Thursday, December 26, 2019
Definition and Examples of Prewriting Strategies
In composition, the term prewriting refers to any activity that helps a writer think about a topic, determine a purpose, analyze an audience, and prepare to write. Prewriting is closely related to the art of invention in classical rhetoric. The objective of prewriting, according to Roger Caswell and Brenda Mahler, is to prepare students for writing by allowing them to discover what they know and what else they need to know. Prewriting invites exploration and promotes the motivation to write (Strategies for Teaching Writing, 2004). Because various kinds of writing (such as note-taking, listing, and freewriting) usually occur during this stage of the writing process, the term prewriting is somewhat misleading. A number of teachers and researchers prefer the term exploratory writing. See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: Writing ProcessComposingDiscovery Strategies (Heuristics)FocusingGeorge Carlin on Finding Something to Write AboutYour Writing: Private and Public Types of Prewriting Activities BrainstormingClusteringFreewriting Journalists QuestionsJournal WritingListingOutlinePentadReading Examples and Observations Prewriting is the getting ready to write stage. The traditional notion that writers have a topic completely thought out and ready to flow onto the page is ridiculous. Writers begin tentativelyâ€â€talking, reading, brainstormingâ€â€to see what they know and in what direction they want to go. -Gail Tompkins, Rod Campbell, and David Green, Literacy for the 21st Century. Pearson Australia, 2010Prewriting involves anything you do to help yourself decide what your central idea is or what details, examples, reasons, or content you will include. Freewriting, brainstorming, and clustering . . . are types of prewriting. Thinking, talking to other people, reading related material, outlining or organizing ideasâ€â€all are forms of prewriting. Obviously, you can prewrite at any time in the writing process. Whenever you want to think up new material, simply stop what you are doing and start using one of [these] techniques... -Stephen McDonald and William Salomone, The Writers Res ponse, 5th ed. Wadsworth, 2012 The Aims of PrewritingUsually, the prewriting activities help you find a good topic, narrow topics that are too broad, and look at purpose. You should finish the prewriting activities with at least a sentence and a list. Or you may have something as formal as a three-part thesis sentence and a fully developed outline. Either way, youll have laid the groundwork. -Sharon Sorenson, Websters New World Student Writing Handbook. Wiley, 2010 Prewriting as a Method of DiscoveryJeannette Harris stresses prewriting while stating that discovery occurs throughout the composing process, even in revision, when the writer is still retrieving additional information, making further connections, recognizing emerging patterns [Expressive Discourse, 15]. In prewriting as well as free-writing and keeping journals, ideas and forms are discovered by provoking memory. In addition, the personal nature of much prewriting and freewriting serve as an affirmation that the memory of the student writer has a valid place in the writing classroom. -Janine Rider, The Writers Book of Memory: An Interdisciplinary Study for Writing Teachers. Routledge, 1995 Prewriting and Revising[P]rewriting plans are not carved in stone; they are simply tools for generating and organizing ideas. Writers frequently change their minds as they write, eliminating some details, adding and changing others. Thats why some writers say that prewriting is a misnomer; they return to their plans over and over during all stages of the writing process, often revising and adjusting the plans as they go. -Lori Jamison Rog, Marvelous Minilessons for Teaching Intermediate Writing. International Reading Association, 2011
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Compliance Does Not Equal Security - 1189 Words
Compliance Does NOT Equal Security WRONG - Being Compliant Does Not Mean Your Business Is Secure INTRODUCTION Frequent news reports about company data breaches leave many people believing that these companies simply aren’t spending enough time and resources to deal with information security. In many cases, companies that are breached have been told that they are compliant with some standard (e.g., PCI, HIPAA, ISO 2700x, and SANS CSC). They believe that because they are compliant, they are also secure. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Compliance usually comes with a list of control objectives. When objectives are complete and followed, your company should be complaint with a particular standard or legislative requirement. However, simply checking the boxes for each control objective doesn’t mean that you’ve actually improved your overall operational security or reduced your company’s risk. Managing compliance does not translate to managing risk, at least not from an InfoSec perspective. The biggest problem with equating compliance to security is that it implies that there is a time when your company’s team can focus on their regular jobs and do something more important. In the real world, security never stops and it’s never complete. Regardless of whether you’ve ramped up your security e orts, your business needs to be constantly vigilant. If you experience a breach, simply having that check mark showing you’re compliant isn’t enough. InShow MoreRelatedEssay about PCI Compliance1326 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is PCI Compliance? PCI Compliance is maintaining adherence to the PCI DSS standard that was developed by major credit card companies as a â€Å"guideline to help prevent credit card fraud†(PCI DSS). Credit card fraud has taken the spotlight in the past several years due to the massive growth of e-commerce and online transaction processing. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Theory Counselling and Psychotherapy
