Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Oliver Twist, a poor, innocent orphan boy, stands Essay Example For Students
Oliver Twist, a poor, blameless vagrant kid, stands Essay out in this story as the principle character however it is the supporting characters that permit this novel of much substance to build up a substantially more fulfilling and convincing subject. With Good V.S. Underhanded as one of the significant clashes, in such classes are the auxiliary characters found also. Three fundamental helper characters of Oliver Twist help the elaboration of the story; these huge characters are Mr. Brownlow speaking to virtue, uprightness and goodness, Nancy as halfway honest, somewhat scalawag and in conclusion on the other outrageous of the scale: Fagin, the image of underhandedness, defilement and control. All through the story we are acquainted with every one of these characters through an omniscient perspective, and can arrange them as per their characters, musings and activities. With their varying degrees of genuineness and economic wellbeing, every one of them assume a pivotal job in the improvement of the storys subject. As the greater part of the creators characters, Mr. Brownlow as well, is carried out with a roundabout introduction yet it isn't long in the wake of presenting him that his healthy goodness is uncovered to us. Despite the fact that from the start he blames Oliver for stealing, his anxiety over Olivers government assistance on the road is an immediate trace of his guiltlessness which effectively causes him persuade Oliver to board at his home. A liberal and confiding in man he was, maybe too acceptable a man to be valid; however with all the malevolent characters in the story, a brave and unadulterated persona was expected to guarantee an upbeat consummation. With trustworthiness and extraordinary riches as his prime characteristics, he helps Oliver in his critical crossroads and shows to society with an excellent touch, the qualities of an ideal resident. As the positive outrageous in both economic wellbeing and generosity, Mr. Brownlow is an unequivocal guide in the advancement of the topic all through the novel. Nancy, for us, must be the most vulnerable character. Caught between needing to assist Oliver with sidestepping Fagins misuse and her committed love for Sikes; she neglects to make due to the end as she is indicted and unexpectedly killed by her own better half : Sikes, a merciless and harsh man. Be that as it may, there is an extraordinary requirement for this optional character in the story, she serves not just as a tie between the scenes at the distinctive house holds yet too she is the main any desire for salvation for Oliver. Without her, Oliver may have never gotten the opportunity to experience childhood in a caring home and figure out how to be appropriate in his activities and unadulterated in the spirit. Despite the fact that her ununderstandable love for Sikes is straightforward more often than not, her own spirit held a significantly more noteworthy commitment to Oliver, for she gets her own better half alcoholic and acts the hero. Nancy finds in Oliver the honest y of her own youth being looted by Fagins misleading negligence. Nancy furnishes the story with another opportunity for Oliver into a legitimate, genuine world. It costs her, her life, yet she succeeds in helping Oliver just as doing a ton of equity for society. Ready to spare Oliver from malice and placing abhorrent itself in jail, Nancy triumphs over the entirety of her malicious associates and is the rotating purpose of Olivers come back to security. Not just as an approach to present new plots in the story, however just as the subjects most noteworthy help, she is a warm character that could have just been made after much arranging and thought. Fagin was a jew depicted by the creator in such a way, that one may think Dickens were supremacist somewhat. His convictions of Jews were that a Jew only here and there hoodlums, yet is more regrettable than a cheat when he urges others to steal. As he would like to think, In each town there is a Jew, occupant or tramping; if a theft is a ffected, the property is covered up till a Jew is found, and a deal is then made. Fagin is depicted in such a style in this story that one is nearly compelled to hate his character. Old, terrible and a Jew, Fagin is related with head air gadgets that give the novel one of a kind force. In addition to the fact that Fagin seeks to catch Oliver always by making him an associate in wrongdoing, yet it likewise appears that he has heavenly powers to search him out of any place his old buddies may conceal him. Really the rival, Fagin and his irreverent powers are to Oliver as the villain himself is to an immaculate human. Despite the fact that exceptionally unpredictable and interpretive in its substance, Oliver Twist, similar to a getaway story, where the trouble maker gets what he merits and the hero lives cheerfully ever after, its primary plot follows this equivalent example. Fagin, as he merits, winds up in jail and goes intellectually crazy, while Oliver, the guiltless little fellow, gets an incredible home and a caring family. Yet, Fagin isn't all awful, on the grounds that subsequent to going to prison, where he understands that all his taken products will do him no decent now, he gives Oliver back what was at one time his, his mom Agnes ring; which thus releases Olivers lineage and gives the story a progressively intelligent plot. It is the perplexing auxiliary characters of this story that license it to connect and contact all the degrees of society; these being the rich, poor people and the man in the center. These equivalent three characters are what concedes this story with a subject that catches reality amidst Englands nineteenth century. As uncovered all through the story, Englands nineteenth century was an age of much destitution and incredible social issues which brought about a general public of two contradicting classes: the well off and poor people. Inside these two classes lay two other contradicting powers: the great and the awful. Similarly tha t great and terrible exist inside all classes in the novel, something very similar can be said about reality. What the topic of this story says about the truth is that in todays society, it doesnt matter whether you are rich or poor, taught or not, most skilled individuals have the capacity to pass judgment on directly from wrong and are consequently allowed to settle on whatever decisions in their lives they wish to make, gave however, that they can live with the results of their choices. In Olivers case, even similarly as a little fellow, he excessively had the option to pass judgment on directly from wrong and winds up chosing not to take. Because of his choice, youthful Oliver is given an upbeat home and a promising future. Then again, Fagins judgment isn't so capable, and finishing up, he stays with only madness and a serious life in prison till his last day happens. .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 , .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .postImageUrl , .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 , .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:hover , .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:visited , .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:active { border:0!important; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:active , .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460ac d72 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u4a451f59e82c0b5f802222e0460acd72:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Katha Essay We will compose a custom exposition on Oliver Twist, a poor, guiltless vagrant kid, stands explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Camera Essays
Camera Essays Camera Essay Camera Essay In these innovative occasions, it isn't so hard to track down an answer: shut circuit TV (CATV) cameras. Till even a couple of months back, this was a costly recommendation. NO more. Buy is simple, you can pay them Off the rack or even on the web. Worldwide organizations, for example, Alba, Axis and Busch offer great expert alternatives, and now there are local brands, for example, Zoom and Godard too. How would you approach the procedure? Here are some simple tips: LOCATION You might need to cover each conceivable square inch of your home, yet recollect, few out of every odd area actually NEEDS a camera. Also, there are private paces you ought to dodge! A camera entryway telephone for your front entryway, and a couple inside for, state, your childs play zone are adequate. For the first, Alba rumen is a model. For the last mentioned, a system camera from IT organizations, for example, Idling, Fascia or Axis might be your answer. Address a specialist to introduce this camera. FIXED OR MOVING When you have focused in on the regions, the following central issue is, what kind of camera do you need? Comprehensively there are two kinds of cameras: fixed, and dish, tilt and zoom (OPT). There are sub-classifications too. Fixed cameras can just face one heading the one in which it is set up. In the event that you need to alter course, it implies having a go at it with certain devices. On the off chance that you need to change the area by and large, that implies bringing in the expert. Pick cameras accompany a mechanized base, which can be customized to clear a region. This it does by turning left and right on the other hand, similar to a table fan. It can likewise be remotely controlled to look some place explicit and afterward zoom in. Fixed cameras are a decent choice for indoor use when you need to screen explicit segments. Pick cameras are useful for places like your structures garage, where you need to put only one camera however need a more extensive inclusion. WIRED OR WIRELESS? For essential checking, remote cameras function admirably, yet march are taking a gander at a security answer for a whole structure, wired might be the better other option. Most remote CATV cameras chip away at the 2. GHz Wife recurrence, however since this band is getting blocked, we suggest you pick a camera that chips away at a GHz recurrence. On the wired front, you get TTY. 0 kinds of cameras, the heritage simple sort that takes a co-pivotal link (a similar link that is utilized to associate your satellite dish to your set top box) or an ether net link. Ethernet-based cameras are marginally more costly than co-hub home, however you can control and access them legitimately utilizing your tidied. Likewise, Ethernet cabling is simpler introduced.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
