Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Poem Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Poem - Annotated Bibliography Example The oppression was being advanced by the whites in various forms such as restrictions to certain facilities and mistreatments. The authors thus portrays how Phillis Whitley composed the poem â€Å"On the Death of General Wooster†which depicts a form of resistance to the state and a protest in a way. Phillis expresses her outrage regarding how the Africa’s race was being treated by the white people. The book can be described as credible since the authors have written other books on the topic before. In the book Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation, Felder, the author, analyses various poems regarding the poetry works by various authors especially in the 18th century such as the â€Å"An Ante-bellum Sermon†composed by Paul Laurence Dunbar in the 1890s. According to Dunbar’s analysis, the poem is more of a protest as well as a plea to other African Americans to resist the slavery that was being facilitated by the white and which was a great source of poverty among the black race. The poem employs a lot of humor where Dunbar calls for â€Å"Moses†to come and rescue the black people from the slavery. The book Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation is a compilation of credible analysis of poems from various poets thus can be described to be trustworthy. Haralson is the author of the popular book Encyclopedia of American Poetry which is a compendium of various poetry works in the history of America. In one of the poems is â€Å"The Slave Auction†which was composed by a renowned poet, Watkins Harper in the slavery period of America. In the book Encyclopedia of American Poetry, the author attempts to analyse the various issue presented by Watkins such as the torture and a hard time that African Americans endured at the time of his composing the poem. He condemns the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of Economic Competitiveness on Wages
Impact of Economic Competitiveness on Wages The growth of low wage jobs is inevitable as national governments seek to promote economic competitiveness. Discuss. Introduction This essay discusses the hypothesis that governmental policies aimed at improving a nation’s relative performance in the global economy must lead to an increase in the low paid jobs. If considered in a global context the subject covers a wide spectrum. So the essay considers the United Kingdom’s (UK) economic experiences from the late 1970’s, with particular emphasis on the Thatcher era from 1979-1990 when the foundations for the UK’s economic reforms were laid. The profound change in economic management coupled with the rapid advances in communications and information technology has accelerated the effects of â€Å"globalisation†and led to severe disruption in the UK labour market. Evidence exists that the erosion of the bargaining power of employees due to the twin effects of government policy and globalisation has exacerbated the decrease in real earnings amongst the less skilled workforce. However this vulnerability can be partially off-set by some of the benefits due to improvements in the UK’s international economic competitiveness and an effective mix of domestic labour market policies. Economic Competitiveness: A Definition For centuries, international trade has been the bedrock of the UK’s prosperity. Economists have long debated the effect of government policies on trade and national prosperity. In 1817 during the first stirrings of the industrial revolution David Ricardo developed an argument which can be summarised as: â€Å"The classical theory of international trade and its role in economic development is based on the principle of comparative advantage. The comparative advantage paradigm states that a country performs better by concentrating on the production of those goods and services for which it possesses a comparative advantage over others, and then trade those goods for those of other countries.†[1] Modern economic theory still supports the basic tenets of Ricardo’s argument, which was primarily developed as an attack on government’s protectionist agricultural policies at the time. Recent research, however, goes a step further. Michael Porter devised the concept of National Advantage [2] which argues that governments have a significant role to play in enhancing a nation’s comparative advantage when competing in the global economy. His â€Å"Diamond of National Advantage†(below) suggests that perusing policies that enhance company performance by, say, strict product standards, stimulating demand for advanced products, focusing on factor creation, with improved worker skills and stimulating rivalry by enforcing antitrust legislation will support the development of a strong and internationally competitive trading economy. The UK Experience After the Second World War the UK government pursued policies to reduce unemployment through subsidies, direct support for industry, including nationalisation of some economically challenged sectors such as coal-mining, railways and a major automotive manufacturer, limiting external competition through protectionism. Trade policy was largely governed by favouring Commonwealth countries, through the â€Å"Commonwealth Preference†arrangements. This approach was largely self-defeating as suggested by the Economist as early as 1960. â€Å"A comprehensive system involving the granting of large margins of preference might be expected to have results of two kinds: it should ensure to exporters a larger share of the market than they would otherwise obtain, or enable them to charge higher prices for their goods than in non-preferential markets. An examination of Commonwealth Preference suggests that its effects in both directions are more limited than is implied by the support which it commands in the Commonwealth and the hostility it sometimes arouses in non-Commonwealth countries.†[3] In particular, it was in conflict with some of the concepts of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, (GATT) formed in 1947 to promote economic recovery after the war by reducing barriers in international trade, particularly the reduction in tariff barriers. The UK economy prospered under this regime particularly in the late 50’s and early 60’s but by the 70’s the cracks were beginning to show. By the mid 70’s it was obvious this economic model was not in tune with the needs of a modern nation in a rapidly changing world. Some of the old tenets were under scrutiny and the entrenched bastions of economic power were at loggerheads. In particular, the power of the union movement and the entrenched conservatism and resistance to change of management in the traditional industries such as coal, rail and manufacturing led to conflict and industrial disputation which were ruinous to the economic health of the nation. Successive governments failed to address the underlying economic causes of the problems, until Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979 with a new approach to economic governance. Her philosophy was not necessarily based on economic theory, although some of her advisors and ministers were well versed in Keynesian economics. Her government embarked on a series of structural economic reforms including the privatisation of government-owned industries, deregulation of large swathes of UK economic activity, particularly financial services and the pursuance of an aggressive free trade agenda. â€Å"What became known as Thatcherism may have been an agenda which benefited corporate capital, as left critiques emphasize, but its ideological formulation was populist and it employed the petty bourgeois values of thrift, hard work, and family solidarity as the central justifications for privatization, tax cuts, reduction of state expenditure, and hostility to trade unions.†[4] Since that period it is true to say that â€Å"Thatcherism†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦was†¦. to become the ruling consensus of the British government . soon established and exported around the world[5] It is interesting to note that Thatcher’s economic policies predated Porter’s research outlined in section 2, as Hood and Young observed: â€Å"While what has occurred falls short of a systemic approach to counteract market-distorting behavior or to build up created assets, there is little doubt that there have been consistent themes pursued since the Conservative government came to power in 1979. Deregulation, privatization, the restructuring of the handling of labour disputes, and so on have been driven by a clear philosophy concerning the role of the market and the negative economic and social effects of certain types of market distortions†[6] Effect on Employment and Wages As the Thatcher reforms began to bite, the short-term results reverberated around the UK. For example the industrial midlands in the late 70’s was the heart of the automotive and machine tool manufacturing industries. By the mid 80’s it was an industrial wasteland with acres of empty and derelict factory space with many thousands of workers displaced or redundant. This picture was repeated in many communities previously reliant on â€Å"smokestack†industries in the north and west of the UK. Anecdotal evidence suggested many of those displaced from manufacturing jobs had joined the informal self-employed workforce and those still in full-time employment had migrated to low-wage jobs in service industries such as retailing. This is backed up by comments from Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which reports: â€Å"The labour market plays a crucial role in reaping potential gain from globalisation by facilitating a shift of jobs from decli ning sectors or occupations to expanding ones, in line with the changes in comparative advantage. However, this labour market adjustment is not always smooth because many workers displaced from declining sectors are poorly positioned to move into newly-created jobs in export sectors, which may be located in different regions or require different qualifications†[7] The International Labour Organisation (ILO) also echoes a similar theme: â€Å"Policies aimed at increasing competitiveness by lowering unit labour costs should consider the potential consequences on either workers (via wages) or firms and economic growth (via productivity). For example, on the one hand, an excessive and long-run emphasis on wage moderation may threaten a country’s productivity growth rate as it might discourage innovation and investment in human capital†[8] In the longer term, however the overall benefits to the UK economy were substantial. The shift from a manufacturing to serviced based economy has brought significant benefits to the nation. â€Å"The UK, a leading trading power and financial centre, is one of the quintet of trillion dollar economies of Western Europe. Over the past two decades, the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs. Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. The UK has large coal, natural gas, and oil reserves; primary energy production accounts for 10% of GDP, one of the highest shares of any industrial nation. Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance. Since emerging from recession in 1992, Britains economy has enjoyed the longest period of expansion on record; growth has remained in the 2-3% range since 2004, outpacing most of Europe.†[9] Not everyone has benefited from this development. In relative terms the rich have got richer whereas the lower-paid workers have seen their relative position decline. â€Å"The UKs growth in wealth equality has been the fastest among the worlds 30 richest and most developed countries. But in 2005, when the organisation compiled its latest data, the UK remained a more unequal society than three-quarters of OECD countries, with the richest 10% earning nine times more than the poorest 10%.†[10] Striking the Balance Based on the UK government’s experience, seeking to promote economic competitiveness can be beneficial for the national economy overall. â€Å"Open trade and investment policies can be a powerful force for raising living standards. Economists have long emphasised this point and it is confirmed by much research. For example, the OECD’s Growth Study estimated that a 10 percentage point increase in trade openness translates over time into an increase of around 4% in per capita income in the OECD area.