Sunday, May 24, 2020
Why Is insomnia on the Rise Essay - 1056 Words
Over the last few decades insomnia has been on a dramatic increase, especially in the UK. This is an issue as it causes damage to ones biological state resulting in a negative change of the economical, personal and social state of the sufferer [1]. Therefore, this issue report will identify and discuss treatments and causes for the reason behind an increase in the number of insomniacs in the UK (graph one). Insomnia is described as a chronic condition in which one finds difficulty in getting to sleep and/or staying asleep [2] and occurs when the responsibilities of the thalamus are not fulfilled (the part of the brain which controls sleep) [7]. Sleep is also controlled by the pineal gland (located behind the thalamus)which is activated†¦show more content†¦This is supported by research findings which showed that 20% of the accidents that occur in the UK are results of sleeplessness [4]. Also if the sufferer is deprived of sleep during the night they will begin to sleep during the day. This will lead to an increase in the number of days off work and so they will not be earning as much as they need to, leading to unemployment, obesity and mortality [4] as more time is spent being inactive in bed. Depression is one of the main personal issue (and indirectly economical issue) that arises from insomnia [4]. This is because the well being of the sufferer is disturbed which causes a great emotional impact on their peers, especially their family. This again leads to absenteeism from work and more medication being prescribed, creating a further burden on the economy. However depression could be a cause or result of insomnia making the impact worse. A personal issue experienced by insomnia is that the patient’s memory becomes weaker [7].This will result in more mistakes being made resulting in possible job loss and further negative consequences. Another reason why sleep in a very important factor of ones life is that; as well as having a deteriorating memory, ones concentration is also lost whichShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of Exercise And Healthy Eating1470 Words  | 6 Pageseveryone should attempt to get the maximum sleep, however insomnia is a disorder that prevents many people from successfully getting the eight hours of sleep that they need. With no firsthand experience of insomnia, sleep deprivation seems to be the common cause of insomnia. Most people have heard of insomnia, but the formal definition according to WebMD, is a sleeping disorder that is characterized by difficulty staying or falling asleep. Insomnia can be initiated by an array of psychiatric and medicalRead MoreHemingway Code Hero Essay1172 Words  | 5 PagesErnest Hemingway, author of The Sun Also Rises, brands his main character Jake Barnes, a Hemingway code hero. 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