They may take our lives
They may take our lives… DID YOU KNOW? Liechtenstein is less than 5 percent the size or Rhode Island. However, it is only the 4th-smallest European country. Wikipedia also describes Liechtenstein thusly: Mountainous, it is a winter sports resort, though it is perhaps best-known as a tax haven. Poor Liechtenstein. It actually looks beautiful, and I might have to check out Vaduz or something this summer (since I have an internship with Bayer in Germany). But this entry is about the Boston Celtics. Im Tau Beta Pi social chair, which means I get to plan things that I always wanted to do and then go to them for free and pretend that Im promoting socialization among TBP members. Now, I have not always wanted to go to a Boston Celtics game, but it just seems like something you should do while youre going to college in Boston, like heading to Wellesley or running the Boston Marathon or checking out the MFA. In fact, the only reason I even planned this was because Shyam 07 kept asking the other social chair and me, offering advice on how to get tickets, which games would be best, and other such things. Then he found out that he had the MCATs next week and decided to spend the entire four-day weekend studying organic chemistry and whatnot. MORAL OF THE ENTRY: You can be pre-med at MIT, but youll have to give up going to discount Boston Celtics games. Im not the greatest event planner in the world, or even in the suite in which I live, but we got to the game and got our tickets distributed without a hitch. One thing that you should know, however, is that you cannot bring bags to Boston Garden. Dont do it! Dudes, the pre-game introduction looks totally like something out of The Running Man, except without Richard Dawson crazy plate metal spike armor driving an electric death toboggan. I guess I just havent been to a basketball game in, well, ever. The lights are mostly low, with a few are flashing in a miasma of neon, and then they have a ring of flat-screen monitors all around the stadium that display crazy wave patterns as the players are introduced. It was enthralling, but then for the rest of the game the ring of monitors is just used to display advertisements for discount lumber companies in 360 degree surround-sight. So much for the way of the future. As for the game, it was okay. Basketball is not so much my thing, but I appreciated being there and cheering for the Celtics and watching them make the occasional 3-pointer and exceed the fouling limit or whatever. The Celtics did end up losing by about 5 points, thoughit seemed like their adversaries, the New Jersey Nets, were much better at making foul shots, and that the Celtics kept fouling them over and over. My own basketball experience extends all the way back second grade, when I was a proud member of the Susquehanna Township Youth Basketball Association. My team, the Red Rockets, came in fourth out of eight, losing to the dastardly White Team in the semifinals. I think I scored, at most, 2 points or something the entire season (in foul shots, no doubt), but since the average game score was about 18 12, I dont feel like I achieved too far below the league average. Anyway, one thing that happened during the game that was pretty cool was that during a time out, they brought out Lucky and The Slammers, two trampolines, and a giant ramp. The Slammers all lept off the trampolines and did wild, acrobatic, flipping dunks. Then they ran back, assembled a giant slingshot stretching the entire length of the court, and used it to launch Lucky, apparently some sort of roller-blading leprechaun, down the court, off the ramp, into mid air, through a 360 rotation, and well, as they say, nothing but net. It was truly a wondrous spectacle, and its a wonder that they can organize all this defiance of death in a scant two minutes. And I wonder, dont the players ever get distracted by this when theyre supposed to be listening to valuable strategy handed out by their coaches? Another thing that happened was that they had a tic-tac-toe game during halftime for some airline. This is depicted above. Take my word for it. The concept was that you had to shoot free throws, and for each free-throw you made, you got to run back to half court and made. It was really exciting, but might have been even more so had the players employed any amount of strategy. Im no game theorist, but it takes only an extra three seconds to figure out where you want to place your piece, and it seems like proper placement could hinder the opponent and make it so that they need to make two or three more free throws than they otherwise would. This is what the winning board looked like: Well, I guess its pretty stressful to be playing tic-tac-toe for free airline tickets in front of thousands of people.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Why Is insomnia on the Rise Essay - 1056 Words
Over the last few decades insomnia has been on a dramatic increase, especially in the UK. This is an issue as it causes damage to ones biological state resulting in a negative change of the economical, personal and social state of the sufferer [1]. Therefore, this issue report will identify and discuss treatments and causes for the reason behind an increase in the number of insomniacs in the UK (graph one). Insomnia is described as a chronic condition in which one finds difficulty in getting to sleep and/or staying asleep [2] and occurs when the responsibilities of the thalamus are not fulfilled (the part of the brain which controls sleep) [7]. Sleep is also controlled by the pineal gland (located behind the thalamus)which is activated†¦show more content†¦This is supported by research findings which showed that 20% of the accidents that occur in the UK are results of sleeplessness [4]. Also if the sufferer is deprived of sleep during the night they will begin to sleep during the day. This will lead to an increase in the number of days off work and so they will not be earning as much as they need to, leading to unemployment, obesity and mortality [4] as more time is spent being inactive in bed. Depression is one of the main personal issue (and indirectly economical issue) that arises from insomnia [4]. This is because the well being of the sufferer is disturbed which causes a great emotional impact on their peers, especially their family. This again leads to absenteeism from work and more medication being prescribed, creating a further burden on the economy. However depression could be a cause or result of insomnia making the impact worse. A personal issue experienced by insomnia is that the patient’s memory becomes weaker [7].This will result in more mistakes being made resulting in possible job loss and further negative consequences. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Future of Policing Essay - 1518 Words
Future of Policing The future of policing is fairly clear in what direction it is heading. It has been slowly reforming to meet the needs of the people, reduce crime, and make policing more efficient. Some of the reforms that will probably take place in the future include, better educated police officers and police managers, consolidation of police departments to save on money and resources, upgraded technology, race and gender equality, better testing techniques to recruit and promote within the department, and improved proactive planning techniques. One of these proactive tools that will surely become more widely used and implemented better is community policing. It has been evolving since its first introduction into the†¦show more content†¦State police, county police, village police, sheriffs department, and private police can all share the same area of jurisdiction and all be spending money and resources on the same things. Instead of this, consolidation of some of these would reduce the amount of money spent on the same areas, and patrols could be redirected to hot spots or further areas that could not be reached before. This would also eliminate the problem of sharing information between departments, because it would all be gathered in on department and accessible to all officers. Consolidation of some of the departments would also eliminate the competition between departments for calls, resources and personnel. The next reform should be the use of all the new technology that is available today. Police agencies need to take full advantage of all the new technologies that could help them fight crime easier and become even more proactive. One great way is having laptop or hand held computers in police cars. They can show street and map response time grids, demographic characteristics and time of crime committed. They can even show the time, place, and nature of crimes by number and color for easy identification. Listings of the crimes as burglaries, robberies, traff ic deaths, juvenile crimes, and other grids would be available at the touch of a button. Demographic characteristics of location like density, distribution and vital statistics of population could also beShow MoreRelatedFuture of Policing1538 Words  | 7 PagesThe future of policing is fairly clear in what direction it is heading. It has been slowly reforming to meet the needs of the people, reduce crime, and make policing more efficient. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marital Destruction Out of Dysfunctional Marriage Free Essays