†[11] However to mitigate the disruptive effects of such aggressive economic policies, suitable social policies should go hand in hand. For example policies to enhance labour mobility and relocation, income security packages linked to retraining to increase re-employment options, skill-development programs and minimum wage policies to limit low-pay traps. A balanced policy approach can help offset the growth and pervasiveness of low wage jobs. Bibliography Fidelis Ezeala-Harrison, Theory and Policy of International Competitiveness, page 4 Greenwood Publishing Group Michael E. Porter The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, 1998 Economist Intelligence Unit, The Commonwealth and Europe (London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 1960.) Philip Abbott, Leadership by Exemplar: Reagans FDR and Thatchers Churchill, Presidential Studies Quarterly 27.2 (1997) Simon Jenkins, Thatcher and Sons, page 1, Allen Lane 2006 Neil Hood, and Stephen Young, 8 The United Kingdom, Governments, Globalization, and International Business, ed. John H. Dunning (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999) Globalisation, Jobs and Wages, Policy Brief, OECD, June 2007 ILO Key Indicators of the Labour Market KILM 4th Edition 2005 Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505 The Guardian, Wednesday October 22 2008 Globalisation, Jobs and Wages, Policy Brief, OECD, June 2007 Footnotes [1] Fidelis Ezeala-Harrison, Theory and Policy of International Competitiveness, page 4 Greenwood Publishing Group [2] Michael E. Porter The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, 1998 [3] Economist Intelligence Unit, The Commonwealth and Europe (London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 1960.) [4] Philip Abbott, Leadership by Exemplar: Reagans FDR and Thatchers Churchill, Presidential Studies Quarterly 27.2 (1997) [5] Simon Jenkins, Thatcher and Sons, page 1, Allen Lane 2006 [6] Neil Hood, and Stephen Young, 8 The United Kingdom, Governments, Globalization, and International Business, ed. John H. Dunning (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999) [7] Globalisation, Jobs and Wages, Policy Brief, OECD, June 2007 [8] ILO Key Indicators of the Labour Market KILM 4th Edition 2005 [9] Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505 [10] The Guardian, Wednesday October 22 2008 [11] Globalisation, Jobs and Wages, Policy Brief, OECD, June 2007
Friday, October 25, 2019
Megans Law Essay -- essays research papers
MEGAN’S LAW PROTECT THE CHILDREN OR THE PEDOPHILES Megan Kanka was an innocent little girl, someone’s daughter, sister, and best friend. The defendant, Jesse Timmendequas, changed all of that. He changed it brutally, savagely, and permanently. In a few moments of unspeakable horror, the defendant destroyed all of Megan’s dreams, all of that joy, all that hope, all that promise. In those few moments, he destroyed Megan Kanka’s life. She would never live to see her wedding day, never have children, and never embrace her family again. Jesse Timmendequas took Megan’s life on July 24, 1994. Her funeral was held on Wednesday, August 3, 1994. Jesse Timmendequas was a twice convicted sex offender. He moved in across the street from Megan’s home without the family’s knowledge of his history as a pedophile. Joseph Cifelli was another convicted sex offender who had spent nine years at the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center. He had been convicted after admitting to repeated sexual abuse of a relative that had begun when the child was nine. A third man, Brian R. Jenin had been convicted twice of crimes involving young boys. Jenin, along with Timmendequas, was under investigation in connection with the unsolved murders of two boys in San Diego. All three were Megan's neighbors. Jesse Timmendequas’ convictions stemmed from a 1981 attack on a 5 year old girl, for which he served 9 months. That same year he was convicted for an attempted rape of a 7 year old girl, for which he was sentenced to ten years. After serving only six years, he was free to lure 7 year old Megan into his home where he brutally raped and strangling her with a belt as she bit and fought for life. He knocked her to the floor, hitting her several times in the head. He wrapped her head in plastic shopping bags to prevent her blood from staining the rugs. He then took a toy box and stuffed her inside. Megan’s body was found in a weeded area of a nearby park near a portable toilet. On May 30, 1997, a jury returned a guilty verdict on all counts of murder including capital murder, kidnapping, and aggravated sexual assault and sentenced Jesse Timmendequas to death. It was this little girl’s brutal death that prompted her parents, Richard and Maureen Kanka, to fight for broad based community notification. Megan’s parents believe that if they had known that a pedophile lived nearby, this heinous crime... ...s due process. Due process is best defined in one word--fairness. When a person is treated unfairly by the government, including the courts, he is said to have been deprived of or denied due process. The most common and successful due process challenge is procedural due process. This challenge has occurred mainly in states that classify offenders according to the level of risk they pose to communities. This argument centers on whether an offender is allowed a hearing to challenge a risk classification. The Massachusetts Supreme Court recently found that provisions of the state’s community notification law violated constitutional due process Doe v. Sex Offender Registry Board, Mass. SJC-07608 (July 24,1998). The United States Supreme Court has yet to weigh in it’s opinion as to whether or not offender’s due process or Ex Post Facto rights are being violated by Megan’s Law. Are we bothered by the fact that in the current social climate, the rights of convicted pedophiles are routinely violated and nobody cares. Rules of evidence are stretched, and terms of punishment are increased. The danger of this precedent is impossible to ignore. As parents, though... are we okay with it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Adhering to various articles of the uniform code of military justice Essay
Today’s Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice is the result of a long history of advances in the rights of military personnel in which duty, obligation, and consequences are spelled out. It is the responsibility of every member of the armed services to keep this in mind and to embrace the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice as a guide for appropriate behavior. The precursors to the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) include the Articles of War (1912-1920), The Elston Act (1948), and The Morgan Draft of 1949, each of which significantly furthered the rights of military personnel while securing the equitable application of justice (Articles of War; Elston Act; Uniform Code of Military Justice). Given the long history of the UCMJ, and the number of revisions that have taken place in order to create the modern Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, military personnel should remember and respect the efforts that were put forth to ensure their protections while serving in the military. All personnel should value the efforts of their predecessors by acting in accordance with the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. As a dedicated soldier in the Military of the United States of America, it is my duty to adhere to the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice so that I might best represent myself, my Company, and my Country, and I failed in this duty on October XX, 2006 when I did not report to a special work detail. This was an unfortunate event that I should have avoided, and having reflected on the situation, I see that I erred in several respects. In the future, I shall avoid repeating such actions as it is not my intent to perform or reflect poorly on the military, my fellow soldiers, or myself. Although I failed to report to the special work detail, and violated a number of the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, it was not my intent to ignore my duties or act in a manner that, in retrospect, might be viewed as a lack of effort and dedication on my part as well as, perhaps, being viewed as a general disrespect for my fellow officers. I offer no excuse; however, it is my hope that a brief explanation of the situation will show that I did attempt to fulfill my obligations and that I now understand that my actions should have been different. On October XX, 2006, I made an error by arriving to the designated special work detail location one hour in advance of the actual starting time; this error on my part was due to a simple miscommunication. While the miscommunication itself was an event that was primarily out of my control, my actions following my early arrival could have been different. Instead of making every effort to assure that I was at the correct location and had reported at the correct time, I simply returned home. This was not the best choice, and I regret having erred in this way. I compounded this initial error in judgment by assuming that shortly after leaving the special work detail site that I would be contacted via telephone and informed about where and when I was actually to report. This phone call never came, and I made yet another poor choice in not following up on this on my own. Having thought my actions over, I see clearly that as a member of the armed services, I may be faced with occasional miscommunications. I am aware, now, that it is my responsibility to (when possible and appropriate) confirm my assignments with my fellow soldiers to avoid such miscommunications, and if faced with a situation as was the case on October XX, 2006, it is my duty to do everything in my power to ascertain what my obligations are. The Uniform Code of Military Justice can be viewed as â€Å"the foundation for the United. States military justice system,†and as a member of the Armed Forces, it is important that I respect and follow the Code’s Articles without fail (Index & Legislative History of the UCMJ). I showed poor judgment and an overall lack of respect for myself and my fellow soldiers on October XX, 2006 when I failed to report for a special work detail. This was a failure on my part that occurred as a result of a series of poor choices that I made, and I regret having acted in this manner. When I did not appear for the special work detail on October XX, 2006, I violated several Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and in so doing, I did not do my best in representing myself, my Company, or my Country. I am well aware that there are no valid excuses for my actions, and I intend to do my best not to exhibit further incidents of poor judgment. It is my goal to perform my duties at all times to the best of my abilities, and in a manner that reflects positively on me, my Company, and the United States of America. Violating any of the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice contradicts my intentions, and I regret my actions. Missing the special work detail on October XX, 2006 means I failed to appear at my appointed place of duty at the appointed time which was a violation of Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Absence Without Leave (Powers, Article 86). This action was not appropriate, and I should have made every effort to ascertain when and where I was to have reported. Special work details are a regular part of a soldier’s responsibilities, and by not reporting on October XX, 2006, I let myself and my company down. Obviously, my not being present meant the other members of my work detail had to take up the slack for my not being present: they became responsible for performing my share of the work. This is contrary to my training, and it is contrary to my duties as a soldier. I realize that as a member of a team, my role is one that I must take seriously, and I cannot let the other members of my team down or threaten my team’s ability to succeed by failing to uphold my portion of any given task. This is what happened on October XX, 2006, when I failed to report to the special work detail. This was an action I regret, and one I hope not to repeat. The United States Military relies on each and every one of its members to report to duty fully prepared to perform and in a manner timely enough to perform as required, and because each soldier depends on his fellow soldiers, it is important that no one be absent without leave. It is also possible that one soldier’s failure to report makes more difficult or prevents the ability of other members of his Squad, Platoon, or Company to perform their assigned tasks, and this could create a number of negative consequences that do not reflect well on anyone. I understand that my failing to report where I was required to do so and when I was