This is a representation of the longest period that garbage has been ever been coll ected.3. 3% say that the longest garbage has ever been collected is a period of one week. 3% say that the longest time for collection is one month, 20% say two month, and 13. 3% say ternion months. And the other 30% say others which mean it extends the period of terzetto months. This is a diagram which shows the persons cosmos blamed for pollution by residents. 63% of the persons litter on the streets and are blamed for the pollution because they contribute to it the or so. 13. 3% blame the government, 13. 3% blame the garbage collectors, and 10% says me which intend they blame themselves for the pollution. analytic thinking of interpretation of datadrivel pollution is a problem in the community that must be solved particularly because of its negative effects such as causing flies to be around, attracts rodents, and emits foul scent. During taking the views of the residents into consideration, I realised that intimately persons were affected negatively by the rodents.Pests s uch as rats were seen the most as rodents, and can be very dangerous especially due to the concomitant that they can give diseases which are dangerous to humans. Most persons garbage is collected monthly which also contributes to pollution because it gives more time for the garbage to become in unwarranted amount.This causes more of the persons garbage not being collected at a punctual time which makes the residents angry, frustrated, and enquire why does collection takes so long. maven of the main problems is that the garbage collectors dont come on time, which causes the garbage collection, but most persons believe that if they were being paid more money they would be more punctual. Some of the same persons who have a problem with the garbage pollution are some of the same ones who are impart to it, especially the persons who litter on the street.There are also persons who do not litter but still has to face some of the effects of garbage pollution especially the amount of r odents. Another negative effect is the long length of time that the garbage collectors take to collect the garbage, because the longer it takes for the garbage to be collected is the worse the pollution will be and the effects of it. During the motley conversations with the residents I was informed that the longest garbage had not been collected for, is about three to six months.I think the government should lend oneself garbage collection systems to ensure that these long periods of garbage collection be alter and do not take interpose once more. Persons who are blamed the most for garbage pollution are the persons who litter on the street, especially because they make it difficult for the environment to be cleanly. Statement of finding * The persons who litter on the streets are seen as one of the main factors for garbage pollution.The longer the garbage is taken to be collected are the worse the garbage pollution gets and the negative effects of it. If garbage collectors are being paid more money their affair would be increased, so they would more in all carelihood collect the garbages on time. Recommendation As said in the first place I the researcher believe that the government should implement garbage collection systems to ensure that these long periods of garbage collection be improved and do not take place again. The residents should also give the garbage collectors more respect, and make the environment get out by not littering all. Bibliography Social Studies CSEC faculty By Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. UmrawGarbage PollutionGarbage pollution promoter littering civic waste particularly household waste into places not designated to dispose it off. It is mainly caused by misdirection of solid waste when garbage is not lifted from streets and areas to carry it to landfill sites for its final disposal. It all happens owing to poor system of either garbage collection.Causes of garbage pollutionPollution of garbage increases in cities and t owns where there is no proper system of garbage collection. Households have to but collect the completed garbage of their houses and place it to impertinent home in dustbin or bag. Its collection is the task of civic situation of the area. If garbage collection agency or contractor does not play its grapheme properly and does not collect the garbage regularly and so the problem of this diversity of pollution would obviously arise.Improper disposal chemical mechanism is another cause of this type of pollution. If garbage collection agency simply collects the entire garbage of its area of responsibility but does not dispose it off in proper landfill site then it would litter around here and there and most of it would pile up in streets and other areas. It would eventually cause several diseases due to mushrooming growth of harmful bacteria in it. Effects of garbage pollutionIn least veritable countries mostly garbage is dumped in hold or freely available places and to make i ts final disposal entire garbage is burnt and no one halt them because of un-awareness. Burning garbage not exclusively adds land pollution after being fully burnt but it also becomes source of air pollution by emitting harmful gases while burning. It is called one of the welt air polluting acts because it remains directly in breathing zone of human beings.Garbage pollution is main cause of various bacterial diseases and gastro is one of them. Moreover, typhoid, malaria and various infectious diseases are also caused by it. Mosquitoes and other insects amasses in places where there are piles of garbage and ultimately spread various diseases in thearea. Solutions for garbage pollutionThe key solution for garbage pollution lies in proper worry of solid waste. Apart from that there are three slogans to address this issue reduce, apply and recycle. In this way garbage pollution issue could be solved with simply community efforts. Here reduce federal agency to generate garbage less means fully use the thing and then treat it as garbage like write on every march on of a paper and then by means of it as useless. Similarly reuse means if possible use again and again an gunpoint categorization of of throwing it away for compositors case if you buy oil in a bottle so after consuming that oil use the bottle to sustainment any other fluidness item in it like liquid lash or dish washer liquid etc. Recycle means instead of disposing of garbage in landfill site sort out from it the things which can be made reusable after slight manipulation to it like cans, tins, bottles et
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