Course: College English 2 Date: 12/4/12 Marital destruction out of dysfunctional marriage and Othello’s characters William Shakespeare is(1564-1616) widely regarded as the greatest writer in the history of English literature and the most pre-eminent dramatist around the world. Among all his works, many literary critics regard Othello as the peak of his tragedies. Othello is not only a tragedy of family, but also a tragedy of love. We will write a custom essay sample on Marital Destruction Out of Dysfunctional Marriage or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jealous psychology of the characters ultimately leads to the marital tragedy. Iago was jealous of Cassio and Othello, so he slandered and entrapped Cassio and Desdemona, which directly brought about the tragedy. Othello’s true love to Desdemona was utilized by Iago who had an ulterior motive. Driven by jealousy, Othello readily believed Iago, and personally killed his own wife, and eventually drew his sword to cut his own throat. Therefore, the tragedy in Othello’s marriage is largely rooted in jealous psychology. We analyze the reason effect this tragedy of marriage by following the premarital objective situation and the subjective married life. Othello and Desdemona’s marriage is doomed and dysfunctional from the beginning because of acute differences in marriage and due to Othello’s flaw of characters. We analyze the reasons which affect this tragedy of marriage by following the premarital situation then Othello’s characters in married life. To pave the way for detailed analysis, it is necessary to know about two types of marriages at that time. Jessica Tvordi says in â€Å"In quarter and in Terms like Bride and Groom†: Reconfiguring Marriage, Friendship, and Alliance in Othello â€Å"In its treatment of marriage, Othello introduces and creates tensions between two models of marriage: the dynastic or lineal marriage and the â€Å"companionate†or affective marriage. The traditional discourse of dynastic marriage reflects large concerns regarding the necessary of marriage which means â€Å"long term objectives of linear family†which is defined by Lisa Jardine. Jessica Tvordi says â€Å"†¦the discourse of affective marriage emphasizes the importance of companionship in marriage rather than political and economic gains†. About play Othello, Ot hello is a Moorish general of Venice. Othello is described by Iago as â€Å"Barbary horse†(105 line, Scene1, Act1). However, Desdemona is a beautiful girl who is the daughter of Venetian senator Brabantio. Brabantio is a traditional noble person, his mind obeys and follows the dynastic marriage rule. As Desdemona’s father, depend on the different races and different status, Brabantio certainly fight against with the marriage between Othello and his daughter. In other words, Othello lacks the â€Å"required conveniences†for Brabantio’s family which is pointed out by Iago. Moreover, similar like the two types of marriages affective marriage and the dynastic marriage are not only occurred in England, but also happened in other country. For example, when people marriage in China, they follow â€Å"be matched for marriage†. Because in Chinese culture, marriage is not only two people’s combination but also two families’ unite. So â€Å"match†means two families’ economic conditions, social status, and members of family should be equivalent. Apparently, Othello and Desdemona have a big gap in economic conditions and social status. Here, we can find out that Othello and Desdemona’s marriage doomed from the start, at least, their marriage is not benedictory. However, Desdemona and Othello are against the dynastic marriage rule, they start a clandestine marriage which seemed as a misalliance. Iago reveals their marriage to Brabantio, emphasizing the nature of Desdemona’s actions as disruptive of lineal conventions. Seeming, Desdemona and Othello aspire a kind of affective marriage which is presented by Jessica Tvordi â€Å"a more equal partnership between husband and wife†. In fact, â€Å"Desdemona and Othello represent their feelings for one another within the Protestant paradigm of companionship and affection, which at its most elevated usually downplays strictly lineal concerns. As point out by Jessica Tvordi. When Othello is asked about the match, he explains that Desdemona loves him because of Desdemona’s admiration and pity, she thank’d me, And bade me, if I had a friend that loved her, I should but teach him how to tell my story. And that would woo her. Upon this hint I spake: She loved me for the dange rs I had pass’d, And I loved her that she did pity them. This only is the witchcraft I have used(3. 3. 90) Desdemona also confirms her promise and says: My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me How to respect you; you are the lord of duty; I am hitherto your daughter: but here’s my husband, And so much duty as my mother show’d To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor my lord. †(180 line, Scene 3, Act 3) Desdemona and Othello’s representation certify that they will have an affective marriage and the love between them is true love. Although their premarital condition is not being unpromising, they believe that this affective marriage carrying their true love will have a happy ending. But at the end of the play, this kind of affective marriage change into a tragedy. The reason result in tragedy is Othello’s character emerges in the married life. In Othello’s character, he has a fatal weakness which is jealousy. On the battlefield, Othello is an all-power hero. However, he is made use of by Iago, giving rise to the credulity tragedy of murder his wife and suicide. The tragic results are not only coming from treacherous Iago who is full of jealousy and great ambition but also comes from Othello’s jealousy. Moreover, the jealousy consists of inferiority complex and being credulous. First, Othello always has an inferiority complex because of his black race. His fragile mind has never disappeared although he has been promoted as a noble general. When he hears from Iago about his wife has love affairs with Cassio, he said, â€Å"Haply, for I am black And have not those soft parts of conversation That chamberers have, or for I am declined Into the vale of years,â€â€yet that’s not muchâ€â€She’s gone. I am abused; and my relief Must be to loathe her. †(line262 Scene 3, Act 3) If he is not inferior, he would not judge and suspect his wife based on several pieces of provocation. He is inferior in color and age. In practice, he feels that he is not worthy of Desdemona. He feels inferior to Cassio so that he had an indefinable fear. Second, Othello is too credulous of Iago. He cannot imagine Iago is such an evil who envies Desdemona’s beauty and is very angry and hates him due to a promotion. Therefore, to achieve his revenge, Iago deliberately spread rumors, which Othello did not perceive. I do beseech youâ€â€Though I perchance am vicious in my guess, As, I confess, it is my nature’s plague To spy into abuses, and oft my jealousy Shapes faults that are notâ€â€that your wisdom yet, From one that so imperfectly conceits, Would take no notice, nor build yourself a trouble Out of his scattering and unsure observance. It were not for your quiet nor your good, Nor for my manhood, honesty, or wisdom, To let you know my thoughts. 145 line, Scene 3, Act 3) On the contrary, Othello thought Iago is an honest man since Iago behaved in a hesitant way to expose the truth to him, seems like a righteous man from the heart. In addition, Othello has another character which is male chauvinism. When he is provoked by Iago, he begins to doubt his honesty of Desdemona. It is rather his male chauvinism than so much trust in Iago. In his view, Desdemona’s derailment is sha meful, heinous, hurting his big man’s self-esteem. Even if it is only a rumor, he also cannot wait to ask to find evidence. I’ll see before I doubt, when I doubt, prove, And on the proof there is no more but this:Away at once with love or jealousy! (195 line, Scene 3, Act 3) When he finds that his handkerchief which is used as engagement pledge in Cassio’s room and suspected his wife’s infidelity, it is understandable and justifiable based on his male chauvinism. Another drawback of Othello’s character is his violent personality and impulsiveness, which finally causes the tragedy. Othello looks like a tamed lion after marriage. However he still has the lion’s nature. When he is stimulated, he would fly into a rage. In â€Å"Marriage, the Violent Traverse from Two to One in the Taming of the Sbrew and Othello†, the author Unhae Langis says â€Å"The seeds of disaster are sown in the characters of Othello and Desdemona themselves: as Heraclitus once noted, â€Å"Man’s character is his fate [daimon]. †Unhae Langis analysis the relationship between Othello and Desdemona based on the Othello’s character like that: â€Å"Othello inexorably enacting upon Desdemona the disaster of his marital state and the violent liberalization of the male headship in the smothering of his wife. Ironically, it is their very passion for virtue that induces their ruin. Contrary to the common focus of criticism, it is sameness rather difference that brings on the debacle. †Just like Unhae Langis says, Othello’s violent personality makes his marriage tend to tragedy. Consequently, we can say Othello’s violent personality and impulsiveness is the reason leading to the destruction. We believe it is a true love between Desdemona and Othello. But the result of their marriage is a tragedy. The tragedy is rooted in the objective marriage model and the subjective Othello’s character. At that time, dynastic marriage is the common marriage model. Affective marriage which Othello and Desdemona follow is not receptive at that time. Apparently, their races, social status and family condition are not match. Therefore, Othello and Desdemona’s marriage doomed from the start because of their differences. Furthermore, by Othello’s characters, which are violent personality, jealousy and male chauvinism, although they start this heavy marriage based on their true love, they cannot keep this marriage for a long time. Finally, their marriage is destroyed by Othello’s character and social environment. Shen, Good effort in the first draft! The thesis is clear and you have followed good research to show that the Othello-Desdemona marriage was doomed from the beginning. The biggest drawback in this paper was the use of researchâ€â€you have too many quotes, without explaining what they mean and how they are being used in the specific paragraph or context of your argument. You also need to focus on MLA citations in the second draft. The paper requires 4 sources and so far you have two critics cited. The Works Cited page also should be formatted correctly. Good effort overall! Citation 1. Shakespeare, William. Othello. Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. Robert, Diyanni. New York: McGraw Hill 2007. Print 2. Langis, Unhae. â€Å"Journal of the Wooden O Symposium. †Marriage, the Violent Traverse from Two to One in the Taming of the Sbrew and Othello 8 (2008): 45-63. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. 3. Jessica, Tvordi. â€Å"Journal of the Wooden O Symposium. †In Quarter and in Terms like Bride and Groom†: Reconfiguring Marriage, Friendship, and Alliance in Othello 8 (2008): 85-101. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. How to cite Marital Destruction Out of Dysfunctional Marriage, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Adrienne Richs Revision Essay Example For Students