required to do so on October XX, 2006 when I missed the special work detail was a violation of Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Absence Without Leave, and that this showed a lapse in judgment which should not be repeated in the future. I intend to avoid further violations of this Article as I understand that this failure reflects poorly on the United States of America, the Military, my Squad, Platoon, or Company, and myself. Special work details are often assigned as part of my obligations as a soldier, and by choosing not to report on October XX, 2006, I failed to obey the order of a superior commissioned officer which is a violation of Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Willfully Disobeying a Superior Commissioned Officer (Powers, Article 90). This was disrespectful, and I regret my actions. I am well aware of the importance of following orders, and it was not my intent to fail to do so. The importance of the Chain of Command cannot be over-emphasized. Each member of a Squad, a Platoon, or a Company must know his role and fulfill it without fail. The Chain of Command provides an easy means by which individuals can work together towards a shared goal while avoiding undue confusion whether completing tasks that are simple or completing tasks that are extremely complex. Superior officers give orders to those under their command to ensure that shared goals are met based on the appropriate and necessary actions of their subordinate personnel. I did not fulfill my role, and in failing to do so, I let myself and those who depend on me down, and I may have cast doubt on whether or not others can rely on me in the future. In addition, my inaction in this situation most likely created a hardship on the other members of my Squad, Platoon, Company by requiring that they do extra work. I understand that my failure to follow the orders of a superior was inappropriate, and not in the best interests of myself or my fellow soldiers, and that further violations of Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Willfully Disobeying a Superior Commissioned Officer are not in my best interest. Having thought about this, I see clearly that I should have done everything in my power to fulfill my obligations and to avoid the appearance of disrespecting my superior officer by failing to report as ordered. I failed to appear at my appointed place of duty when I missed a special work detail on October XX, 2006. This was a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Failure to Obey an Order or a Regulation (Powers, Article 92). This was an error on my part that I regret and intend to avoid in the future. As a proud and dedicated member of the United States’ Armed Services, I do not have the luxury of deciding whether or not I will abide by an order or a regulation. My job is not to decide whether or not I want to do something; my job is to do what I am ordered to do when I am ordered to do it. It is my responsibility to understand that I play a role in a team, and that my failing to perform my part of a task assigned to the team I am a part of puts all members of that team at risk of failing. In failing to report to the special work detail on October XX, 2006, I let myself and my fellow soldiers down, and I showed poor judgment. Every Company needs order, and the surest way to ensure that individuals come together to form a cohesive group is to establish regulations that must be followed. By failing to report to my special work detail on October XX, 2006, I jeopardized the cohesion of my group, and I brought into question the degree to which I might be relied upon in the future. After thinking about my actions and the effect that my lack of following through had, I regret not having done more to ensure that I knew where and when I was supposed to report on October XX, 2006. I understand that my failure to report to the special work detail on October XX, 2006 was equivalent to failing to obey an order and reflected poorly on myself and my fellow service members, and that violating Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Failure to Obey an Order or a Regulation does not cast me in a positive light. Because it is my desire to perform all of my duties to the best of my abilities, I regret my actions and hope not to repeat a similar error. My failing to report to the special work detail on October XX, 2006 was in flagrant disregard of good order and discipline and was detrimental to the overall well-being of the command with which I am associated. This was a violation of Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman (Powers, Article 133). I now see clearly that missing my assigned task was an error in judgment on my part, and I intend to do everything in my power to avoid a repeat of this error. As a dedicated representative of the United States of America, it is my duty, my responsibility, and my desire to conduct myself in a manner that represents me, my command, and my country in the most positive light possible. When I missed the special work detail on October XX, 2006, I shed negative light on all facets of the Military, and I regret this. Military Units function best when all of their members work in unison towards a common goal, and my missing the special work detail on October XX, 2006 reflects a lack of discipline and an unwillingness to keep good order, both of which are detrimental to my well-being and that of the members of my Company as well as violating Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman. It is not my intent to tarnish the image of the Military of the United States of America, and as a representative of the Armed Forces, my failing to report to the special work detail on October XX, 2006 did just that. This is an action I regret. I neglected my duty to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the Armed Forces when I chose to miss the special work detail on October XX, 2006. This action constituted a violation of Article 134c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Disorder and Neglect to the Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline (Powers, Article 134c). It also created a hardship to my fellow soldiers and threatened the proper, timely completion of the task at hand. This discipline of a soldier is only truly challenged when he is faced with a duty he does not want to perform. Because the good order of a Squad, a Platoon, or a Company often depends on the discipline of each of its individual members, it is imperative that every single soldier practices good discipline at all times, especially when circumstances challenge what he wants to do with what he must do. When one soldier fails to put his personal desires aside, it shows a lack of respect towards his fellow soldiers, and it may have the additional adverse effect of tempting others to disobey orders as well. Having thought about my actions, I see that my failing to report on October XX, 2006 did just this, and I regret my actions and the effect they may have had on others. I understand that my actions do not reflect well on my desire to uphold good order or discipline, that they cast a negative light on me and my Company, and that further violations of Article 134c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Disorder and Neglect to the Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline are not in my best interest. It is my intent to keep this in mind and in the future, to act with a greater degree of appropriate decision-making. I fully appreciate the historical significance of today’s Uniform Code of Military Justice, and my responsibility as a proud and dedicated member of the United States Armed Services to adhere to its Articles. I understand that my actions on October XX, 2006 when I failed to report to my special work detail appears to be an indication on my part of a lack of respect for the UCMJ, the basis of the military justice system, and that in skipping my special work detail on October XX, 2006, I violated Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Absence Without Leave; Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Willfully Disobeying a Superior Commissioned Officer; Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Failure to Obey an Order or a Regulation; Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman; and Article 134c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Disorder and Neglect to the Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline. Having taken time to reflect upon my actions, I see clearly that regulations are in place to assist me, as a soldier, in performing my duties in the manner that best suits me individually and my fellow soldiers as a whole, and that in failing to report to my special work detail on October XX, 2006, I let myself and those who count on me down. This lapse in judgment reflects poorly on me, on my Company, and on the United States of America, and I intend to avoid any similar events in my future, so that I might reflect the attitude of the proud, dedicated soldier that I am to those with whom I serve. R eferences Articles of War (1912-1920). , The In Military Legal Resources.Library of Congress. U. S. Govt. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://www. loc. gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/AW-1912-1920. html. Elston Act (1948), The. In Military Legal Resources. Library of Congress. U. S. Govt. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://www. loc. gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/ Elston_act. html. Index & Legislative History of the UCMJ (1950). In Military Legal Resources. Library of Congress. U. S. Govt. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://www. loc. gov/rr/ frd/Military_Law/index_legHistory. html. Pound, Edward T. (2002, December 16). Creating a code of justice. History. U. S. News & World Report. Retrieved August 30, 2006 from http://www.usnews. com/usnews/ news/articles/021216/16justice. b. htm. Powers, Rod. Punitive Articles of the UCMJ: Article 86â€â€Absence without leave. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://usmilitary. about. com/od/punitivearticles/a/mcm86. htm. Powers, Rod. Punitive Articles of the UCMJ: Article 90â€â€Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://usmilitary. about. com/od/punitivearticles/a/mcm86. htm. Powers, Rod. Punitive Articles of the UCMJ: Article 92â€â€Failure to obey order or regulation. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://usmilitary. about. com/od/punitivearticles/ a/mcm92. htm. Powers, Rod. Punitive Articles of the UCMJ: Article 133â€â€Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://usmilitary. about. com/od/ punitivearticles/a/mcm133. htm. Powers, Rod. Punitive Articles of the UCMJ: Article 134â€â€General article. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://usmilitary. about. com/od/punitivearticles/a/134. htm. Uniform Code of Military Justice; Text, References and Commentary Based on the Report of the Committee on a Uniform Code of Military Justice to the Secretary of Defense [the Morgan Draft] (1949). In Military Legal Resources. Library of Congress. U. S. Govt. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from http://www. loc. gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/morgan. html.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Filipino Patriotism Essay