Question: Discuss about the Theory Counselling and Psychotherapy. Answer: Introduction: If I were in a position to advise Bilbo, I would do my best to help him. The first thing I would do is to acknowledge that as a young man, he is still in the crystallized phase of intelligence. Meaning, he is not able to make rational decisions because he still has to rely on his experience, knowledge and skills, which in this case is lacking in him. He is neither experienced nor having any skills that he can rely on at this time to deal with the troublesome situation he faces. In this regard, I would use the opportunity to advise him not to be worried. The unfortunate circumstances that had befell his sweetheart Haki are normal human experiences. The fact that Haki suffered from left-sided salpingo-oopherectomy should not worry him a lot. I would encourage him to be confident enough to because he had already made commendable efforts by taking her to the hospital to seek for medical care (Corey, 2013). He would only need to worry a lot if the sick lady had not received any treatment and had a worsening condition. Despite lacking experiences, I would advise Bilbo to accept the situation and move on. It is nonsensical to live in the past and keep on worrying about what has happened. After all, he cannot undo what has occurred. So, what he should do is to use his mind to reason out and critically think about the necessary measures to take to handle the situation. It for this reason that I recommend that he should seek for a further medical intervention to assess the sick ladys condition. At the same time, he should own up and seek for permission from the school administration on behalf of her sick lover. This will show that he can use his intelligence to solve real life challenges (Furnham, 2014). Peter At the age of 61, Peter has definitely become an adult. As an elderly, he is not exempt from the challenges that are faced by the aging persons such as discrimination and isolation. Peter therefore faces a challenge because he is viewed as a burden in the family and a workplace. Worse still, he feels discriminated at the workplace where he is not entitled to benefits like promotion and recognition that are exclusively reserved for the much younger and active employees. Lastly, Peters age has made him prone to chronic illnesses like diabetes that troubles him and his family. In fact, Peters situation may worsen as a result of the negative perception he has about his old age. For example, when he is urged to retire, he is made to feel more rejected and unfit to be in the workplace and may be society in general. This feeling of rejection and isolation can complicate Peters situation and make him more vulnerable to health problems. Therefore, to address Peters situation, he has to be given attentive health care services. Unlike the younger patients, Peter requires more attention. His elderly condition complicates his health status. It makes him prone to multimorbidity, a situation characterized by multiple chronic infections each of which requiring attentive care. At the same time, Peter is aging and might be vulnerable to mental illnesses (Lavallire, Burstein, Arezes Coughlina, 2016). Therefore, Peter should not be regarded as a young diabetes patient because his condition is too complex and can worsen if not keenly monitored by the health care providers and his family. Selina By quitting her job at 45 and insisting on going back to the campus to get a life before its too late Selina is obviously a victim of mid-life crisis. She has been compelled to resign from her workplace because of aging and regrets. She regrets serving as mother and is also remorseful for not accomplishing certain goals in life. She feels ashamed that she did not accomplish educational goals just like the rest of the society (Seo Kim Jung, 2016). That is why she has been concentrating on caring for her family and working in a clothing store. This is a clear proof that Seilna suffers from mid-age crisis-a common developmental problem that occurs during the middle age. Personally, I am convinced that Selina has made a wrong d3cision. Although education is good, it can only be beneficial if acquired at the right time. Human being has a short life span that should be properly planned. So, for Selina, an aging parent to abandon her family responsibilities and go back to college, it means that she is having a developmental challenge that should be addressed. After all, she does not aim at advancing her education, but enjoying campus life. Meaning, she regrets missing that during her tender age. This will actually negatively impact on her family (Harvey, 2007). Apart from bringing financial deficiencies in the family, it will bring shame to the family. No one can be contented to associate with such a mother. References Corey, G. (2013). Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy. (9th Ed). California: Brooks/Cole. Furnham, A. (2014). Increasing your intelligence: Entity and incremental beliefs about the multiple intelligences.Learning and Individual Differences,32, 163-167. Harvey, D. J. (2007). Understanding Australian rural women's ways of achieving health and wellbeing-a metasynthesis of the literature. Rural and Remote Health, 7(4), 1-12. Jellinger, K. A., Attems, J. (2015). Challenges of multimorbidity of the aging brain: a critical update. Journal of Neural Transmission, 122(4), 505-521. Lavallire, M., Burstein, A. A., Arezes, P., Coughlina, J. F. (2016). Tackling the challenges of an aging workforce with the use of wearable technologies and the quantified-self. Journal of the Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Medellin Campus, 83(197), 38-43. Seo, E. H., Kim, E. Y., Jung, E. Y. (2016). The Effects of Climacteric Symptoms and Hardiness on Mid-Life Crisis. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 17(4), 454-463.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Neil Armstrong free essay sample
Neil was born on August 5 1930 * Neil was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio. * Neil had moved all around the state as a child. * Neill was in high school during 1944. * Neil was an active member of the boy scouts and had the rank of Eagle Scout. When Neil had experienced his first airplane flight, it was when his dad took a ride in a ford trimotor, also known as the â€Å"tin goose. †* Armstrong attended Blume High school and took flying lessons at the county airport * Neil earned his pilot’s license at the age of 15,before he earned his driver’s license * At the age of 17 Neil was studying aeronautic engineering at Purdue University. * Neil was the second person in his family to go to college. * Neil was also accepted to the Massachusetts institute of technology. His college tuition was paid for by the Holloway plan * At purdue, he earned average marks in his subject, with a GPA that rose and dropped during the eight semesters. We will write a custom essay sample on Neil Armstrong or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Neil was awarded Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering in 1955, and a Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California in 1970. * Armstrong was also awarded honorary doctorates by several universities. NAVY SERVICES Neil Armstrong was in the navy for about 4 years Neil’s call up from the navy came to him on January 26 1949, requiring him to start training at the age of 18 * This lasted for about 18 months, during which he qualified for carrier landing aboard the USS CABOT and the USS WRIGHT * On August 16,1950, 2 weeks after his 20th birthday, Armstrong was informed that he was a fully qualified NAVAL AVIATOR Astronaut career Armstrong was an astronaut for about 10 years * Neil was on the Gemini 8 * Neil was on the Apollo 11 * Neil was on the Gemini 11
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