Adrienne Richs Revision Essay The author writes about her personal experience as a woman writer in a male dominated society. Her essay consists of poems, which she had written throughout different times in her life, to demonstrate the transformation in her writing. As a woman writer in a male dominated society, Rich begins writing in the traditional style, the mans way, but as she continues writing, Rich breaks from these traditional styles to form her own. Like Freire, Rich believes people should break from society and be able to think and question things for themselves. While Freire wants to change the educational system, Rich wants to change writing. Both Freire and Rich want to break from the traditional ways of the past. Rich believes that women need to break from the enduring attitudes of traditions which society has placed upon them. Rich is upset with the limitations placed on women in society, particularly in marriage. It is for this reason that the themes of many of Richs poems are advice for women to live life for themselves, listening only to what their hearts tell them. The three poems Aunt Jennifers Tigers, Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law and Planetarium are analyzed to demonstrate the changes in Richs way of writing. Rich wrote Aunt Jennifers Tigers in 1951, while she was a student. At this time in her life she conforms to tradition in her writing, and tries not to identify herself as a female poet. Rich does not identify herself as a female poet by detaching herself from her character and allowing her character to accept the life that man has placed upon woman. Richs writing is constrained by man because she allows her character to be oppressed by man and does not make her a conscious being of oppression. In Aunt Jennifers Tigers, Rich writes about a woman who does not break from the accepted roles of society. Aunt Jennifer does not have the freedom to live for herself because of societys expectations on women. The only way for Jennifer to free herself is by making up a fantasy world. The author writes about the universal issues involved in the relationship between men and women, in where woman is a slave to man. Rich writes the massive weight of Uncles wedding band; Aunt Jennifer is pinned down, the band sits heavily in her hand, the image of the wedding band brings a feeling of slavery and fear 608. Richs tone in the poem is observant and she makes it clear that she does not want to live a life like Aunt Jennifers. In the poem Rich makes Aunt Jennifer distinct from herself by placing Aunt Jennifer into a different generation, breaking any connection between the author and the character. Richs writing structure in this poem contains the real life within the fantasy life. The first stanza of the poem is about the proud tigers. The second stanza is about terrified Aunt Jennifer. The third stanza refers to the continuation of the second stanza and then to the tigers. In this way, by starting the poem with the tigers and ending with the tigers, Rich is containing the real life within the fantasy, in reverse of Aunt Jennifer, whose inner life is contained within her outer life. In this poem Rich portrays what can happen to an individual who accepts the fate prescribed by custom. The overall message is that men suppress women. Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law was written when Rich was experiencing herself as a woman. During this time, society believed that women were put on this earth to make a family and take care of them. .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 , .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .postImageUrl , .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 , .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:hover , .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:visited , .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:active { border:0!important; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:active , .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755 .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u97c35bd9c0a3d4bca08751928b964755:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Stranger EssayDuring this time in Richs life, she was very occupied with being a wife and a mother; because of this she did not have time to think or write. She wrote this poem in fragments of time, while her children were taking naps. The poem was jotted in fragments during childrens naps, brief hours in a library or at 3:00 A.M. after rising with a wakeful child611. Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law is a poem about a woman who is hearing voices that are telling her to resist and rebel but can not obey them. The woman wants to rebel against society but she will not, because society does not accept this kind of behavior. Rich still writes the poem in the traditional way. The woman in this poem thinks about rebelling but does not actually rebel; therefore Rich is still accepting the oppression on women. Until this poem Rich tried not to identify herself as a female poet. She still does not use the pronoun I; the woman in the poem is always addressed as she. In the poem there is a connection between the character and the author. Rich writes about what she is personally experiencing and how she feels about her life. The voices in the poem are really the womans thoughts and the womans thoughts are really Richs thoughts questioning the views of society on woman. Richs questioning of the views placed on women is an awakening of the mind. The character in the poem is being a conscious being, she is questioning how things are. In this poem though, Rich does not the have the courage to let the reader know that the character in the poem is really herself. The poem Planetarium was written after Rich went to a real planetarium and encountered the work of an astronomer named Caroline Hershel. Hershel worked with her brother on discovering comets but was not recognized as her brother was for her work. This demonstrates the domineering grip that man and society had on a woman during this time. Rich wrote this poem thinking of Caroline Herschel and other women who have been oppressed by society. Unlike the other two poems, Aunt Jennifers Tigers, and Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law, Rich does not write in the traditional style. Her poem is written in free-style and it is spaced out. Finally, in this poem Rich becomes bolder and she uses the word I to make the character and the author become one person. In this poem Rich transformed the way of writing. She broke away from traditional views to form her own style. Rich finally identifies herself as a female writer and has the courage to write exactly how she feels. In this poem Rich writes about her feelings and thoughts on women breaking from society. She makes women realize what society has done to them. Therefore the poem becomes feminist, the theme of the poem is for women to break from the traditional views of society, which encourages women to think for themselves and to question things. In her essay When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision, Rich uses a dialogue with her work to demonstrate the transformations in her wr iting. There are three of Richs voices throughout the whole essay. One of the voices is the critic, the second is the author of the poems and the third is the writer of the essay. Rich criticizes and critiques her own poems to demonstrate the differences in her writing. She transformed language by breaking the traditional views and by writing about mans power over women. At first it prevented her from writing the way she wanted just because she was a woman. Society did not expect a women to have a job as a writer instead writing was considered as a hobby for women. Rich had been taught that society considered poetry to be universal meaning non-female. Because Rich had been taught that poetry was universal it was very hard for her to write the things that she wanted too. Rich lost herself to society, becoming a mother and a wife and not being able to write as much as she liked. .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 , .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .postImageUrl , .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 , .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:hover , .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:visited , .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:active { border:0!important; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:active , .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667 .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1b34d315a5c5322f92697f6bdc198667:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Read chapters 8-11 of Oliver Twist EssayAfter a couple of years she divorced her husband and found herself again. As a result, Rich is her own teacher. She taught herself to have the courage to rebel against society and become a conscious being.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Religion Conclusion free essay sample