As time passes by, a person’s traits, behavior and personality changes generation to generation, some changes are positive and some are negative, but does Filipino traits today a positive or a negative change when we relate it to the love for our country? Filipinos today are somehow unpredictable. Why? Of course we’re not god to predict what they can or will do that somehow can put the country to shame. But as you can see, we, Filipino’s can do everything now, thanks to our ancestors who successfully freed our country, but sadly some are abusing or overusing the gifts we received from our ancestors. Feeling free and can do everything, Filipinos somehow became spoiled, that they only think and do things for theirselves, never for the country. Some says that all the Filipinos who work abroad are considered as Filipino patriots. Let’s see. Why do you think some Filipino’s went to other countries just to work? Is it for our country? Or is it because of our country? Many workers reasons are that they need to gain higher amount of money everyday to sustain their and their family needs that they have to sacrifice their lives for their family. It’s really for their family not for the country, yes they are heroes: heroes of their own family. You see, nowadays, you’ll never hear these sentence anymore: â€Å"oh, I went to other countries for our own country. †It’s just a sad thing that we make ourselves believe that when we work abroad we might be already a Filipino patriot, but the real thing is, we are leaving our country behind, we never know that maybe someone out there needs us so bad that when we cooperate with them to contribute in raising our country’s economy. And have you ever noticed that some people, permanently leave this country after they earned enough money, and the worst, others, denies or are ashamed of their nationality. A Filipino in new York posted this, â€Å"Deep down inside every Filipino knows that there is a sense of patriotism soon to erupt. But now is not the time. There’s no sense of showing Filipino pride when we have a government as lame as this. Nakakahiya pa nga minsan eh. †And another Filipino posted this, â€Å"After the September 11 tragedy, you’ll see people wearing American Flag shirts, cars have American Flags hanging out, American tickers being given away free everywhere, and what not. Wow, do *I* have one on my car†¦. well yes, because I live in U. S. soil and I’m a Fil-Am.. but.. wait!!! Deep inside me I’m still a proud Filipino, I will stand behind my country till the end, and it hurts because it looks like no one else besides me thinks Philippines have a chance. †It’s a sad thing hearing or reading posts like this. Is Filipino patriotism, really dying? How about the youth? Wouldn’t they do anything about it? Who is responsible enough to guide and pursue youth to do anything for our country?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Biography- Fat Man in The Middle-Germound essays
Biography- Fat Man in The Middle-Germound essays In the biography Fat Man In A Middle Seat on Jack W. Germonds life as a reporter the reader if not already knowing, learns about a man who knew everyone, saw everything, and went everywhere involving politics. The places, people, and situations involving Germonds life were inflicted in his writing. Some feel strong to say Germond was one, if not the best political writer of his time. There are many positives of a couple of negatives to this biography and the manner in which Germond approached politics in his work. The author was very analytical, using his professional background to support his writing, using the content of politics, which was merely factual in support of his many thesis, Jack W. Germond is a very analytical writer. Since Germond had been around politics and had meet many people in politics he covered every bases possible. Without reading his writings for the Washington Star and Baltimore Sun, in his biography you get a great idea of his style, and approach, toward the facts, and his opinion on politics at the time. Germond being analytical caused him to step on many toes in his writing. Not offending everyday political parties but rather the politics themselves. Society loved Nelson A. Rockefeller, however, in Germonds writing the people saw a side of Rockefeller that know one had really seen, except Germond himself, and he did not hold back in any manner. What Germond saw he wrote for the people themselves to know, and see as if they had met Rockefeller. Knowing what people were all about and what their intentions were, helped Germond to move up the ladder, and analyzing was the platform to do so. Germond was a professional with the background that created success. As said before Germond had many opinions, in which many were liberal. All of Germonds readers no matter what political opinions they had, ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Why Study Pearl Harbor
Why study Pearl Harbor? An event 60 years past would, on the face of it, seem irrelevant today. Sure, the movie will be out soon and the interest is inevitable. But let's put Pearl Harbor into proper perspective: This attack shaped generations of American military and political thinking. The cold was consumed by a "peace through strength" mentality burned into their memories by the events of that December. As a "baby-boomer" I concur with Thurston Clarke who wrote: "I was... in the earliest of post war generations, one that grew up listening to war stories, surrounded by German helmets, Japanese bayonets, and the flight jackets we wore as teenagers. For us bravery was defined by Omaha Beach, leadership by Winston Churchill, evil by the Holocaust, and treachery by Pearl Harbor. The war we know was immediate, its wounds raw, its issues simple. We were too close to it for historical perspective, too removed to understand its ironies and moral ambiguities. The movies we saw and the books we read were often wartime propaganda, but we were too young to separate the real from the bogus. And after watching all those black and white documentaries, reading those fat histories, and participating in those philosophical disputes that could never be argued without reference to Hitler, and after comparing our restless, unfulfilled generation with the one before it, perhaps it is not surprising we fel t such second-hand nostalgia for a time we had never lived and a was we had never fought, nor surprising that my second-hand memories had become second-hand grudges" [against the Japanese]. For many the wounds are still raw, so be prepared for a two-pronged response to this history section. One generation remembers December 7th, 1941 as a reverent event; another may just think the planes and ships are "cool". Both will respond through their own prisms. All are welcome. Future articles will feature technical stories of ships and planes as well as huma... Free Essays on Why Study Pearl Harbor Free Essays on Why Study Pearl Harbor Why study Pearl Harbor? An event 60 years past would, on the face of it, seem irrelevant today. Sure, the movie will be out soon and the interest is inevitable. But let's put Pearl Harbor into proper perspective: This attack shaped generations of American military and political thinking. The cold was consumed by a "peace through strength" mentality burned into their memories by the events of that December. As a "baby-boomer" I concur with Thurston Clarke who wrote: "I was... in the earliest of post war generations, one that grew up listening to war stories, surrounded by German helmets, Japanese bayonets, and the flight jackets we wore as teenagers. For us bravery was defined by Omaha Beach, leadership by Winston Churchill, evil by the Holocaust, and treachery by Pearl Harbor. The war we know was immediate, its wounds raw, its issues simple. We were too close to it for historical perspective, too removed to understand its ironies and moral ambiguities. The movies we saw and the books we read were often wartime propaganda, but we were too young to separate the real from the bogus. And after watching all those black and white documentaries, reading those fat histories, and participating in those philosophical disputes that could never be argued without reference to Hitler, and after comparing our restless, unfulfilled generation with the one before it, perhaps it is not surprising we fel t such second-hand nostalgia for a time we had never lived and a was we had never fought, nor surprising that my second-hand memories had become second-hand grudges" [against the Japanese]. For many the wounds are still raw, so be prepared for a two-pronged response to this history section. One generation remembers December 7th, 1941 as a reverent event; another may just think the planes and ships are "cool". Both will respond through their own prisms. All are welcome. Future articles will feature technical stories of ships and planes as well as huma...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
World Hunger Essay
World Hunger Essay World Hunger Essay World hunger essay An estimated 24000 people die from hunger so a world hunger essay should start by pointing out that hunger is an important issue in third world countries. A global problem A good way to start a world hunger essay is to give a birds eye view on the issue of hunger by referring to hunger statistics the world over. It makes sense to start a world hunger essay with statistics from countries that are most vulnerable to food shortages. One of the greatest anti-hunger advocates - Sir John Boyar examined how hunger is a thorn in the side of all Third World counties and tried to offer solutions as the director-general of the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization. One of the first things we have to do he said is to stop viewing food as any other commodity and to see it as an essential to life. Move over Im famished! A world hunger essay can also examine some of the worlds most devastating famines and how they could have been avoided. Develop the topic After giving the statistics the next thing your world hunger essay should do is to examine the causes for hunger and starvation. These can be as diverse as:Large population Free trade Viewing food as a means to earn money rather than to sustain life Ending on a hopeful note How can the problem of world hunger be solved? End by offering possible solutions to the problem. What active steps have been taken by the government of various nations to fight world hunger? What is the United Nations doing to get food for the needy? These are some of the points a thought provoking world hunger essay should touch upon. Lastly a world hunger essay would do well to analyze some sociological theories on dependency that can change the face of world hunger and make it smile. Farmers from the third world should be discouraged from sending all their produce to other countries for profit. The world would fare better if everyone realized that feeding the hungry is more important than money in the bank. Since a starving nation cannot be a productive one. These are some of the points to be covered in a good world hunger essay.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Choose one of these photographs to analyse the context of play ( Early Assignment
Choose one of these photographs to analyse the context of play ( Early childhood education ) - Assignment Example The materials that these children have to play include; a handcart, tins, pieces of wood, sticks, stones and long pieces of wood or metal. The context of play in figure 2 would suit children between five years and seven years. Children at this age have developed their fine motor and gross motor skills. These skills allow the children to hold things firmly enough to allow for their play. Children at this age are also particularly interested in play that requires initiative. They are learning to become autonomous and independent and are quite initiative at this stage. At this age, a child’s world gets filled with the magic of discovery, exploration and make-believe which is a means of development. This is what causes their interest in such games (Crowther, 2006). Creativity refers to turning new, imaginative ideas into reality. It requires passion and commitment. Imagination is the ability to form images and sensations without perceiving them through your senses. It is a creative faculty of the mind. Imagination is a power of the mind. Promotion of creativity and imagination in children’s play is extremely beneficial. This is because children make use of their imagination and creativity to interact and play with other people and things found in their environment (Wellhousen, 2004). They also use the level of creativity and imagination developed during play to make decisions in their day to day lives and solve problems. Imagination helps children develop critical thinking skills which are later on extremely necessary in life. Creativity is also crucial for development because it enables children to create solutions for their problems. It also teaches them how to make decisions (Sigelman, 2011). In the context of play in photo 2, we witness a lot of creativity and innovation taking place. The children are trying to place the long pieces of metal on the handcart. They have
Friday, October 18, 2019
Abuse of prescription of narcotics in primary care Dissertation
Abuse of prescription of narcotics in primary care - Dissertation Example Chronic non cancer pain in primary care and use of opioids (Nicholson & Pasik, 2007). In the USA estimates suggest that 50 million people suffer from chronic non cancer pain, with 41% dissatisfied with the outcomes of their pain treatment. The frequent site at which these patients seek health care is from primary care. In the primary care environment prevalence of chronic non cancer pain ranges from 5% to 33% (Nicholson & Pasik, 2007).3) Extent of opioid misuse in primary care and causes (Von Korff et al, 2011).  True estimates of the extent to which prescription opioids are misused among primary care patients are not available, but the limited evidence from surveys conducted suggest that the prevalence of prescription opioid misuse in primary care could range from 4% to 26% (Von Korff et al, 2011)4) Primary care givers need to have adequate knowledge on preventing opioid misuse Salloum, 2010).  Though the true prevalence of prescription opioid misuse remains elusive the ind ications of high abuse of prescription opioids raises the relevance of prevention practices at the point of misuse (Ruiz & Strain, 2010).B. Establish a working definition of prescription opioid abuse and identification of the characteristics of prescription opioid abuse  1) According to Friedman et al p, 454, NUPM in a wide perspective may be taken to mean â€Å"the use of a scheduled prescription medication without the prescribing clinician’s knowledge†(Friedman et al, 2009).2) Characteristics of abuse of prescription narcotics (Liebschutz et al, 2010)... ry care patients diagnosed with chronic pain and prescribed opioids shows that the characteristics for PDUD in such patients include cigarette smoking, high severity of pain, personal and family history of substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and experience of a jail sentence (Liebschutz et al, 2010). 3) Caregiver knowledge and attitudes in the prescribing of narcotics for non cancer chronic pain (Srivatsava, 2007). Evidence coming from surveys conducted on care givers points to knowledge deficits in care givers and attitudinal issues acting as barriers to efficient management of pain. Quite often fear of addiction and misuse of prescribed narcotics is the basis of unsatisfactory management of pain (Srivatsava, 2007). 4) Patient perspective on prescribing of narcotics for non cancer chronic pain (Srivatsava, 2007). From the perspective of patients it is the care providers in the form of medical and nursing professionals that are knowledgeable on issues pertaining to emplo ying narcotics in the treatment of pain, and they expect that these professionals provide them with the appropriate information on narcotics in the treatment of non cancer chronic pain, to make it a useful part in their treatment (Srivatsava, 2007). II Theoretical Considerations (Not done as no guidelines received and not mandatory for the annotated outline) III Review of Literature A literature review matrix has been generated for effectively developing the literature review. 15 peer reviewed primary research articles relevant to the topic of the dissertation were selected. The inclusion criterion was that these articles were published on or later than 2006. The rationale behind such an inclusion criteria was to make the literature deliver the currently relevant body of knowledge on the
W 4 Case Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
W 4 Case Marketing - Essay Example The researcher defined the premise of quality to respondents as a healthcare delivery system that guarantees prompt execution of duty with guaranteed results of recovery (Zawacki, Bell and French, 2005). In the said study, the following data were gathered. From table 2, several decision making points can be drawn on the impact of the affordable health care reform act on the value of health care services. This is because from the results in the figure, it can be noted that for a very long time, service users have had the experience and perception that where there is low cost or affordable health care, the proceeding outcome of service delivery is low quality in terms of the speed at which health service can be received and the guarantee of recovery from sickness. Because access to health care was not a factor in determining quality, service providers will not have much to do with access to healthcare whiles offering affordable health care. But once citizens have complained about the state of health quality in terms of speed and recovery rate, it will be suggested for regulators to adequately check service providers in these two areas of service delivery. In relation to the use of healthcare information system, it would be recommended that new information systems that are focused on speedy and effective service delivery be implemented in various health care facilities. Unlike in the Providian case, it is important to take different approaches that ensures that in every facility with health information system, the focus will be to ensure integrated and coordinated efforts from all internal stakeholders who will work together to ensure speed and
Stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims - Essay Example The present paper discusses the historical development of stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims by the US media and also explores the causes behind such a development. The US media is rife with the "vilest racist" stereotyping of Arabs, with prominent publications such as the Wall Street Journal publishing articles, such as those by Cynthia Ozick, which tend to defile Arab culture and religion (Said 2). Since America came under attack by terrorists, extremely restrictive regulations have been posed on immigrants and travelers from Muslim lands (Paden & Singer 8). The September 11 incident gave rise to mass paranoia against Arabs and the mainstream media fueled this. However, the September 11 terrorist incident is not solely responsible for the negative stereotyping of Arabs. Anti-Muslim sentiments were already widespread in the US prior to the terrorist attacks. According to Shaheen, the Beirut bombing incident of 1983, which killed several Americans at the American Embassy and many US marines, along with the TWA passenger jet-hijacking incident of 1985, followed by the hostage incident in the US embassy in Iran led to Anti-Arab sentiments in Amer ica (4). Arabs were perceived as "dark-complexioned Muslim rogues, flaunting unkempt beards or moustaches" (Shaheen 4). Such stereotyped images ruled the American psyche and were further promoted by motion pictures, television shows and cartoons. According to Geyelin, Journalists tend to think and speak of them collectively, to judge the many by the egregious excess of the few. Scholars write of Arab tribalism and unsettled nomadic instincts. The suggestion is that Arabs are somehow incapable of statecraft or stable nationhood. They dress funny, carry guns (qtd in Shaheen 5). Such stereotyping of Arabs harbored prejudices against them in the American minds, which were rekindled by the terrorist attacks of September 11. The misrepresentation of Muslim
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Finance SLP5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finance SLP5 - Essay Example The average Japanese stock pays less than one percent in annual dividends per year (Norris, 1995). In Japan the overall sad state of the economy has gotten better during 2008. The country had endured a 15 year span of basically no economic growth and was stuck in a climate that felt like a constant recession. The stock market completely bottom out, but finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. The fourth quarter numbers for 2007 demonstrate an economy on the rise, if the benchmark of GDP was annualized it reflects a Japanese annual economic growth of 3.7% (Hutchinson, 2008). The economy is one of the most influential factors in the behavior of a country’s stock market behavior. Despite that fact last year was another bad year for Japanese stocks. The SPDR Russell / Nomura index which reflects the value of smaller companies dropped 30% altogether last year (Hutchinson, 2008). The stock market in Japan is extremely risky. If an econometric statistical analyst was perform I’m sure the Beta coefficient for the marketplace is extremely high. There is still lots of uncertaintly over the long term performance of the Japanese stock market. The yen during the last year has not done well and has lost purchasing power against the dollar which is bad sign for Japanese stocks. Investing in a marketplace with high level of risk has its advantages for sophisticated and smart investor that can find hidden gems within all the chaos. It is basic economic that with high risk come high rewards which means that in stock market such the Japanese stock market there are great short gains to be made in many stocks in the marketplace. I would personally invest in the Japanese stock market place. As stated earlier there are opportunities to find high yield stocks in such a market. The smart move is to diversify and include a portfolio of blue chip U.S. stocks when attempting to make money in high risk
Training in Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Training in Crisis - Essay Example One of his demands is for immunity from the murder charge if he surrenders without harming any of the people in the house. His other demands are a case of beer and some fast food soon. He wants his demands met or "something will happen". Any occasion or incident where any person is said to be taken against his or her will for an exchange of demand or performance of an action is called hostage taking. The incident involving the man and his family held up inside their house and where he demanded for immunity from the murder, case of beer and fast food is an example of hostage taking. There are categories of hostage-takers. Hostage-takers can be classified as those of political activists, mentally stable, criminal deviants and inmates (â€Å"Initial Response to a Hostage Situation†, n.d.). According to the Initial Response to a Hostage Situation (n.d.), the following are the hostage-taker categories: Political activists or terrorists are characterized as those very aggressive, im pulsive, and devoted to their causes and often demand release of political prisoner, money or even publicity. Criminal deviants are those which are likely rational but caught in criminal act and for them to be released, use hostages as way of safely escaping. Mentally unstable are hostage-takers suffering from strange psychiatric condition which are often suicidal and use hostage taking situation as means of death. The man in the scenario is considered to be a criminal deviant. The act was caused by the murder done to his neighbour and the situation is used as a means to demand for a safe escape. He threatened to kill those people with him if his demands are not given. There are may be different types of structures of law enforcement team but in general, the structure is composed of the team leader, on-scene commander, negotiator, intelligence officer, communication officer, tactical team and police psychologist. As part of the team as police psychologist, there are generally two ma in roles: (1) participation in team development, training, and selection of personnel; and (2) operational assistance during the crisis itself, including monitoring of negotiation progress, psychological profiling of hostages and HTs, assessment of danger and risk level, monitoring the mental status of negotiators and other personnel at the scene, and participating in both operational and critical incident stress debriefings following the incident . (Miller, 2007) . According to Dr. Miller, â€Å"the highest fatality rate in hostage crises occurs during tactical incursion, the decision to order such an action is an excruciatingly difficult one.†This is when a police psychologist becomes an integral part of the team as the tactical team. Police psychologists are very important in the crisis negotiation because they are necessary in preparing the team of people responsible in dealing with a situation such as hostage taking when lives are at stake. The police psychologist must be able to make sure that the team to deal in the situation is prepared, well trained and is ready to negotiate and save lives. They are also important in analyzing the situation and the profile of the perpetrator and the team and this will really help in making sure that the protocols are being applied and modified according to each situation. Dr. Miller (2007) stated that â€Å"containment and negotiation strategies yield a 95 percent success rate in terms of resolving a hostage crisis without fatalities to either hostages or hostage-takers (HTs),