In conclusion, after reading and observing all major religions of the world Oudaism, Christianity and Islam) are different in their concept of worshipping, fasting, festivals and tradition. I found one significant thing in all major religions that they believed in one God and accepts of God existence. No matter whom we are and belongs which religion but at end of the day we all standup on a single platform of one God. In Judaism, worship is only for God and God is everlasting with no concept of death and born. This is the same belief in Islam that Allah is eternal with no wife, and son, and nor son of others. In Christianity, God is one but in three different divine substance of Trinity. Jesus of Nazareth teaches that to perform the Lords Prayer by sacrificing our self toward God love and for all people. Jesus said that Humble men are very fortunate! For the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Religion Conclusion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This part concludes that Jesus preached that serve our life for God and humanity for forgiveness their sins and offering a precious gift kingdom of a heaven. The Gospel of Matthew, page no: 82 20- 178). I also found similar names of prophet in major religions. Similar names but different in pronunciation. As Jesus in Christianity and Isa in Islam, Moses in Judaism and Musa in Islam, Jacob in Judaism and Yaqub in Islam. At last all the major religion prophets came into this world with a similar message and mission of one God worshiped and transfer God commands towards followers for their better success in both worlds. All prophets gave instructions for doing good deed to reach heaven and strictly restrict not to perform sin. Furthermore, all major religions festivals give the message of happiness in our life by obeying God commands in certain manners. I also observed that all religious festivals make you closer towards God and make you strong in belief of your religion. Being a follower ofa religion will make you a unique person in the society and not only make you a person but more over make you a better human. I believed that a true religion is that who gave a message of oneness, equality, peace and humanity. The best religion which makes you a better human than a religious person. The upreme religion which teach you to serve our life for human welfare, help and support them without any discrimination. The great religion which guide you to walk on straight path of deed and revoke you from doing sin, the perfect religion which tells you to feel others pain and more respectful and humble to your parents in a lovely manner. Moreover, the best religion which command you to help poor people and orphans by providing necessary facilities of daily life. The most interesting, important and valuable things that I learned from all major religions that offerings rayers regularly which give you peace of mind. Remembering God in our life will make our heart and soul pure of divine light, getting guidance through teachings of your health. Good character and thinking about equality in every aspect of life where the color and race does not matter in your life. The guidance by the word of God (Quran, Torah and Bible) and the teachings of prophet will lead us to live life in this world with great comfort and the best religion to follow and achieve success everywhere. The most valuable things in Islam are the respect for Women, family and chieving good behavior and character. I feel blessed following this religion and I am blessed to born and die in the same religion because the meaning of Islam is peace and the biggest earning in life to earn peace in life, which I got it from birth and I will die in peace following the same religion. In last words, all religion teaches us about to truthful talk and helps others without any unfairness. This will make a better society and all religions preach that to develop the world with humankind and moral education.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Land Made Incarnadine essays
The Land Made Incarnadine essays James Fennimore Cooper's book The Last of the Mohicans is designed to entertain us the way that any novel would, for it is replete with entertaining characters and swashbuckling deeds. However, Cooper also wanted to do more than simply entertain his readers. He wanted to make them more aware of what was happening in the world around them, of how the coming to America of the Europeans had changed the entire natural and social order of the New World. And in order to impress on his readers the seriousness of those changes he chose the most potent symbol possible: That of blood. This paper analyzes the use of the symbol of blood in this Cooper uses blood to stand for a number of different ideas in the book. It serves, first of all, as a symbol for knowledge and even more specifically for the ways in which we come to know our way in the world - how things come to be "in our blood". When European settlers came to America in the 17th century, they found themselves in a world that was entirely alien to them. They had neither literal maps to the country nor any metaphorical ones to understand their relationship to new kinds of plants and animals, new kinds of soil to be hoed and planted, new kinds of people who spoke in languages unheard to them and prayed to gods that they knew nothing at all about. And in the midst of this disorientation, they turned to the one thing that they knew tied them absolutely and irrevocably to the past - specifically to their own past but also to the past of the world: The blood that ran in their veins and that connected them to their homes and their families, to the safe and the familiar. By looking to the blood ties, they looked backward to home. One of the central concepts in The Last of the Mohicans is the idea of natural law, which both Cooper and his main character, Natty Bumpo, hold to ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Salem Witch Trials - How Did it Lead to a Less Religious Society Research Paper
The Salem Witch Trials - How Did it Lead to a Less Religious Society - Research Paper Example During the year of 1692, the Massachusetts Bay colony was deemed as an isolated but emerging puritan community in the wilderness of North America. The population in the area was significantly scattered. People inhibiting the isolated communities of the Salem village, were efficiently threatened due to the wild animals present there, and also the frequent attacks by the Native Americans. The most essential and interesting scenario of the Salem community was the spiritual beliefs and aspects of the members of the community. The vulnerable nature of the puritans inhibiting in the Salem village was deeply due to their religious beliefs, methods, and practices. The fundamentals of the puritans stressed on the fact that everything was in the hand of the almighty (Wilson, 7). It is god who determines the good fortune and prosperous health of a human being. Salvation was a gift from god. The puritan’s practice of worship included worship services, devotion, prayer, and self examinatio n to achieve the blessings of the almighty. The puritans also effectively believed in the fact that god permitted Satan to cause temptation and torment the ones who deviated from the path of righteousness and acted immorally or those whose faith the almighty wanted to test (Wilson, 7). It was believed that the people who failed to follow the path of righteousness was subjected to misfortune, sickness, and endured with a prominent period of grief. It is also to be notified that the puritans had the belief that a Satan might also enter a person’s life in the form of a witch. This was very much prominent in the era of Salem’s witch trial, which was also a significant cause of the evolution of the American civil society (Wilson, 7-8) The thesis acknowledges the fact, â€Å"Salem Witch Trials was a significant factor of the evolution of American civil society. Separation of Church & State, and a breakdown of the strict puritan codes led to a less religious society, improvi ng the justice system which later allowed for fair trials.†It is essentially problematic to actually ascertain the fact about what had occurred in Salem during the year of 1962, but a majority of historian and scholarly sources suggest that the Salem’s witch trial originated due to a particular incident. A group girls from the Salem village was diagnosed with unpredictable fits, followed by hysterical reactions, laughter and crying which was not intentionally provoked, incoherent babbling, attempts to fly, and also in some cases a hypnotic trance. The thing that preceded these incidents of bizarre fits were presumably a secret enchanting session with a woman named Tituba, a salve of the Indian origin from the Caribbean What preceded these bizarre fits apparently were secret enchanting, during which the woman Tituba, accompanied by several girls from the village practiced folk magic in order to predict the nature and identity of their husband before they are married. Wh en the girls were diagnosed by the local doctor, no effective physical cause was found for such bizarre behavior. Due to the attitude and beliefs of that era, it was concluded as no logical explanation could be concluded, then there has to be a disturbing influence of the Satan. Due to the fact that two of them were from the house of a local minister, reverend Parris, he subsequently called the ministers from