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Finance SLP5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finance SLP5 - Essay Example The average Japanese stock pays less than one percent in annual dividends per year (Norris, 1995). In Japan the overall sad state of the economy has gotten better during 2008. The country had endured a 15 year span of basically no economic growth and was stuck in a climate that felt like a constant recession. The stock market completely bottom out, but finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. The fourth quarter numbers for 2007 demonstrate an economy on the rise, if the benchmark of GDP was annualized it reflects a Japanese annual economic growth of 3.7% (Hutchinson, 2008). The economy is one of the most influential factors in the behavior of a country’s stock market behavior. Despite that fact last year was another bad year for Japanese stocks. The SPDR Russell / Nomura index which reflects the value of smaller companies dropped 30% altogether last year (Hutchinson, 2008). The stock market in Japan is extremely risky. If an econometric statistical analyst was perform I’m sure the Beta coefficient for the marketplace is extremely high. There is still lots of uncertaintly over the long term performance of the Japanese stock market. The yen during the last year has not done well and has lost purchasing power against the dollar which is bad sign for Japanese stocks. Investing in a marketplace with high level of risk has its advantages for sophisticated and smart investor that can find hidden gems within all the chaos. It is basic economic that with high risk come high rewards which means that in stock market such the Japanese stock market there are great short gains to be made in many stocks in the marketplace. I would personally invest in the Japanese stock market place. As stated earlier there are opportunities to find high yield stocks in such a market. The smart move is to diversify and include a portfolio of blue chip U.S. stocks when attempting to make money in high risk
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Questions Educators must ask Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Questions Educators must ask - Essay Example Ever since Charles Darwin published his book , 'The Origin of the Species' in the nineteenth century, scientific thought has been focused on the theory of evolution. Many experiments have been conducted on the subject of evolution. According to a recent report in The Economist, many of the researches are motivated by "pre-conceived ideas that one lot of people are somehow better than another lot rather than being a disinterested investigation of regional variations in a single species and the evolutionary pressures that have created them." (The Economist ) This attitude of some scientific researchers questions the methods and assumptions that they follow. The assumption that experiments on animals give us a better insight into human nature also falls in this category. Human beings belong to the family of mammals, which inhabit the earth with millions of other organisms, from the largest to the tiniest. The erect walk, freeing the hands , the retractable thumb and the big brain with its enormous problem solving capacity, makes the human being seem to be highly advanced. But at the same time we must not forget that all inhabitants of the earth share the same water and atmosphere. This makes them partners in a symbiotic relationship. To think that human beings are advanced animals seems to be logical, but at the same time, the actions of human beings in jeopardizing the health of the planet we live in seems to show that they are not so advanced after all. No other animal on earth causes wars, is so greedy that it steals from its own home, nor changes the climate. An important question that an educator must ask himself is, "Are we innocent or evil Are we pre disposed to make appropriate or inappropriate choices" All human beings are born with a conscience which tells them whether an action is good or bad. According to Kantian theory, a human being is pre disposed to make choices for the good of the society as a whole. As Will Durant puts it, ""The most astounding reality of all our experience is precisely, our moral sense, our inescapable feeling, in the face of temptation, that this or that is wrong".(Durant 270) According to Kant, people follow the moral law regardless of profit or loss to themselves. As human beings, we are predisposed to make the appropriate choices. We are born with a feeling of goodness in our hearts. The so called evil actions are a result of greed and hatred fomented by circumstances. To the question, "Are we a collection of components or a unitary structure" the answer is obvious. Since we are a part of the planet, with a symbiotic relationship with myriad other living things small and big, we cannot consider ourselves as a unitary structure .Our nature as human beings has made us gregarious. We learn better in social settings. Since our brains are programmed to learn by active construction of meaning and design, we acquire knowledge by the Active learning process. Human learning is enhanced by the social interaction. Life itself is interaction with other persons or animals. A small
Monday, October 14, 2019
Controlling Of The Human Behaviour Philosophy Essay
Controlling Of The Human Behaviour Philosophy Essay The simply way out is to distribute with the industrial-technological scheme on the whole. This implies insurrection, not essentially an armed revolution, excluding surely a radical as well as fundamental modify in the natural world of society. Citizens tend to take for granted that because a insurrection involves a lot better change than reform does, it is more hard to carry about than reform is. In fact, below certain circumstances revolution is a lot easier than reform. The cause is that an innovative movement can motivate an intensity of obligation that a reform organization cannot inspire. A reform movement simply offers to resolve a exacting social difficulty A innovative movement offers to resolve all trouble at one stroke as well as produce a entire new world; it provides the type of ideal for which citizens will take huge risks plus make great sacrifices. In support of this reasons it would be a lot easier to bring down the entire technological system than to put effectual, everlasting restraints on the growth of request of any one division of technology, such as inherited engineering, however under suitable circumstances huge numbers of citizens may offer themselves single-mindedly to a insurrection aligned with the industrial-technological system. Reformers looking for to limited sure aspects of technology would be operational to avoid a negative result. Although revolutionaries work to increase an authoritative prize completion of their revolutionary vision as well as therefore work harder plus more constantly than reformers do. Reform is constantly reserved by the terror of hurting consequences if changes go too faraway. Other than once a revolutionary passion has taken clasp of a society, citizens are ready to experience unlimited hardships intended for the sake of their insurgency. This was obviously shown in the French as well as Russian Revolutions. It might be that in such personal belongings just a minority of the populace is really dedicated to the revolution, however this minority is satisfactorily large as well as active so that it becomes the leading force in society. As the establishment of civilization, prepared societies have had to place pressures on human beings of the sake of the performance of the social creature. The kinds of pressures vary really from one society to one more. A number of the pressures are substantial, several are psychological. In the history, human natural history has been about constant or at whichever rate has diverse just within positive bounds. Therefore, societies have been capable to push citizens merely up to certain restrictions. While the perimeter of human patience has been passed, things begin going incorrect: insurgence, or crime, or corruption, or avoidance of work, or despair along with other mental trouble, or an important death velocity, or a flagging birth rate or somewhat else, so that moreover the society breaks downwards, or its execution becomes too incompetent as well as it is (rapidly or gradually, from side to side conquest, eating away or evolution) replaces by a number of extra well-organized fo rm of society. Thus human character has in the history put certain restrictions on the growth of societies. Citizens could be pressed just so far as well as no farther. Except today this might be changing, for the reason that modern technology is developing means of modifying human beings. Visualize a society that subjects citizens to circumstances that make them terribly gloomy, as well as after that gives them the drugs to get away their sadness. It is previously experience to various extents in society. It is glowing known that the tempo of clinical hopelessness had been deeply increasing in current decades. It is supposed that this is appropriate to disturbance for the authority procedure. But still if one is in the wrong, the rising rate of depression is surely the consequence of a number of conditions that survive in todays society. as an alternative of removing the situation that make citizens depressed, contemporary society gives them antidepressant drugs. In consequence, antidepressants region a means of modifying an individuals interior state in such a technique as to allow him to stand social circumstances that he would or else find impossible. Drugs that have an effect on the mind are only one instance of the methods of domineering human activities that con temporary society is developing. Let us come across at a number of the other methods. To start off with, there are the techniques of observation. Hidden video cameras are at the present used in most stores as well as in many other places, computers are old to collect as well as process vast amounts of in sequence with reference to individuals. Information so obtained very much increase the efficiency of physical compulsion (i.e., law enforcement).Then convenient are the methods of misinformation, intended for which the mass communication media give effectual vehicles. Well-organized techniques have been developed for charming elections, selling commodities, influencing public view. The entertainment industry serves as a significant psychological instrument of the system, perhaps yet at what time it is dishing out huge amounts of sex along with violence. Entertainment provides contemporary man with an vital means of get away. Although fascinated in television, videos, and so on, they can not remember stress, anxiety, aggravation, dissatisfaction. A lot of primitive working class, while they dont have work to do, are rather contented to sit intended for hours at a time performance nothing at all, on behalf of the reason that they are at peace by means of themselves as well as their world. But mainly modern citizens must be continuously engaged or entertained, or else they get bored, i.e., they acquire fidgety, anxious, bad-tempered. Other techniques hit deeper that the previous. Education is no longer a easy affair of paddling a kids at the back when they doesnt know his lessons along with patting him on the head while they does know them. It is suitable a scientific technique intended for overprotective the childs development. Sylvan Learning Centres, for instance, have had huge achievement in exciting children to study, plus psychological techniques are also used among more or not as much of success in a lot of conservative schools. Parenting techniques that are qualified to parents are intended to make children believe fundamental standards of the system as well as behave in habits that the system finds attractive. Mental health programs, interference techniques, psychotherapy along with so forth are apparently designed to promote individuals, but in preparation they more often than not serve as methods for suggest individuals to think plus perform as the system requires. Child mistreatment in its gross as we ll as understandable forms is disapproved in mainly if not every one cultures. Tantalizing a child intended for a unimportant reason or no reason at all is a little that appals approximately everyone. But a lot of psychologists interpret the idea of abuse little more broadly. Is spanking, when worn as part of a sensible as well as reliable system of regulation, a structure of abuse? The question will eventually be determined by whether or not perfect tends to create behaviour that makes a being fit in well by means of the existing system of society. In preparation, the phrase abuse tends to be interpreted to comprise some method of child-rearing that produces performance not convenient for the system. Accordingly, when they go further than the avoidance of obvious, pointless cruelty, programs for preventing child abuse are concentrating toward the control of human performance of the system. Most probably, research will carry on increasing the efficiency of psychological techniques intended for overprotective human behaviour. However it is consideration to be unlikely that psychological techniques unaccompanied will be enough to regulate human beings to the type of society that expertise is creating. Biological methods almost certainly will have to be used. The study has previously mentioned the use of drugs in this association. Neurology might provide other avenues of modifying the human intelligence. Genetic engineering of human beings is previously beginning to happen in the appearance of gene therapy, as well as there is no motive to assume such methods will not finally be used to adjust those aspects of the remains that have an effect on mental functioning. Manufacturing society seems probable to be towards the inside a period of severe pressure, due in fraction to trouble of human behaviour as well as in part to economic plus environmental trouble. Along with a substantial amount of the systems economic as well as environmental effort result from the technique human beings act. Alienation, low self-worth, depression, aggression, rebellion; children who wont study, childhood gangs, against the law drug use, rape, child abuse , other crimes, dangerous sex, teen pregnancy, inhabitants growth, political corruption, race detestation, racial rivalry, bitter ideological disagreement (i.e., pro-choice vs. pro-life), opinionated extremism, terrorism, damage, anti-government groups, revulsion groups. All these intimidate the very continued existence of the system. The system will be strained to use each practical resources of controlling human behaviour. The social disturbance that can be seen today is surely not the consequence of simple chance. It can only be a effect for the situation of life that the system imposes on citizens. If the systems do well in impressive sufficient manage over human behaviour to guarantee its own continued existence, a new division in human history will have approved. Whereas previously the restrictions of human staying power have required restrictions on the development of societies, industrial-technological society will be capable to go by those restrictions by modifying human beings, whether by psychological methods otherwise biological methods or together. In the prospect, social systems will not be familiar to outfit the needs of human beings. In its place, human being will be familiar to ensemble the needs of the system. Usually speaking, technological manage over human behaviour will almost certainly not be introduced with a authoritarian meaning or even from side to side a conscious longing to restrict human independence. Every new step in the declaration of control in excess of the human mind will be taken as a based on reason response to a trouble that faces society, for instance curing alcoholism, reducing the crime velocity or suggest young people to study science plus engineering. In a lot of cases, there will be humanitarian explanation. Such as, when a psychiatrist prescribes an anti-depressant intended for a depressed patient, obviously doing that person a favour. It would be inhumane to hold back the drug starting an important person who needs it. When parentà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s placement their kids to Sylvan Learning Centres to have them manipulated into attractive excited about their studies, they do so on or after concern for their childrens interests. It can be that a qu antity of these parents desire that one didnt have to have particular training to get a job as well as that their kid didnt have to be brainwashed into becoming a computer nerd. However what can they do? They cant change society, as well as their child might be unemployable if he doesnt have positive skills. So they post him to Sylvan. Therefore control in excess of human behaviour will be introduced not by a intended decision of the establishment but through a procedure of social development (fast evolution, however). The procedure will be not possible to resist, for the reason that each advance, careful by it, will come into view to be valuable, or at smallest amount the evil concerned in making the press forward will come into view to be beneficial, or at smallest amount the evil concerned in creation the advance will appear to be less than that which would result since not making it. Propaganda such as is used for a lot of good purposes, such as off-putting child abuse or race hatred. Sex education is visibly useful, yet the result of sex education (to the amount that it is successful) is to take the determining of sexual attitudes absent from the family as well as put it into the hands of the state as represented through the public school system. Assume a biological attribute is discovered that increases the probability that a child will raise up to be a criminal plus suppose some sort of genetic material therapy can take out this trait. Of course most parents whose children contain the trait will have them experience the therapy. It would be inhumane to do or else, since the child would almost certainly have a depressed life if he grew up to be a criminal. Except many or largely primitive societies have a small crime rate in assessment with that of society, still though they have neither modern methods of child-rearing nor insensitive systems of punishment. Because there is no motive to presume that more modern men than primitive men have native greedy tendencies, the high crime rate of society must be due to the pressures that contemporary conditions put on people, to which a lot of cannot or will not adjust. Thus a action designed to remove possible criminal tendencies is at smallest amount in part a way of re-engineering citizens so that they suit the desires of the system. The society tends to look upon as a sickness several mode of deliberation or behaviour that is not convenient for the system as well as this is reasonable for the reason that when an individual doesnt fit into the system it causes hurt to the person as well as trouble for the system. Thus the direction of a person to regulate him to the organization is seen as a cure intended for a sickness as well as therefore as good. The study and points out that if the use of a original item of technology is originally optional, it does not automatically remain non-compulsory, because the innovative technology tends to modify society in such a means that it becomes hard or not possible for an individual to purpose without by means of that technology. This applies also to the knowledge of human behaviour. In a humankind in which mainly children are put through a program to make them excited in relation to studying, a parent will approximately be forced to put his kid throughout such a program, for the reason that if he does not, subsequently the kid will grow up to be, moderately speaking, an ignoramus as well as therefore unemployable. Or expect a biological behaviour is exposed that, without unwanted side-effects, will very much reduce the psychological stress as of which so many citizens suffer in their society. Conclusion: If huge numbers of citizens choose to experience the treatment, then the universal level of stress in society will be concentrated, so that it will be probable intended for the system to augment the stress-producing pressures. Actually, a little like this seems to have happened by now with one of the societys mainly important psychological equipment for enabling citizens to reduce (or at least temporarily run away from) stress, namely, mass activity. Use of mass activity is optional: No law requires us to watch TV, pay attention to the radio, read magazines. Up till now mass activity is a means of escape as well as stress-reduction on which mainly of us have become dependent relative. Everybody complains concerning the trashiness of TV, but approximately everyone watches it. A small number of have kicked the TV habit, except it would be a uncommon person who could acquire along today with no by means of some form of mass activity. Without the entertainment industry the organization a lmost certainly would not have been capable to get absent with putting as a great deal stress-producing stress on us as it does.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Toward a Postmodern Theory of Law :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Toward a Postmodern Theory of Law* ABSTRACT: Law at the end of the twentieth century is a practice based on legal-philosophical concepts such as the representational theory of truth, neutrality, universality, and legitimacy. The content of such concepts responds to the tradition of the western cultural paradigm. We share the experience of fragmentation in this cultural unanimity: we live in a world of heterogeneousness and multiplicity that upholds the claims of different concepts of the world and of life shared by dwellers in microspaces. The theory of law should be adapted to take this experience into account. We propose a change in direction oriented toward the creation of operational legal concepts: creative justice, perspectivist rationality, a systemic theory of truth and a judicial process that guarantees the multicultural experience. Postmodernity affirms the urgent need for a new form of legal reasoning. The work of a lawyer is commonly understood to consist of searching for and locating in the codes and laws the appropriate disposition to solve a case and apply the legal consequences anticipated by the norm to the situation in controversy. To date, the philosophy of law produced and taught at universities in Venezuela and the rest of the world corresponds to that conceptualization. Philosophical-juridical problems such as concept of law, norm, validity, efficacy, etc.; the sources of law, the interpretation of legal texts, and many others have been approached from that enlightened or modern perspective. This perspective conceives law as the only system of norms legitimized to regulate human social conduct based on the legal conceptions of the world and of life reflected in positive dispositions. This vision of law is a myth; it is extraordinarily powerful, but a myth, nonetheless. Such an affirmation is unreal, but not because law, far from being a complete and static system, is a dynamic system continually being created and modified. This condition of dynamism is already a commonplace in legal theory, yet its acceptance has not resulted in a de-mythification of law. Modification and permanent self-creation of the system of norms always and necessarily takes place according to the mechanisms and criteria of legal assessment included in the code of positive law. The aforementioned vision is a myth because the concepts and ideas that we human beings use to make the world surrounding us intelligible and manageable have changed their content and lost their quality of ethical references that legitimize the law. Toward a Postmodern Theory of Law :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays Toward a Postmodern Theory of Law* ABSTRACT: Law at the end of the twentieth century is a practice based on legal-philosophical concepts such as the representational theory of truth, neutrality, universality, and legitimacy. The content of such concepts responds to the tradition of the western cultural paradigm. We share the experience of fragmentation in this cultural unanimity: we live in a world of heterogeneousness and multiplicity that upholds the claims of different concepts of the world and of life shared by dwellers in microspaces. The theory of law should be adapted to take this experience into account. We propose a change in direction oriented toward the creation of operational legal concepts: creative justice, perspectivist rationality, a systemic theory of truth and a judicial process that guarantees the multicultural experience. Postmodernity affirms the urgent need for a new form of legal reasoning. The work of a lawyer is commonly understood to consist of searching for and locating in the codes and laws the appropriate disposition to solve a case and apply the legal consequences anticipated by the norm to the situation in controversy. To date, the philosophy of law produced and taught at universities in Venezuela and the rest of the world corresponds to that conceptualization. Philosophical-juridical problems such as concept of law, norm, validity, efficacy, etc.; the sources of law, the interpretation of legal texts, and many others have been approached from that enlightened or modern perspective. This perspective conceives law as the only system of norms legitimized to regulate human social conduct based on the legal conceptions of the world and of life reflected in positive dispositions. This vision of law is a myth; it is extraordinarily powerful, but a myth, nonetheless. Such an affirmation is unreal, but not because law, far from being a complete and static system, is a dynamic system continually being created and modified. This condition of dynamism is already a commonplace in legal theory, yet its acceptance has not resulted in a de-mythification of law. Modification and permanent self-creation of the system of norms always and necessarily takes place according to the mechanisms and criteria of legal assessment included in the code of positive law. The aforementioned vision is a myth because the concepts and ideas that we human beings use to make the world surrounding us intelligible and manageable have changed their content and lost their quality of ethical references that legitimize the law.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Opposition between Art and Reality in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay