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Role Of The Three Chieftains In The Ballad Of The White Horse Essay
The Role Of The Three Chieftains In The Ballad Of The White Horse - Essay Example Together the three chiefs present the picture of selfless courage and a conviction for a cause. Eldred was a Franklin, not a noble man by birth, but a mighty man, huge and brave; dull of wit but warm-hearted, he hosted anyone who loitered into his ill kept farm. He was fond of ale and good food ; he loved to tend his swine and animals; issues of religion or country did not rouse him so much as did his friendship for Alfred for whom he rallied his forces. He was not enthusiastic about a fight, but he had fought fiercely in battles with Ethelred, the brother of Alfred. Mark was an Italian whose father arrived with Caesar into England by ship; he was a confirmed Catholic and at heart a Roman. He grew pine and orchard and drank wine, the drink of Christian sacraments, and not ale like common farmers. He lived among the ruins of Roman settlements; a strong bronzed man with eyes keen like a bird and he remained unaffected by the bickering and wars of the tribes around him, and for him Rome alone counted and it was for Rome that he was going to strike a blow when Alfred asked him for help. He advised Alfred to conquer London, keep Wiltshire and the white horse Wold while he himself was for fighting to keep his own Pines and vineyard. Colan of caerleon was partly Irish and partly welsh thus in him flowed the instincts of the Christian as well as the intuitions of the Druids. He lived in the valley of the Druids where the Usk flowed murmuring into the ghostly sea. He dreamt and sang about his race by now in ruins. His harp sang brooding songs while his sword swinging in war was a happy one."merry in war and sad while singing. His faith was imbued with Christian ideals but his Celtic past fired his spirits; danger and war drew him and his soul heeded to the CALL OF THE WILD. Thus the motive for fighting for each of the chiefs differed. But they had the united purpose and role of being Friends of Alfred and defenders of the civilization. Their Fight and Death It is these three chieftains whom Alfred approached for providing spears ,bows and swords and men for the war against the Danes. Marcus came with all his slaves in arms ,Colan with strange spears hung with ancient charms ,Eldred brought jars and stores of farm mead and rye on his farm beasts ,with his farm hands.The clan of Colan was Gaelic and wore torn and antique robes blowing wailing pipes ,and belonged to an ancient period of wars and strife. Mark's soldiers were mixed tribes of the west experienced in Arabia and Tyne.(Ballad of White Horse IV) Though each of them was brave ,each chieftain responded differently to the war .The Saxon Eldred kept recalling his Farm and the beans there,Colan's heart was filled with the longing for his lost tribe ,and Marcus smote for the religion he strongly believed in. They had no doubt about the side they had chosen to support. But they were perturbed by the prospects of victory
Monday, January 27, 2020
Functional Behavioral Assessment Example
Functional Behavioral Assessment Example Functional Behavioral Assessment Mitchell Sample is a fifteen year old male student in the tenth grade at Anytown High School. He lives at home with his parents, Mary and Joseph Sample, three older siblings, all male. Mitchell was referred for a functional behavior assessment due to noncompliance with classroom rules and emotional outbursts he exhibits within the school setting. These outbursts have resulted in his periodic removal from the regular education classroom setting. His behavior and consequent removal from class is affecting his academic performance. He is failing all his classes with the exception of Art II and PE. Kerr maintains that a functional behavior analysis â€Å"contribute to more effective interventions.†For this reason an FBA is needed to determine the function of the behavior and how to establish a plan that will redirect the target behavior in to the proper direction. Background Information consisting of parent interviews and review of permanent records indicate that Mitchell was initially referred for special education and related services when he was eight years old due to low academics and behavioral concerns. He was found ineligible for services and has attended a general education classes ever since. He has remained in general education environment since the time. Mitchell has a history of struggling academically. He is demonstrating noncompliant behavior by not turning in assignments and ignoring teaching requests and commands. Recently, he has started exhibiting emotional outbursts which causes a removal from the regular education setting. These outbursts interfere with his education as well as the education of other students in the class. Description of Assessment Methods Direct Observations of performance for three hours across six settings which included World History class, English 10 class, Algebra 1 class, art class, lunch and hall pass time. Teacher Interviews utilizing a variation of the Functional Assessment Interview Form. Educational records review, including child teacher support team file. Functional Assessment Results Kerr and Nelson (2010) point out that â€Å"educators are required to conduct an FBA when persistent behavioral concerns exist (FBA is commonly a part of the pre-referral and referral activities, and IEP development, review, and revision for misbehaving students) they are also required by law to conduct it within 10 days of any singular offense by a student with a disability that is punishable by:removal to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting†(Kerr, 2010). A functional assessment of behaviors of concern was conducted for this report using indirect (interviews) and descriptive (structured observation) methods. A topographical definition of the behaviors of concern was developed from interviews and then the behaviors of concern were observed utilizing a momentary time sampling. The antecedents, functions and consequences were then analyzed for this report based on recommended research standards in order to develop a hypothesis for the reasons for the behavior. A-B-C CHART Antecedent Behavior Consequence World History: Demands placed on Mitchell in classroom. Mitchell talks and ignores teacher instructions. Teacher repeats instruction while asking Mitchell to comply with the request. Teacher initiates classroom transition. â€Å"Turn in your warm up and take out your study guide for review.†Mitchell says, â€Å"I don’t have my study guide†and then turns to talk to peer. Teacher asks Mitchell to stop talking, and then asks him specifically to turn in his warm up. Teacher gives copy of study guide to Mitchell, and tells him, â€Å"Fill this out as we review answers.†Mitchell tosses paper on desk, and says, â€Å"Yea, right. Doesn’t make any difference if I do it or not. Screw you.†Teacher ignored Mitchell’s comment and started review. Class begins study guide review activity. Mitchell talks to peer as teacher conducts lesson. Teacher requests Mitchell remain quiet while review is going on unless he is answering a question about the review. Teacher gives Mitchell choice of not talking during instruction or going to the hall. Mitchell chooses to go to the hall. Mitchell walks away from class and is written up for being in an unauthorized area. Art class: Mitchell is given clay to work with. Mitchell participates in activity without disrupting class. Mitchell has clay formed and stored for use for next class period. Algebra 1 class: Teacher asks class to get out their assignment to be checked. Mitchell is talking to peer and does not comply. Teacher ignores Mitchell’s talking and Mitchell does not work on his assignment. English 10: Mitchell is asked to remain silent and get his assignment out to pass in. Mitchell replied, â€Å"I don’t have the damn assignment.†. Mitchell is written up for insubordination and inappropriate use of language Description of Behavior (1) Emotional Outbursts: Data Collection: Data were collected in five minute time sample recordings using a partial interval recording. A positive interval of this behavior was recorded if the behavior occurred at any time during the five minute interval. Data are reported using percentage of positively scored intervals. Data Collection Outcome: This behavior was observed on two occasions once during English 10 and twice during World History. On the first occasion, the behavior occurred for 12 out of the 30 minute intervals. On the second occasion, the behavior occurred for 10 out of the 30 minutes intervals. (2) Noncompliant behavior Data Collection: Using the five minute time sample, this behavior occurred in three settings. On the first occasion the behavior occurred for 15 of the 30 minutes. On the second occasion, the behavior occurred during the entire 30 minutes. On the third occasion, the behavior occurred for 10 of 10 minutes. Antecedent Analysis In an antecedent analysis, one tries to identify the events, situations and circumstances that set the occasion for a higher likelihood of the behavior and those that set the occasion for a lower likelihood. Analysis of these variables allows a more specific intervention as well as identification of environmental mediators to more fully assess the maintaining variables (Scott, T., Anderson, C., Spaulding, S., 2008). Based on the functional assessment interviews and structured observations, the emotional outbursts behavior can occur during any instructional class period (Scott, T., Anderson, C., Spaulding, S., 2008). It is reported that this behavior usually occurs when the teacher makes a request for Mitchell follow class procedures or produce classwork. During the structured observations, Mitchell exhibited this behavior during English 10 instruction after the teachers request for the assignment was made. During World History, Mitchell did not have his homework and continued to ta lk even when the teacher specifically requested he remain quiet during instructional time. Function of the Behaviors The functions of these behaviors produce attention, escaping the assigned task, and being removed from the classroom. In Mitchell’s situation, the function of his behavior appears to be avoiding academic classwork. References Kerr, M., Nelson, C. M. (2010). Strategies for addressing behavior problems in the classroom (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Scott, T., Anderson, C., Spaulding, S. (2008). Strategies for developing and carrying out functional assessment and behavior intervention plans. Preventing School Failure, 52(3), 39–50. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database:
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Heritage Assessment Essay
The heritage assessment is developed to assist the healthcare provider cultivate a therapeutic relationship and approach in care. The use of this assessment tool provides an informative approach of care for the multiple cultural backgrounds that a provider may come into contact with. Clark, 2002 states, â€Å"A succinct knowledge of trans-cultural or multicultural setting within the healthcare realms is helpful in bolstering efforts towards attaining the primary care role of nursing. Thus, when working in the increasingly multicultural settings, nurses ought to refocus on availing culturally competent care, fully customized in suiting the target patient’s own traditions, cultural values, lifestyle, practices, and beliefs.†This paper is written to examine the health maintenance, restoration and protection decisions between three culturally different families (African American, Asian and Hispanic) and each of their unique values and beliefs associated with their particular ethnic group. Interestingly the result analysis will show that all though three different families presenting with three different origins of origination, traditions, values and beliefs regarding health and wellness as well as beliefs of disease processes share a common core faith and value system towards health maintenance, restoration and the practice of their Christian beliefs. By utilizing the Heritage Assessment Tool that is designed with twenty nine questions that seeks answers to details about the client’s familial relations, cultural background, social supports and religious practices and beliefs. Also, the assessment assists the nurses in the planning, and implementation of customized care, by offering intervention mea sures that are not only suitable on cultural fronts of the client, but also comfortable to administer (Clark, 2002). A positive patient-nurse relationship should be guided by the ideals of mutual respect and understanding of the client’s health beliefs, cultural values and religious aspects of practice. The       Heritage Assessment Tool details the actual parameters that nurses would use in examining the impacts that cultural settings would have on the patient, by assessing beliefs and dogmas on diseases and wellness. The cultural ties have direct implications on health care administration, including acceptable health promotional messages, preventive care, curative care, and old-age care services (Clark, 2002). Understanding the patient’s beliefs and feelings of health and wellness can assist the nurse providing care the opportunity to effectively communicate and embrace modes of care. The Health Assessment Tool allows nurses to obtain perfect understanding of the client’s personal views towards health as well as how their value systems or practices af fect the perception of nursing care. (Clark, 2002) By interviewing three ethnicities: Asian, African American and Hispanic cultures an attempt is made to document the impacts of the many different values within the culture that may be associated with healthcare and clinical procedures. From the Asian culture the first family interviewed was a Filipino family. The heritage of the Filipino family is rich in traditions and beliefs as well as strong spiritual philosophies. The family unit among Filipinos remains an integral part of their life. In fact, Filipino families find it irresistible to have regular get-togethers and re-unions, as evidenced by their usual desire to hold ‘handaans’ where they literally invite all relatives for a family gathering. (Bateman, Abesamis-Mendoza, & Ho-Asjoe, 2009) It is not uncommon for â€Å"handaans†to be held once weekly with members of the family reaching out to their relatives. Living conditions for the Filipino families include multiple family members living under one roof. Priority and reverence of the elderly family members living in the home are apparent by watching as to how the younger members of the family dote on and care for their elders. As elderly members of the family progress in age and may be in need of advanced care it is not uncommon for the family members to care for their elder at home versus being confined to a nursing home as this is considered disrespectful and forbidden. The family interviewed claims a Christian based faith and attends regular services of the Catholic doctrine. Even more, in regards to health decisions within Filipino families are completed together with everyone ensuring the wellbeing of the entire family. This being said, some illnesses and mental health issues are seen as an exception to the rule due to the families strong religious beliefs and customary values associated with mental illness and negative spirits that attack one’s body after some way wrong doing the Gods. (Bateman et al., 2009) If a member of the family unit becomes ill the relatives offer emotional and physical support to assist with health restoration. Let’s take for example, by utilizing traditional Asian treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture and acupressure Filipino families engage in restorative treatments. Often time’s acupressure will be utilized to relieve pain, nausea and depression and by utilizing small needles to specific pinpoint locations of the body acupuncture may be used to treat colds, itching and acute conditions. Herba l medicine assists with health restoration, maintenance and the populace that may be vulnerable. . At home the family enjoys their Asian delicacies; with emphasis on healthy diet to enhance body immunity. The health traditions are maintained across generations through apprenticeship, rituals/cultural events, and mentorships (Bateman et al., 2009). The second family was of the African American decent that was interviewed. Cultural systems of African Americans have been hindered after arriving to the U.S. African American cultural values and beliefs are deeply rooted in Africa, mainly Sub-Saharan African as well as Shelean cultures (Quaye, 2005). Unlike Filipino families, African American family units tend to be more loosely connected and focus more on the annual reunions and get-togethers. It is not uncommon for family members to see each other once a year or for special occasions. As family concerns and issues become apparent contact may be made via a telephone call at which time family members may then provide advice or support. The family interviewed considered themselves to be Baptist and go to church on special occasions stating that they often congregate with others of the same faith outside of the church setting. In regards to healthcare the family sees illness and other health issues as â€Å"getting aged†or jus t growing older. The matriarch of the family is willing to share that they have a strong familial incident of hypertension, cardiac disease and other illnesses that are culturally common within their heritage. Even though the family does not freely talk about illness directly to the affected member of the family it is not uncommon that they discuss it among themselves. Though African American uses mainstream treatment means and therapeutic approaches, health restoration and maintenance is purely based on adherence to a healthy diet. (Quaye, 2005) Life sustainment and prolonged treatment may be sought during times of terminal illness but depending on economical standing may be averted. Medical support systems and preventative care are occasionally sought after within the community setting during health fairs for screenings for illnesses such as prostate and breast cancer during the onset of old age. The health traditions are retained through kingship and extended social networks where close and extended families pass on treatment traditions and beliefs across generations (Quaye, 2005). The last family interviewed was of Hispanic decent and unlike the Filipino and African American families has very little contact with their relatives as most immediate and extended family members live in Mexico. Although the family can contact each other via phone and social media they rarely visit in person due to crossing the border. The family practices Catholicism and attends mass on a regular basis. Further, the interviewed family, like other Mexican families, views the cause of illness or diseases as jealousy against others or due to resulting imbalance between cold and hot. (West, 2005) Herbal remedies and treatments are a common Mexican health tradition to fend off the illness and keep the sick family member warm and the use of oil is utilized to ensure the patient is protected from dehydration. It is not uncommon for the family to use traditional cures for heath restoration such as Curanderos or conditional care for illnesses such as diabetes. Home remedies are often passed down from generation to generation. During chronic conditions, health restoration and maintenance may be done through conventional treatment, but only after the mother convinces the father the importance of doing so (West, 2005). In conclusion, the three immigrant families show distinctive ideas and beliefs of traditional health maintenance and wellness after arriving the U.S but it can be seen that they share a common belief in faith as indicating their value systems towards restoration and feel they are protected by their Christian faith .When planning for wellness and health maintenance as well as restorative care it is important to consider family background, beliefs, values regarding the ailment and develop interventional measures that observes specific traditions as well as cultural and religious values. References Bateman, W., Abesamis-Mendoza, N., & Ho-Asjoe, H. (2009). Praeger Handbook of Asian American Health: Taking Notice and Taking Action, Volume 1. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO publishers. Clark, C. C. (2002). Health Promotion in Communities: Holistic and Wellness Approaches. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Quaye, R. (2005). African Americans’ Health Care Practices, Perspectives, and Needs. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. West, J. (2005). Mexican-American Folklore. Armonk, NY: august house