Opposition between Art and Reality in The Tempest     The Tempest is a self-reflexive play that explores the boundaries of art and reality. Shakespeare's island is a realm controlled by the artist figure; where the fabulous, the ideal and the imaginative are presented as both illusory and palpable, and where the audience is held in an indeterminate state, a "strange repose". The juxtaposition of the world of art with political and social realities explored by representative characters is the central contrast of the play, and is foregrounded by the use of non-verbal techniques. These techniques allow the audience to appreciate the art that facilitates the spectacle they watch, as well as understand that the ideal remains an illusory state impinged on by concerns of the real world. This contrast does not resolve itself; rather, it remains inconclusive and leaves us, according to Russ McDonald, in a "marginal condition between expectation and understanding, affirmation and skepticism, comedy and tragedy".  The opening storm scene represents the collapse of all the civility and social order of the known world. The effectiveness of the storm is made possible by the opening "tempestuous noise of thunder and lightning" which pre-empts the events to come. The storm immediately catapults the reader into an understanding of the characters on board the ship. It exposes us to the way in which the characters' social assumptions capitulate when they are exposed to adversity; and leads us to expect that on their arrival on the island they will be reformed. However, quite the reverse is true - in the second act we are presented with men who appear even More zealously political now that they are free of havin... ...tion between art and reality is developed simultaneously by dialogue and a series of non-verbal techniques.  Works Cited and Consulted Alan Durband. (Ed.) (1984). The Tempest. Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series Inc. Deborah Willis, 'Shakespeare's Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism', Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 29, no.2, (1989) Eric Cheyfitz, The Poetics of Imperialism: Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan, (Oxford University Press, 1991) Ritchie, D. and Broussar, A. (1997). American History: The Early Years to 1877. New York: Glencoe Kanoff, Acott. (1998). Your Study Guide to William Shakespeare: The Tempest. Cleveland: The Cleveland Play House Education Department William Shakespeare, The Tempest, ed. Frank Kermode, with an introduction by Frank Kermode, (Arden, 1964) Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
Charles’ Ability to Finance His Government
The Personal Rule of Charles I Charles I, born in Dunfermline, the son of James I and Anne of Denmark, was born in 1600. At the age of five he was made the Duke of York the Prince of Wales in 1616. When James I died in 1625, his son Charles became king. Upon becoming, the King Charles had a sense of greed growing, he would gain money through taxes and laws imposed only for the sense of profit and had been stubborn when it came to his ministers.He imposed a lot of trust in his ministers and was reluctant when it came to their dismissal. The Personal Rule was a period in which Charles governed without any reference to Parliament in the years 1629-1640; he refused to summon any Parliaments until they had a better understanding of what he wanted to do. Historians in a major of ways described this period, but how effective was the period of the Personal rule and had Charles succeeded in governing effectively and financially.Upon Buckingham’s dispersal, many former enemies of the Ki ng had made peace with him and entered his service. The Dukes of Arundel and Bristol, who had been against Buckingham in the House of Lords had decided that Parliament had gone too far in imposing the King and took up positions at Court. The death of the Duke of Buckingham had deeply affected Charles and the King had become reluctant to never again depend on one minister.Upon introduction of the Personal rule period there was little reaction and resistance to the dispersing of Parliament, enemies of the king worked towards peace in an attempt to become his advisors, and many of them did succeed. King Charles was successful in governing without Parliament by cutting his expenses and increasing income. The greatest drain on resources was the wars against France and Spain leaving the economy at a disadvantage; however this was soon put to an end due to peace treaties being signed with France in 1629 and with Spain in 1630.Peace brought an immediate revival of English trade and commerce . This in turn brought increased customs revenue because Charles continued to collect income through taxes without the agreement of Parliament. The first of Charles' money schemes was to enforce a law complying that men who own a property worth more than ? 40 per annum shall receive knighthoods at the royal coronation and from 1630, Charles had also began fining everyone who failed to observe this law.The knighthood fines had stacked up ? 100,000 by the end of the following year. The most condemned of taxes was Ship Money, a custom that required payment in order to keep naval defences on standby in the case of an emergency. In 1634, with Dunkirk pirates in the Channel and Barbary corsairs raiding Ireland, Cornwall and Devon for slaves, King Charles taxed the coastal counties to pay for the building of new warships. In 1635, he extended the tax to include inland counties.Even though ship-money was intended to finance a new fleet for England's defence, there were strong objections bec ause the King had imposed what amounted to a new tax without the consent of Parliament. Charles’s decisions that he would call no more parliaments until his subjects had a better understanding of him indicated that the circumstances were exceptional; however it was not unusual for there to be long periods of time without Parliament such as the seven years between the parliaments of 1614 and 1621.Charles’s believed that they weren’t an essential part of the daily government but more for the financial management and problems, which was the reason for the many gatherings that previously took place. At this point it may be said that Charles’ ability to finance his government effectively had been working, and to some extent his methods of financing had also reduced the resentment during the personal rule period.By deducting some of his expenses and increasing taxes more revenue was generated; however it may also be considered that the taxes may have caused res entment as Ship money had been deeply condemned by some and Charles’ revival of the ‘Forest Law’ which was said to be sacred ground for some may have resented Charles’ for that decision. It didn’t stop there however, not only did Charles’ re-establish the Forest Law he also fined those who branded it as their sacred ground for all the previous years.Charles’ furthered the ship money taxes in 1635 by not only demanding them for coastal countries but the whole of Britain, this was bound to raise resentment towards the King’s actions however it was an effective move by Charles as by 1637 the budget was balanced, most of the gains were developed via new strategies however most of them were just previous laws that were buried and brought back, the only new law was Ship Money due to its amendment but it also played a significant part in establishing a new style of taxation, targets for Ship Money were set and the global sum had been d educted from the county as a whole.Apart from rising customs revenues that had been derived from growing trade, Ship money then became a long-term source of financial independence. Upon Ship Money being offered on a long-term basis the resentment and opposition towards the way Charles’ had chosen to finance his government, the opposition wasn’t towards the finance but the methods chosen and mainly the Ship Money itself, many historians argue that the period of portraying Ship Money on a long-term basis was an attempt by Charles to finance his absolutism but the opposition towards Charles’ actions had been at a growing rate.At this point it may be considered that I far from agree with the opinion of Charles being able to finance his government without too much resentment as opposition against the Kings actions had been at a growing rate and with Ship Money falling out of context the power to impose taxes had been taken out of context. Whig historians had believed that this period had aroused the most furious opposition in the provinces and this â€Å"fact†was generally accepted.However there is little evidence to suggest that the opposition was high. John Hampden was a clear case of resentment for the King as he refused to pay the tax in 1636; he was then tested in 1637. At this point Hampden’s lawyer believed Parliament should vote in this case, however the King appealed against this by saying that the Ship tax was also used to build the armyEven though the judges had confirmed Charles’ legal right to collect Ship Money, resentment and dissatisfaction were growing and in the years of 1635-1637 the amount of ship money being received was at a decreasing rate which was most likely from the opposition of it, this also highlights the fact that opposition was at an increasing rate and Charles’ unethical methods would not be successful for long.Charles’ methods of granting tax without the consent of Parliament had showed that his unethical methods towards gaining revenue would most likely increase the opposition towards him. Although most taxes were accepted Ship Money had been a major issue that raised a high amount in opposition. It can be argued that Ship Money was required for a valid reason, but would it be sustained as long as Charles wanted it? The period of 1637-40 was the decline of the personal rule, public opinion of the King was negating.Although the combination of Ship Money and growing trade offered a source of financial independence, the opposition towards it didn’t. Most of the opposition believed a Parliament should be called but even if it were to be, Charles’ views towards the finances of his government would not change hence one of the main reasons for the Personal Rule period itself. Charles lacked political awareness, and unlike James I, his father he lacked understanding of Scottish politics and culture; even so he didn’t attempt to educate him self on it.To some extent I have concluded that Charles’ ability to finance his government effectively itself was remarkable, but the methods he adapted when doing so were unethical and did not take into consideration the public opinion therefore I wouldn’t regard it as a remarkable achievement, however many Historians believe as I do that Charles’ lack of politics and culture had put him at a great disadvantage which was mainly why Parliament were established.It may also be said that Charles’ view towards Parliament had changed majorly after the death of the Duke, this was the reason why he demanded reform and asserted his role. The situation in Scotland was also a major turning point for the Personal Rule as Charles’ advisors also began advising that he call Parliament in order to settle the opposition and avoid war which in fact did drain the finances of the government.Therefore to some extent I do agree that the opinion of Charles’ abili ty to finance his government effectively was a remarkable achievement, however I also think that he should have taken more consideration of the public opinion in an attempt to avoid resentment. His decision to â€Å"renew†the Ship Money tax was in my opinion a mistake made by Charles and the decision to do this had actually started a widespread of opposition.
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