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Role of Youth in promoting Communal harmony in India Essay
Posted by SujataParashar on March 7, 2013 in News  · 0 Comments When my son was about six his classmate asked him about his religion. My son could not answer him as that was the first time someone had asked him that question. He did not know what his religion was. For that matter he did not know the meaning of the word. But he was curious about it and so after returning from School that day he asked me the same question: ‘what is my religion, Mom?’ Instead of replying to him immediately I made him sit and asked him about his day at school and during our conversation gently probed why he wanted to know about it. Once I learnt the exact reason, I explained him the meaning of the term in the simplest of ways and told him that if anyone asks him about it again to tell them that; he is an Indian. He listened to my explanation, nodded quietly and left it at that. I wasn’t sure whether my son had understood or accepted my explanation. But to my surprise I learnt that he had registered it well. And even now when he has learnt through his text books that India is a multi – cultural, multi – lingual and a multi – religious country and that many of his friends belong to different communities and follow different religions, whenever he has been asked by anyone about it, he has sincerely informed them that he is an Indian. I share the above personal experience just to highlight that the understanding and attitudes of our children (and youth) play a crucial role in shaping the future of the country. It is important that from a young age they learn and imbibe the â€Å"unity in diversity†spirit  which is the essence of our nation. In fact, our history is replete with examples where so many of our Kings, Emperors and even the invaders and colonial rulers divided us in the name of religious and communal differences. On the other hand, we also have countless examples of great kings who remained secular in their views and actions throughout their lives and consequently the country prospered under their rule. In fact, India has always been a land of spirituality where the beliefs and faiths of people from different casts and communities have been respected and flourished. But it is also a country which has undergone transformation several times; from dynastic rule of the kings, emperors to colonial rulers and finally to gaining independence and becoming a country of the people, by the people and for the people. Yet, despite attaining freedom, having a written constitution based on ideals of democracy and secularism and being led by visionary leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri et al communal harmony in the country is on a decline. Issue- based politics has given way to vote – bank politics based on narrow interests and goals of political parties. In order to achieve these goals they’ve been resorting to picking up social causes on communal lines which divides rather than binds people. The situation is so bad today that even a small and often silly remark by an irresponsible member of one community about the other can take the form of a major riot – like situation leading to victimization of several hundred innocent people. Often these remarks are made deliberately and with ill – motives. The chasm between religious communities is so wide that people are fooled easily into believing even baseless rumours spread purposely to cause unrest among them. We Proud Indians Respect All Religions and Countries. In such a sad scenario it is our youths who can become agents of change and create harmony among different communities of the country, with their positive outlook and actions. Understand and Accept – As I mentioned earlier, India is a land where people of different faith have co -existed peacefully. However, it is politics, which proved to be divisive. It is not religious leaders by and large who divide but some politicians or political parties who seek to mobilise votes on grounds of religion, caste and ethnicity. The youth is educated and more aware but at the same time they must accept the true identity of India which is: multi – cultural and multi religious. It is important that they not only understand but also respect other communities and their belief system. Celebrate occasions – Major religious festivals like Diwali, Christmas, Eid, Guru Nanak’s Birthday are officially declared as a holiday in the country. Our constitution says all are equal before the law. The Government encourages all its citizens to celebrate major religious festivals, irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. But how many of us make the effort of joyfully celebrating such festivals together with the members of other communities? Not many, I think. We are divided within on the basis of our religion. One of the best ways to achieve communal harmony is to jointly celebrate and participate in each other’s religious festivals. Young people can show their secular spirit through their attitudes and actions and set an example for others to follow. Spread awareness – Most political parties have been playing the communal card to win elections. They have won elections by dividing people and by turning friends into enemies for their own gains. This must stop. Youth can be powerful agents of change. Once they know the right thing they cannot be suppressed into agreeing with the wrong. Youngsters must come together, express their opinion freely and spread awareness about important national issues and their take on it. They must involve people in discussing and debating these matters of national importance and in arriving at a conclusion through consensus about what is best for the country. And they must make sure their collective opinions are conveyed to the leaders in clear terms. This will not only ensure that the government takes decisions based on the welfare of its people but also check the politicians from playing the communal card. Be a proud Indian – Most of all young people can set example for others by showing their pride in their country thorough positive and healthy dialogues, responsible behavior and caring attitude towards one and all. â€Å"Be the change you want to see†-Mahatma Gandh
Friday, January 3, 2020
Argumentative Essay On The Giver - 825 Words
The Giver by Lois Lowry is a Utopia because no one is ever starving, no one really feels pain, and they can’t choose wrong. Throughout our world I have seen many people on the sides of streets having no food, no home, and no family with no one helping them to have a better life. I have also seen people helping the homeless and shelters but in this book they don’t need to do that because everybody already has a home and food. Plus they don’t have to ask for money and food, they already have it. The communities always have meals ready to go for everybody. They have three meals a day and everybody meets in their community. â€Å"No one in the community was starving, had been starving, would be starving (Lowry 110).†This is when Jonas gets in†¦show more content†¦Unlike us where we have the privilege of choosing even though most of the time we choose wrong. â€Å"‘What if they were allowed to choose their own mate? And choose wrong’ (98).†This is Jonas after he learned about choices and how bad they could be. I think that he is totally right because in our world people have had multiple wife’s or husbands. They can never choose the wrong job and be jobless for the rest of their lives or choose the wrong husband or wife. If they had kids and they got a divorce the kids are sad for the rest of their lives having to go to a different parents house each week. If someone loses their job and can’t afford a house they could be home less with kids living on the side of the street with no food or shelter. You could argue that this book is a dystopia because they aren’t free and can’t make their own choice but the problem is a lot of the time we choose wrong and it affects our whole life. For example, what happens if someone choose to not go to college and end up working at a fast food restaurant for half of their life. Then they can’t support their family if they were even lucky enough to have one without a descent job and they could end up going to college when their 40 or 50 trying to get a descent job. Be honest though no one wants to do that. In Jonas’s community people watch over other people and assign what they think is the right job for them for the rest of their lives and not have to worry about putting food on the tableShow MoreRelatedSince The Fifteen Century, Society Has Viewed Suicide Or1178 Words  | 5 Pagesjudicial or legislative decision, include Canada, Japan, an d Germany. Currently in the United States, following the same process of a judicial or legislative processes, are the states Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Montana, and California. This argumentative essay discusses physician-assisted suicide. Based on the incredible amounts of restrictions, many patients do not qualify for assisted dying – leaving legalization of physician-assisted suicide a continuous disservice. 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